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Shorter Jeb Bush: I'm essentially Santorum on my marriage stance

by Jeremy Hooper

Forget the more moderate Jeb Bush we heard earlier this year.

So similar to his brother, but even worse. Whereas George was at least acting in a nation where the idea of marriage equality was both more theoretical and controversial, Jeb is speaking after a decade of (benign, peaceful, happy) change that led us to nearly forty marriage equality states and an American public that very much supports it. Even with every real world reason to move to the right side of this issue, he's doubling down on the far-right perspective that threatens to destroy the GOP.

And to have the audacity to bring up Obama and Clinton? They've both moved to the right point of view, without any qualifiers. It's one thing for someone like Russ Feingold, who was a supporter years prior, to ding the POTUS and the presidential candidate for taking longer than some of us would've wished. It takes a lot of brass to fault them for their feet-dragging when you yourself are keen on planting your feet in the mud—and helping your anti-LGBT base sling some of it at loving, tax-paying Americans.

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