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|| April 19, 2015 »
Court upholds Houston's Equal Rights Ordinance
Finding that the anti-LGBT petitioners fell short of the signatures needed to put it on the ballot, Houston's much politicized equal rights ordinance is now law. Mayor Parker is overjoyed: The law will protect LGBT Houston from discrimination in city...
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Maggie Gallagher won't toast you while you trap your spouse in sin
Here's what Maggie Gallagher, doyenne of the marriage discrimination movement in America, says she would say to a loved one who invited her to a gay wedding: Here’s what I think. We are born male and female, and marriage is...
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NOM pre-spins its likely low #March4Marriage attendance
National Org. For Marriage president Brian Brown just posted a truly desperate plea for supporters to give even more money in order to send people to their completely under-the-radar March For Marriage. Brian writes: [NOM] "I'm going to have to...
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'Children of gays' lawyer to SCOTUS: Ban same-sex marriage so bisexuals will marry heterosexually
David Boyle is the Long Beach, CA, attorney who serves as counsel for Robert Oscar Lopez, Brittany Newmark-Klein, and those same four of five so-called "children of gays" (who are more accurately children of divorce and other fractured relationships) who...
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