Good As You: Alliance Defense Fund Roundup
Ruling: Gay NYers get to keep what they already had
On some beautiful day in the hopefully not-too-distant future, New York state will have full marriage equality, and anyone who tries to challenge its benign legal existence will be laughed out of court. But for now, we Empire Staters are...
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Well they've already altered one law, why not another?
The anti-gay side's latest attempt to stop the big, bad gays from "harassing" them? To completely change campaign finance law, natch: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Alliance Defense Fund allied attorneys together with ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit Wednesday on behalf of...
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Video: We crushed gay people's souls this year -- now give us $$$$!
December is fundraising time in America. It's a month where groups exploit end-of-year nostalgia for their own gain, hoping the season's warm feelings will translate into financial contributions. For the anti-gay movement, those "warm feelings" come from hurting gay people:...
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'A Lie in Defiance of Fun turns attention midwestward
Regarding Iowa and the case his team will make in order to stave off the crushing tide of tolerance and respect, the Alliance Defense Fund's Douglas Napier has offered up the following: “The Iowa marriage law is simple, settled, and...
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NY: Out-of-step attorneys targeting out-of-state marriages
Here in New York, we gay folk currently have our out-of-state marriages recognized by our state government. But today our opposition, led by the uber-anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund, are again trying to put the kibosh on the parity, with the...
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Benkof on ADF: Not fans of gay weddings or the subsequent horahs
Do you remember a few weeks back, when gay-identified gay rights opponent David Benkof said he would no longer support California's Proposition 8 campaign because of "disturbing information" he had learned about the measure's supporters? Well according to allegations in...
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VALUES VOTERS 2008: Sears sells cheap inventions
On Saturday, after outlining his organization's war against the "invisible wall" between church and state, the Alliance Defense Fund's Alan Sears gave the Values Voters audience some insight into what sort of "dark vision" he perceives the ACLU as having....
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Focus on the Palin: Dobson & Co. love Sarah
You know how some folks have taken Sarah Palin's onetime veto of a bill that would've limited domestic partner benefits and tried to spin it as some sort of "pro-gay" move? And you know how we, among others, have been...
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'A Lie in Defiance of Fun' suffers NY blow
The Alliance Defense Fund has been dealt a loss today in our home state. Despite the notoriously anti-gay legal beagle's efforts to derail progression in the Empire State, a Bronx Supreme Court justice ruled today that Gov. David Paterson was...
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In a New York state of mind(less activities)
Today in the Bronx, the notoriously anti-gay legal beagles at the Alliance Defense Fund will be in front of the NY state Supreme Court arguing that Gov. David Paterson overstepped his authority when he ordered that out-of-state same-sex marriages be...
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They think Jesus should bang the gavel, yet WE'RE the unlawful ones?!
You know the Alliance Defense Fund, the conservative legal group that argues against gay equality at every turn? The group that argued against marriage equality in California? The outfit that tried to have a "stay" placed on the California ruling...
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Bottom line: Any branch that helps gays is WRONG!
06/03/08 -- The Alliance Defense Fund's Brian Raum speaking about NY Gov. Paterson's directive that his state must recognize out-of-state same-sex unions: "The future of marriage should be decided by the legislature, not executives who take matters into their own...
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Video: Lavy confuses bi love with 'Big Love'
We showed you Mat Staver blatantly lying about the possibility of the CA ruling leading to legalized polygamy. We also showed you Tony Perkins suggesting that the California legislature had been overstepped, even though they have twice approved marriage equality...
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Attention troops: Brigadier General Pam Spaulding has alerted us that there has been a critical security breach in the Gay Armed Forces. It seems someone has leaked our secret schematic for "normalizing same-sex relationships" to the folks at the rabidly...
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Audio/video: The full picture is much more telling
We're going to give you an assignment which, if you have the time and energy, we think you'll find interesting. First watch this Alliance Defense Fund fundraising/promo video, especially the portion in which attorney Glenn Lavy is shown giving what...
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Video: A 'truth' we'd unapologetically like to 'silence'
There are certain rites of spring. As the temperature rises in the runoff to summer's warm crescendo, we trade out our heavy garments for lighter, more breathable ones. Sneezes become a part of life as we suffer through yet another...
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Adults with law degrees to again use 'em for ill
Do you remember back in March of last year when a U.S. District Judge ruled against an Illinois student's right to wear a shirt reading "Be happy, not gay," setting off a discussion about what is and is not acceptable...
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Personal definition of 'strong families': Not a suitable legal argument!!
Read this short item from Focus on the Family's CitizenLink and then we'll get back to you: The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) and The Center for Arizona Policy have sent letters to the Arizona Department of Administration recommending the state...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 6)
Here is Alan Sears highlighting recent accomplishments of the Alliance Defense Fund (a.k.a. the court cases that will be remembered as sources of shame for future generations of fair-minded Americans): 'Values Voters Summit' Coverage -- Clip 6 [YouTube] **MORE: See...
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ADF still trying to make anti-gay tees trendy
In defense of an Illinois student's "right" to wear a tee shirt reading "Be Happy, Not Gay" to school, Nate Kellum of the extremely anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund says the following to Focus on the Family's CitizenLink: “As the U.S....
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Ocean Grove Pavilion: Public, private, or public for everyone except gays?
So you might remember back in July, we told you about a situation in Ocean Grove, NJ, where a lesbian couple was denied the opportunity to hold a civil union ceremony in a certain pavilion because said pavilion has ties...
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Conservative lawyer: Gays giving marriage the shaft through back-door
In response to the lesbian couple who was married and Massachuseet but who are now seeking to divorce in Rhode Island (a case which could set a precedent), Austin Nimocks of the extremely anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund tells WorldNetDaily: So...
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Focus on your 'definitions': Take Two
So you remember on Friday when we showed you how both Focus on the Family and a senior counsel at the Alliance Defense Fund were trying to make it sound like marriage is "defined by law as one man, one...
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Focus on your 'definitions'
The following is from Focus on the Family's CitizenLink "news" site (highlighting our own): Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the New York Department of Civil Service, alleging the agency exceeded its authority when...
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And in Britain they have a Parliament -- what's your point?
In what they are calling a "Q&A about the federal hate crimes bill," Baptist Press has posted a chat that they recently shared with Alliance Defense Fund attorney Chris Stovall. One portion that really annoyed us was this, in which...
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Anti-gay tees: Still not trendy
The Alliance Defense Fund -- which, for those not in the know, is sort of like the ACLU for those who think "religious freedom = freedom to foist Judeo-Christian values on others" -- has lost yet another bid to have...
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Hey, it's Friday -- how about a typo post?
If there's one thing we know about the conservative legal eagles at the Alliance Defense Fund, it's that they care about facts and accurate representations. For the latest example, check out this letter (pdf) that they recently sent to Connecticut's...
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SCOTUS asked to review ban on shirt; confused dummies wonder when white deodorant marks on tees became Supreme Court territory
The gay-unfriendly legal eagles at the Alliance Defense Fund are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review a ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in which that judicial body found that a California high school student didn't...
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Alliance Defense earns GA students the right to insult gays; proud, they must be!
Under an agreement reached with the extremely anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund, Georgia Tech University has agreed to remove their policy banning both hate speech and the posting of signs attacking gays and other minorities on campus. Unwelcome news for gay...
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Do ya think they ever stop and think, 'Hmm...maybe painting gays as standing against God is wrong?'
When asked what he would say to motivate so-called "values voters" in the upcoming election season, the Alliance Defense Fund's Alan Sears tells Focus on the Family's CitizenLink: "Stay focused on the eternal. God has given us an incredible series...
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ADF still protecting the sanctity of bias
Responding to a federal judge's ruling that students in Boyd County, Kentucky, do not have the right to opt of court-mandated diversity training, the Alliance Defense Fund's Kevin Theriot (who argued on behalf of the anti-diveristy training side) cites the...
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"Day of Truth" folks capture uncanny knack for mislabeling bullsh*t on digital video
In an apparent effort to make their annual "Day of Truth" -- a school day in which students are encouraged "to counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda and express an opposing viewpoint from a Christian perspective" -- more accessible...
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ADF: The Decepticons to ACLU's Autobots
The Alliance Defense Fund of Arizona has filed a motion for preliminary injunction against the Board of Education in Boyd County, Kentucky, because they claim that the school system's mandatory diversity training classes are unfair to the less tolerant students....
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Day of (un)Truth
A day after GLSEN holds its annual "Day of Silence" to protest anti-gay bias in the nation's schools, The Alliance Defense Fund will encourage Christian students to counteract the gay-friendly message with what they are calling a "Day of Truth."...
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