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AFA: Gay rights = 'grave threat to our survival as a nation and as a moral and civilized people'

Reflecting on the anti-LGBT organization's recent boycott against Pepsi, the American Family Association "explains" why it's perfectly okay for them to boycott certain companies. Naturally, it's because the acceptance of gay people is going to end us as a nation...

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Tony Perkins: Baltimore unrest might be godly punishment for declaring 'moral rights to that which is morally wrong'

The Family Research Council president, who is currently busy attacking CBS newsman Bob Schieffer for making note of his extremism on-air, is back with yet more of the very rhetoric that earned him his reputation. Take it away, Tony Perkins:...

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The oddity that is the LGBT rights debate circa 2015

For over ten years, I've slogged through this here "culture war" in order to take on the worst, silliest, and most unsound arguments that the other side uses against us. Some days it's been incredibly frustrating. Other days it's been...

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