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Wall Street's biggest put stock in equal bonds

A wise investment: New York (CNN)Wall Street's leading banks have signed a "friend of the court" brief pressing the Supreme Court to back same-sex marriage. Major financial firms including AIG, Bank of America, BlackRock, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs...

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Gross: Tony Perkins makes some sort of 'ugly baby' joke at Hillary Clinton's expense

After an interview with his Executive Vice President, Jerry Boykin, that was exclusively dedicated to Hillary Clinton and the email thing that's in the press, viciously anti-gay (among other things) social conservative politico Tony Perkins responded to Boykin's use of...

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Really, suddenly contrite Ben Carson? Because you were pretty cocksure before!

I don't know about you, but if I go on national television and claim that millions of people's sexual orientations are "absolutely a choice" and further suggest that prison coitus proves this to be so, I think it's fair to...

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ADF links A-Rod's drug suspension with florist's anti-gay discrimination; huh?!

I'm really trying to be nice here. But there's just no other way to say it. This clumsy attempt, from Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Joseph Infranco, might be the most ridiculous piece of commentary writing I've ever seen an...

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NOM: Marriage means putting choking hazards on your baby's toes

First and foremost, kids are not a marital requirement, and it is the height of anti-intellectualism to suggest you can shape public policy on this matter around something that is always—every time, in every instance, in every civil marriage—an option....

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Video: Ben Carson is apparently one felony conviction away from fellating a man

Forced, dominating, otherwise option-less prison sex proves that gay people "absolutely" choose their sexual orientations, claims GOP presidential frontrunner: It's always adorable for me, someone who very much tried opposite sex physicality just to make sure my instincts were in...

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