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Sen. (and prez candidate) Cruz to join extreme anti-LGBT activists at Family Research Council event (#WOTW15)

by Jeremy Hooper

Flip Benham refers to gay rights as "the Devil's agenda":

Kenyn Cureton believes that gay people are "poor, deluded souls" who are "simply pawns in the hands of their malevolent master" (i.e. the Devil):

"Who do you think is ultimately behind the efforts to advance the radical homosexual agenda, indoctrinate our children, and ruin our military, now? Who's behind the efforts to get God out of government, Christ out of culture, and faith out of public life? Who's behind it? Well, I think we've got a pretty clear answer. [laughter] The Devil is behind it! So, the real enemy…it's not the poor, deluded souls who are advancing these ungodly agendas—they're simply pawns in the hands of their malevolent master. They need to be set free by the grace of God in the person of Jesus Christ—amen?…As you think about this battle in which we're engaged, you need to think about who the real enemy is that we're fighting against here, and that is, the fact is, we're up against the organized, mobilized, demonized forces of hell itself. And really, to the victor goes the prize of the America our children will inherit, so this is a fight we dare not lose. Amen?"

E.W. Jackson claims there is a "direct connection" between homosexuality and pedophilia:

*Source: Faith 2 Action 4/6/10


Frank Turek claims that gays and "radical Muslims" both "hate Western civilization, both hate Judeo-Christian natural law values that our Constitution and particularly our Declaration of Independence were founded on, promotes the idea that gay people are embracing harmful, "illegitimate" and "changeable" behavior on par with that of sociopaths, alcoholics, or even gay bashers, likens same-sex marriage to human/beast marriage, and gives ridiculously anti-gay lectures against gay "behaviors," which he links to alcoholism:

Those are just four of the voices who Senator Cruz will be joining when he attends the Family Research Council's upcoming Watchmen On The Wall summit.. Full program below:

FRC's anti-gay WOTW15 event

In addition, the "ex-gay" group PFOX will be exhibiting at the event. Because these are the kinds of ideas that leading GOP presidential candidates still court in the year 2015. Sadly enough.

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