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And now conservative pundits are begging states to secede and form gay-less paradise (#LesGayBiFelicia)
Attention all tourism boards. WND editor Joseph Farah needs you all to consider his oh-so-rational and in-no-way-nutso plan:
Is there one state in 50 that would not only defy the coming abomination, but secede in response? The rewards could be great. I would certainly consider relocating. How about you?
The founders of this country found a place of refuge in America and shaped it into the greatest self-governing nation in the history of world. Just think what one state could do if it simply stuck to the principles that made this country great? Americans wouldn’t have to cross an ocean to rediscover what brought most of our ancestors here. We could simply drive.
Are any states so inclined?
I haven’t heard this question raised by anyone else. So I’m raising it now. We don’t have much time before the nine high priests in black robes decide to follow Baal instead of the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
We need a Promised Land. We need an Exodus strategy.
If not a state, are there any nations in the world interested in a pilgrimage by millions of Americans?
—Joseph Farah, founder and editor of WND (formerly WorldNetDaily)
FULL (via Right Wing Watch): Conservative Pundit: Millions Will Flee America, Demand Secession Over Gay Marriage [RWW]
Hmm. But will your new utopia have media outlets that unwittingly hurt their own causes with crazy rhetoric that shows their movement's true colors? Asking for a friend who's interested in a time share in your new anti-gay theme park.