Good As You: Americans For Truth Roundup


Don't forget, SPLC watchers: This appearance comes AFTAH Pete's other one!

Peter LaBarbera knows that a group or website has to really go beyond a certain pale in order to earn the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate" label. There are so many groups who fight on the "pro-family" side who have...

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AFTAH on dubious list: A long overdue American truth

Back in 2008, this writer was honored to have this here website chosen by anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera as the 10th of the "20...good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the...

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The play in Peter's head: Gays are extremists censors, junk science supporters are 'pro-normalcy'

This from professional anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera: Whoever would have thought that 1-3 percent of the population — united around the practice of deviant, unhealthy sex — could command such power? (Only in a declining society, we maintain.) ... And...

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LaBarbera and Ssempa? 'Pornmato, pornmahto' intimates Throckmorton

Ha! Tentative "ex-gay" proponent Warren Throckmorton's getting snarky: BBC News: Ssempa shows porn to church audience [Throckmorton] For those of us in the "culture war" know, the crossed out part is an obvious dig at Peter LaBarbera and his Americans...

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Audio: 'Ask/Tell's most dishonorable discharges just might come from Pete's mouth

-An arrogant slamming of Europe. -The ridiculous suggestion that heterosexual soldiers will be the ones to be punished if a gay soldier makes an unwanted sexual advance. -The belief that Defense secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff chair...

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They loved her in 'Charlotte's Web.' Not so much in Joan Jett's

In the upcoming biopic on the band The Runaways (Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Cherry Bomb), Dakota Fanning's Cherie Currie character will get a little Sapphic with Kristen Stewart's Joan Jett. That's because the "bio" part of "biopic" stands for "biographical," which means reality not...

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What is Google Telling Us? [J.M.G.]

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Dance with ones who brung'ya (*just not during campaign season)

Ir's simply fascinating to watch the fair weather allegiances within the anti-gay side. During campaigns like Maine's recent "yes on 1" effort, the "mainstream" groups like Focus on the Family and the National Organization For Marriage deliberately (and wisely, for...

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Matt Barber: The diarrhea-mouth-afflicted man who's winning us this 'culture war'

We've repeatedly referred to Matt Barber as the anti-gay movement's biggest liability. That's because his work, whether it be with his former bosses at CWA, his current work with Liberty Counsel, or his own independent writing for outlets like Townhall,...

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CPAC attack: Gay + Antigay Sponsors = Barber/LaBarbera barbs

We were pretty disgusted when we saw that the gay Republican group GOProud had signed on as a sponsor of the Conservative Political Action Conference, alongside such overheated anti-gay groups as the National Organization For Marriage, the Alliance Defense Fund,...

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Who was Messing with America in '04? Debra, apparently

Watch this little snippet and the we'll get back to you: Okay, so it's a bit of innocuous situational comedy, right? Clearly the "up-skirt" hand that groped Grace amounted to nothing more than a flirtatious thigh-rub, or a coquettish tickle....

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Pete's '70s history book: Berkowtiz and Milk share same chapter?

David Berkowitz killed six people and wounded seven, claiming that a demon-possessed dog convinced him to paralyze an entire city with bone-chilling fear. So naturally, in the obsessively anti-gay mind of one Peter LaBarbera, the plight of the so-called "Son...

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Well since you did ask, Pete...

In a new, rambly attack in which he chastises New York Times columnist David Brooks for committing the GOP "sin" of not being conservative enough for the religious right's liking (as they have defined conservativism in America), Peter LaBarbera has...

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Peter LaBarbera is right; In other news: Yes, you read prior sentence correctly

Peter LaBarbera has done us all a service today. For reals. Because in a passionate letter that he has fired off to the entire "pro-family" community, Pete has pointed out the great divisions and abject hypocrisy that will soon dismantle...

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Audio: FAIL blooms around Chai's nomination

*Source: Chai Feldblum Nominated to the EEOC [CWA] Okay, first off: The "Ch" part of Ms. Fledblum's name is pronounced like Channukah, not like charisma. It is a Hebrew name that begins with a glottal stop. It's said like "Hi,"...

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How to unite Obama critics and supporters alike: Show how much the far-right hopes to decimate our freedoms

While we were marching on Washington, assessing the details of Pres. Obama's HRC speech, and discussing the various approaches that we as a people think we can best use in order to come together in support of LGBT rights, longtime...

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'Gays are loud,' says man who appears in every conservative outlet being loud about his anti-gayness

Peter LaBarbera has made a number of claims about us over his many years of professional homo-hostility. It seems that turning us into a petulant child-like monolith is his latest tactic: "The problem with having the homosexual lobby as an...

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Social cone-servative

When it comes to Ben & Jerry's decision to change the name of their "Chubby Hubby" flavor to "Hubby Hubby" in honor of Vermont's newly-initiated marriage equality, longtime scooper of inequality Peter LaBarbera feels too frigid to melt: "Besides the...

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Have we moved into an aftah' AFTAH era?

**UPDATE: Move on, nothing to see here. AFTAH head Peter LaBarbera tells us it's because on old card was on file, and that the site will be up again soon. **UPDATE 2: Site back up. Internet collectively sighs.

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In perfect world, it'd be Pete's work with which we'd associate the word 'shrink'

Peter LaBarbera makes his living by attacking LGBT people. That's his sole job. Day in and day out, he fosters the hurtful, anti-scientific idea that gays are flawed, immoral, and "fixable," helping to foster the climate of fear and hatred...

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Video: Bargain basement Barack bashing

You know Peter and Matt are serious when they call President Obama "radically [fill in the blank]," because they italicized that particular word on their hastily hung banner: It seriously looks like the sort of meeting where the speaker will...

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Kiss my sass, Pete

Oh this reminds us... Wielding perversion like a weapon: most normal people do not want to see two people of the same sex kiss — a “disgust” factor that homosexual activists are counting on to maximize the effect of their...

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The Autumn of Pete's discontent

You might remember when, a week before this writer's wedding, longtime 'mo foe Peter LaBarbera sent an email message with the sole purpose of condemning my then-impending nuptials. It wasn't related to any particular political matter or bit of activism...

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LaBarbera places a call; America lets it go to voicemail

This from Americans For Truth: (story link) This from America in general: Because a great nation screens. **SEE ALSO: Alvin takes on Peter/Paul (but not Mary)'s lies: Peter LaBarbera repeats Paul Cameron lie about homosexuality and cigarettes [HB&HM]

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Kiss, sin: Your puckered lips chap Pete's arse

Q. You know what two buildings are not the same things? A. A one-family home and a Mormon temple. Q. You know what isn't a militant act? A. Kissing. Q. You know who, judging by the following clumsy setup, doesn't...

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Video: No son, I can't go swimming on this lovely June day -- I have gays to film.

Pete's discovered YouTube: Okay, (a) a parade participant is not expected to support every last message that makes up the processional, and (b) one decidedly hardcore group's message about fighting back against instances of unfair police harassment doesn't mean that...

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Pete decries 'Christian Left'; And evangelicals wonder why so many have 'left Christianity'?!

Tit: "I think there are Christians who struggle with the sin of homosexuality -- but proud homosexual Christians? That's an oxymoron to me in the same way as I would say proud adulterous Christians," he adds. "And so, I think...

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You've found us out, Pete: We want gay kids to be treated like humans

We want to thank professional anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera for bringing to our attention a speech that GLSEN founder (and Department of Education appointee) Kevin Jennings made back during the Clinton years. For while Pete surely intends for the Jennings'...

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Because a toaster would've been too sane

Perilous to my mind, body, and soul? Hell, it's my bank account that he should have really mentioned! These wedding things be mucho costly! But hey at least my spouse, unlike Mrs LaBarbera, won't have to deal with a lifetime...

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Pete asks me to come into the, uhm, light; I'm too busy planning my wedding to care

Several people have asked yours truly if I plan to address Peter LaBarbera's new post about me. My answer: Not really, at least not at length. I really only wish to say four things: (1) I take issue with his...

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Hypocrisy, thy name is LaBarbera

On Wednesday, in response to this writer's request for an on-the-record statement regarding what he and his allies see as their anti-gay endgame, Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera wrote back with this: There's nothing explosive under the black bars --...

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Maybe Pete's 'gay lives are junk' filter blocked the messages?

On Monday we told you how Peter LaBarbera was lashing out against 17-year-old James Neiley because the openly gay Vermont teen had the "nerve" to speak out in favor of his life and the equal treatment thereof. And we also...

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Too young to vote. Old enough to be publicly condemned by LaBarbera

Earlier this month, Peter LaBarbera gunned for a six-year-old girl and her family when he proudly declared that the young Iowa child "needs a father" and "will be scarred by 'gay marriage'" (fear quotes his). Well now he's up the...

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LaBarbera: Gay activists will soon seek what none of them have even hinted at wanting

Deliberate attempt to confuse evangelicals in 5, 4, 3, 2... Vermont's new law allowing homosexuals to "marry" contains strong religious exemptions. It states that members of the clergy are not required to "solemnize any marriage" and that the refusal to...

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Stick it to Rick: Warren losing evangelicals as fast as he lost gays

Another day, another anti-gay evangelical coming out against Rick Warren. This time it's Peter LaBarbera: Rick Warren-Larry King Interview Transcript — Saddleback Pastor ‘Apologizes’ for Prop 8 Role [AFT] ROCK ------ A pastor who wants to have it both ways...

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'Protect children' publicly mocking and denouncing their families

How do you react to a sweet picture of two mothers celebrating a long overdue victory with their six-year-old daughter? Well if you're Peter LaBarbera, you post something like this: The young girl in this photo needs a father, and...

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And we were this close to asking him to be our flower boy!

Peter LaBarbera will most certainly not be asking Iowa gays where they are registered: “Today Iowa becomes the first state not on either of the nation’s two liberal coasts to impose counterfeit, homosexual ‘marriage’ or its mischievous twin, ‘civil unions,’...

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A gay human was murdered? Ooh, I bet I can mine political capital outta that!

Exploiting a human being's murder in order to say that all gay men are promiscuous, anonymous sex fans, and to further his pro-"ex-gay" cause? It's just another unsavory day in the professionally anti-gay career of Peter LaBarbera: Folks, the greatest...

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Audio: A writer reads his fiction

Want to hear a grown adult who spends his every day persecuting gay lives and loves turning around and playing the "persecution" card himself? Well listen to the following long-winded speech that professional foe of the 'mos Peter LaBarbera delivered...

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Laurie & Pete vs. Wayne & reasoned outrage

You might remember the following West Virginia anti-equality video, since it earned Internet infamy earlier this year for a scene (:57) in which an American family is shown as being in the literal crosshairs of gay activists: Now, just about...

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Pete calls Wayne 'extremist'; even kettle-focused pots find the logic incongruous

In a new post, longtime anti-gay extremist Peter LaBarbera is attacking gay activist Wayne Besen for being "one of the most hateful, anti-religious bigots in the overall homosexual activist movement." And while it may sound implausible to anyone who actually...

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Yea, because why should a good Christian come out against mandatory jail/therapy for gays?

In Uganda, homosexuality is illegal. There is also the possibility of life imprisonment for homosexual behavior. And as you might be aware, the nation has been in the "culture war" news lately because of a recent conference at which forced...

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Defending your 'power bottom' post as Jesus would

Remember on Monday, when this site quite unabashedly took the piss out of the fact that a forty-something, heterosexual, Christian man would see some sort of a weird need to sit down at his computer and write a post containing...

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Anal sex news you can use, with Peter LaBarbera

When it comes to attacks on our sex, Peter LaBarbera can certainly lube 'em up and mount 'em. For instance, here is the entirety of a new piece that the "power anti-sodom" has posted to his Americans For Truth site:...

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LaBarbera wants Falwellian history to rePete itself

With the GOP somewhat lost in the wilderness, far-right activist Peter LaBarbera is continuing to shop for the smallest, most gay-unfriendly, most faith-based tent he can find to house the party. This from One News Now: More than half of...

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Pete's yet-to-be-poured Milk

We have it on good word that anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera is currently prepping a post that will utilize this image: So let's guess: What will be the topic of Pete's post? (a) He'll give us a thoughtful discussion examining...

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Hey Pete: First apologize for your own Nazi comparisons, brother!

Peter LaBarbera is calling on the Republican Party of Georgia to issue an apology for and take action against Georgia Log Cabin Republicans president Jamie Ensley for comparing Pete's anti-gay activism to Nazi party behavior: Call for 'gay' GOP official...

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Audio: Two grown het-identified Christians share their gay commonality

Matt Barber & Pete Labarbera spent the afternoon chatting about the evil gays and their pesky agenda. Here is the "Liberty Live" show, in four parts: **ALSO: Here's the transcript from the live chat that accompanied the show:

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People who live in gas chamber-invoking houses shouldn't throw stones!

While criticizing Log Cabin Republican figure Jamie Enslee for invoking Nazi imagery in his denunciations of anti-gay rhetoric, the man responsible for that rhetoric, Peter LaBarbera, writes the following: Someone smart once said that the first person in a debate...

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Peter burns down big tent, wonders why trapped gay elephant is pissed

After some unfortunate '08 campaign tactics that we found beyond the pale, this site declared a disassociation with the Log Cabin Republicans. However, their latest back-and-forth with familiar G-A-Y side-thorn Peter LaBarbera is just too soapy to ignore. Part 1:...

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