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FRC's sixth day of fasting-for-discrimination: Where to even begin with this one?!
In the Sunday edition of the stunt that the Family Research Council calls twenty-one days of prayer and fasting and that people like me call "the PR disaster that proves once and for all just how animus-driven this deeply GOP-connected group really is," the Family Research Council is praying for the attorneys who are arguing on behalf of marriage equality, the media, people who work for the federal government. All are taking part in evil, demands FRC, in one of the most derisive pieces this organization has put out in recent memory:
The homosexual agenda is forever at odds with the Word of God. No matter what Laws are changed, no matter how much pseudo-social science, and no matter how many votes are cast to affirm it, the Word of God is utterly clear on the matter.
Only God knows the consequences of all this, if our intercessions fail. No nation has gone down this particular path, ensconcing, enshrining a sin in law, giving those who practice it huge special legal protections, tax and other benefits. This is all so irrational and wrong from a Biblical view that it shocks the very senses; it is surreal. Many nations have suffered God’s final judgment for less.
We prayed for the attorneys defending marriage yesterday (see Day #5). Let us now pray for the attorneys arguing for same-sex marriage: Mary L. Bonauto and Doug Hallward-Driemeier.
Mary Bonauto, long time gay rights advocate, will argue that the 14th Amendment requires a State to license marriages between two people of the same sex; Doug Hallward-Driemeier, who has led many high-level appeals, will argue that the 14th Amendment requires states to recognize marriages between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed elsewhere.
-- May God move upon Mary Bonauto and Doug Hallward-Driemeier mightily to awaken their consciences to the sinfulness of their cause. May He move upon them even amid what they may see as the high point in their lives and careers. May they be interrupted by Christ, like as was Saul of Tarsus, who thought he was doing right, but suddenly, found himself confronted by the Lord, Himself, asking “Saul, Saul, Why do you persecute me?” May they, too, be blinded by light of Christ, repent, be converted and spend their lives serving Him and not the Kingdom of darkness (Eze 8:3; Dan 5:22-27; Acts 9:1-6; 1 Cor 2:9-14)
-- May the Spirit of God fall upon them and may they be compelled to speak truth, not lies (Num 24:2; Is 59:4; Jer 9:5; Zech 8:16; Sam 10:10;19:20; Eph 4:14-15; 4:29)
May these scholars in legal combat be as the prophets on Mt. Carmel; and may the call to choose between God and Baal be as stark as it was there – despite the cries and rants and cutting of the flesh the prophets of Baal displayed, may fire of God come down to lick up the water on the Altar. In their presentations, their answers to questions, may the god of this movement be uncovered and exposed for what it is. May the Justices discern it plainly, and find repentance in their own hearts (Josh 24:15; 1 Kgs 18:21; 2 Kg 6:15-23; Mt 20:31-34).
-- May each Justice and America become uncomfortable, uneasy, even repulsed by the worldly wisdom of the same-sex arguments and realize that it is foolishness before the Lord. Let them be reminded that the fear of the Lord is true knowledge and wisdom! (1 Sam 16:4a; 16:15; Job 23:15-16; Acts 7:32; 24:25; 1 Cor 1:21; 3:16-20)
Anoint those praying across America, as representatives of Christ, by faith, to use the weapons of our warfare that are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. As we pray, may imaginations be cast down, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God - every thought be brought into obedience to Christ! Move, God, supernaturally upon all these people! (1 Sam 11:7; 2 Chr 17:10; Est 9:3; Jonah 3:4-5; Acts 5:5; 19:17;2 Cor 10:3-5; Eph 6:10-20)
-- May God grant the Justices and America discernment to see simple truth. May false reasoning and arguments be pulverized! May the plain truth: that Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, All-wise, All-loving God “made them male and female” break into their consciousness. May they cry out “what have we done? May their confidence in lies be exposed! May they question their allegiance to evil and misguided ideas and people. May they cry out to God amid the confusion and may he set them free from bondage to believe God, embrace his love and truth and be delivered from the chains that have bound them. Meanwhile, may every planned argument be dulled, stifled and prevented from hitting its intended mark (2 Sam 23:3; 1 Kg 3:6; 3:9; Isaiah 16:5; Jer 13:20-27; Lk 12:56)
-- May those caught in this biblical drama, rooting and cheering-on the legal team be bound: media, friends, colleagues, etc. May they ask, “What am I doing?” May this be the turning point in this drama because of the working of the Spirit of God to convince of sin, righteousness and judgment! (John 16:8; Acts 2:38; 3:19)
-- May the Fear of God come upon the Media, which has so lopsidedly advocated for sin. May journalists everywhere discover themselves empty, unsatisfied, and grieving, distressed to realize that they have been following the wrong master. May they be strangely silent, except to speak and write truth as conviction leading to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ falls upon our nation! (2 Chr 7:14; Joel 2:12; 11-19)
-- Let us pray too, for those employed in the vast federal bureaucracy, led by the President to participate in this unholy agenda, which is leavening our children’s minds and destroying our posterity. May those who have taken part in this evil tremble before the Lord for the harm done to our nation! May they rush to repent and find God’s mercy! May all of us be convicted, weep with bitter tears, and turn to Christ for forgiveness and help in this late hour! (Ps 14:7; 30:5; 99:1; 126:5; Joel 2:12).
Psst, FRC—just repeating the word "evil" over and over again doesn't actually make it so.
*EARLIER: Day One: FRC claims Christians will be 'under accelerated assault for the rest of our lives' if SCOTUS rules for equality at this 'evil hour'
Day Three: FRC's marriage fasting Day 3: 'The wolf is at the door' (spoiler: we're the wolf)