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|| July 14, 2015 »
And now we start checking 'em all off the list (#LoveWins #MoreThanMarriage)
While neither of these long-sought-after LGBT rights developments, both of which broke this afternoon, are specifically related to marriage, you can be sure that the Supreme Court's ruling is a major reason why we see things falling into place in...
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Unable to grumpily take ball and go home, Missouri county uses flags for childish marriage equality protest
When it comes to making us look even better in the wake of victory, Dent County, Missouri just did the victorious equality movement a solid: The Dent County Commission voted unanimously Monday to observe one year of "mourning” over the...
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Then you're being bad allies, Walker boys
The media has found a story in the fact that Wisconsin governor and Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker, who staunchly opposes marriage equality and supports measures to overturn the Supreme Court's decision, has two young and photogenic sons (ages nineteen...
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Video: Focus on the Family finally owning childishness of their arguments
The Supreme Court should be put in time out, suggests a Focus on the Family staffer who is as reliably qualified as most Focus on the Family staffers to make such an argument: This isn't something I make my child...
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