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NOM coalition partner: America will fall unless you March For Marriage

by Jeremy Hooper

This comes from the Coalition of African American Pastors, an affiliate of the National Organization For Marriage:

Owennom-2 This scripture sums up the condition of America today; there is no new thing under the sun, and all nations eventually end up at the same end of the road when they choose to disregard the divine laws of God. The historical specter of what a fallen nations looks like can been seen throughout the pages of history; and history proves that when spiritual corruption and lawlessness are permeating a nation it will fall. The nations of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece, and Rome all testify to the divine judgment of God—history cannot be denied.
Today America is following in the tradition of these nations, which is evidenced by ‘lawlessness’ that prevails from the highest court in the land! ...
The war to keep faith and family strong remains our priority. At CAAP we work against the odds to make a difference in our nation. Nonetheless, there are exciting things ahead for CAAP. We want you to join us at this year’s March for Marriage April 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C. The march was moved to coincide with the Supreme Court case, and we're looking to bring even more of our friends, partners, and engaged youth to the event.

But let's be fair, folks. When years go by and God doesn't destroy America for embracing fifty-state equality, I'm sure these characters are all going to offer us their sincerest of apologies for the psychological torment that they willfully perpetuated. Right?

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