Good As You: Americans For Truth Roundup


Activist group takes piss out of Peter

We have never been prouder of the Taskforce: (click to give) Contributing to equality/ thanking a far-right spokesperson for the unique role he plays in helping us achieve the same. We think we deserve a cut of that money, NGLTF...

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But if hired by bread company, can we be a roll model, Pete?

Plan on curing cancer? Gonna triumph over adversity to win multiple awards in your field? Have a start-up business idea that's going to take you from the unemployment line to the billionaire's club? Or do you want to eschew personal...

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Gay's move up career ladder sinks Pete to new lows

Peter LaBarbera and his partner in unscrupulous demonization, Laurie Higgins, are once again proving that the "pro-family" fight is not really about marriage, faith, or "child protection." Instead, it is about much deeper, more insidious things like seeing that qualified...

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Pete's Xmas focus: Dan giving and receiving (simultaneously)

Peter LaBarbera has a new obsession in his professionally anti-gay life. The most recent fixation:The sex life of writer and activist Dan Savage. This from Concerned Women For America: Eek. We just find the focus and lengthy musings about the...

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'...Whose bias was so long he could suck it!'

In a bizarre creative display, longtime 'mo foe Peter LaBarbera has pecked out a pair of anti-marriage equality limericks: Limericks on Prop 8 There once were some people called “gay” Who were used to getting their way. They lost on...

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T-day: Some enjoy mashing potatoes, others enjoy bashing gay love

In a particularly venomous Thanksgiving-themed article, that lil' sweet potato known as Peter LaBarbera says many nasty things about gay folks. He tries to deny gays' their right to both God and Thanksgiving, attempts to strip the civil rights worthiness...

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At war with harmony: Pro anti-gays turn to 'e'

When we saw that the eHarmony matchmaking service was, due to court action, planning to open up their site to same-sex couples, we figured there would be some push back from those anti-gays who prefer eDiscord. We did not, however,...

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Well if you wanna go there, Peter...

Responding to something that our pal Pam Spaulding posted to her blog over the weekend, our ol' buddy Peter LaBarbera writes the following on his own site: No, Pete? You can't imagine your side writing anything nasty? Well, my friend,...

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Kern won re-election, not validity

One thing we really wish is that the anti-gay side would stop confusing their ability to obtain popular opinion or popular vote in certain areas as a measure of their righteousness. History is littered with instances in which the majority...

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When did inclusive kids books become synonymous with Satan?

This from One News Now: Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), charged liberal activists with "rank hypocrisy," according to a Christian Newswire report. Palin, when she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, expressed concern about a pro-homosexual...

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Petrelis covers Pete's (de)Presser

Friday afternoon in San Francisco, longtime gay and AIDS activist Michael Petrlis protested Peter LaBarbera's press conference in opposition to a local fetish event. Co check out Michael's account of what went down at the poorly attended (and that's being...

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Unfair attacks? Bizarre fascination? Terms like 'Nancy Pelosi's district'? Wow, is it Folsom Fair time already?

Peter LaBarbera and his friend Linda Harvey have finally revealed what we've known all along: That their campaigns against fetish and leather fairs are not as much about stopping the events themselves as they are about stopping gay rights as...

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Peaceful truth vs. judgmental condemnation: Which is the bigger deity sell-out?

We have learned that Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera is currently preparing a story about newly de-closeted Christian singer Ray Boltz, in which he will use a photo with this title: We'll have to wait for Pete's post to learn...

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Businesses rejecting bias: Its good cents and sense

Speaking about businesses that score highly on the Human Rights Campaign's index of gay-inclusive companies, anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera has the following to say: “What we are surprised at is that more people aren’t engaging these corporations, because to get...

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Pete at Minn. bash, bashing men who are into men

Prolific "pro-family" dude Peter Labarbera has announced that he will be on hand at this week's Republican National Convention. And why, you ask? Well, so that he can educate folks on Barack Obama's "pro-homosexual advocacy," natch: Obama is 'Radically Pro-Abortion,...

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Pete said/ We said

Speaking to One News Now about the mainstream media's coverage of adoption by gay and lesbian couples, Peter LaBarbera says the following: "What is incorrigible about this coverage from Associated Press is that it is totally absent of any critical...

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Your post is 'ridiculous,' says he who ran photo of man licking another's butt

We have a startling admission to make. That is: Peter LaBarbera was actually correct about a fact that we ourselves got wrong. The dealie: Well yesterday, Pete wrote a post in which he defends his recent decision to use explicit...

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Wherein a 'pro-fam' crusader (photo)shoots for the rim(job)

We would never post this photo, which depicts a man kissing and possibly about to perform a rimjob on the ass of another, in a manner less censored than we've done here: And why not? Well, because most of our...

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Shhh, Pete -- the genuinely heartfelt are trying to talk

Reacting to the Tennessee church shooting and the genuine outpouring of support that's come from the typically compassionate LGBT community, Peter LaBarbera has given his thoughts to One News Now on topics ranging from hate crimes legislation to the death...

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Audio: Pete takes pride in devaluing our families

Peter LaBarbera ventured down to the San Diego Pride parade, where he was surprised to find so many children. And upon seeing all of the young ones in his midst, he, like any reasoned person, looked inside himself and said...

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Pete expects this writer to be 'cheap'; Fitting, since I think his rhetoric costs society greatly

LOL. This is the introductory paragraph to Peter LaBarbera's latest post: Folks, we expect homosexual activists like Jeremy “Good As You” Hooper to take cheap shots at pro-family leaders like Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (R) — but we don’t...

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Desperate conservative times call for...fetish porn ads?!

So what graphic is Peter LaBarbera using to highlight a new post wherein he expresses his resistance towards a gay-inclusive military? A fetish porn ad, natch: Oh Pete. That's all we can even say on this one. Oh Pete. So...

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McQuote of the day

In a post wherein he raises a major stink because no media showed up for his sparsely populated anti-McDonald's press conference, Peter LaBarbera says the following about those who've sworn off Big Macs until the fast food giant swears off...

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Grimace, you might wanna find a bunker!

Peter LaBarbera and friends have officially entered into the war on McNuggets. This is the latest from Pete's Americans For Truth site: Americans For Truth has called a press conference outside of McDonald’s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, this...

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Wherein Pete does something genuinely pro-gay

Yesterday we saw Peter Labarbera make a list of the 20 people and groups that should keep anti-gay/anti-abortion Christians focused on their cause. But of course for those of us who staunchly support the freedom of same-sex-loving adults to live,...

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Peter releases hit list; this writer thrilled to still be considered 'young'

Recently, this writer was honored to be nominated for the Brave Nation Young Activist Award. However, I think I might have just received a distinction that's even more prestigious, even more glamorous, and far more steeped in extremism. The new...

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Rainbows? 'Gay'? Pete apparently holds the deeds

We're all human beings, most of whom have the ability to speak and write words, perceive and create colors, and decide for ourselves what does and does not constitute equality. So when certain sects within our shared humanity utilizes things...

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Oh look, Pete's getting snarky. That's cute.

When we heard Brokeback Mountain is being mounted as an opera, our reaction from both a gay rights and NY theatregoing standpoint was nothing short of positive. One who doesn't share our enthusiasm, however, is Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera:...

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Wherein Pete destroys the sanctity of call letters

Dear Peter LaBarbera: If you are going to raise a stink about a local anchor in Orlando Florida MCing a gay event at Disney World and are going so far as to email both the reporter and her news director...

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But he means 'force of evil' in the loving, Christian way

How willing is our opposition to reduce our progressive ideas to nothing more than self-serving, destructive game-playing? Well, of the gay community's work to encourage the Boy Scouts of America to stop fostering a world in which gays are discriminated...

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Not ifs, ands, or butts about it: Pete's gettin' cheeky

A few days ago, we forewarned you that Peter LaBarbera had a post in the pipe wherein he planned on attacking a Queer Prom that will be held tomorrow night in Chicago. But even we didn't expect Pete to do...

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Pete sends early Fathers' Day present

Of this photo that is running on the Equality California website... ...Peter LaBarbera today says the following: Now look at the “gay daddies” propaganda photo... What emotions does it evoke in you? Righteous anger, pity, sorrow, deep frustration? (If your...

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Geez, do you want a play-by-play Peter? Or maybe we should make you a tape?

In a email message to supporters, Peter LaBarbera is using a fear of the homo-sex to scare folks about today's amazing, fantastic, historic, world-changing California marriage ruling. He poses the following question: Our direct answer: Anally and orally, with some...

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It seems some Americans are not for Pete's 'truth'

In response to Peter LaBarbera's one-sided assessments about an alleged hate crime in Illinois, one of our regular readers followed Pete's advice and wrote to Champaign County State's Attorney Julia Rietz about the matter. In a comment that reader has...

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Gays are anti-religion, says he who keeps religion anti-gay

Peter LaBarbera and Box Turtle Bulletin's Timothy Kincaid (a frequent and much loved commenter here at G-A-Y) have been having a back-and-forth regarding the way Pete is presenting the "facts" in an alleged hate crime case that realistically put a...

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Late night pen pal

New York City, Friday, May 2, 11:35ish PM. Jeremy Hooper, fresh from a relaxing night with the mister consisting of a wonderful dinner and a sub-par play, is pulled out of his world of peace and calm and right back...

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Pete's discourse takes southward descent

The inescapable words of anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera have now extended beyond the bounds of just our fair nation. The Americans For Truth head has given an interview with the Brazilian publication Enfoque Gospel, in which Pete, who is credited...

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Rather than tackle Pandora, Pete shames men who don't wanna schtup her

In a new piece in which he encourages "an official government investigation of the health risks of homosexual practices," Peter LaBarbera offers up the following challenge: I challenge all those who make the dubious case that there is no disproportionately...

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A 'civil-less' plan for a less civil world

How can we end the confusion that comes from our nation's varying laws on gay marriage, civil unions, domestic partnerships, etc.? Well, the obvious answer is for us to do the right thing and standardize marriage equality for everyone, giving...

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Relax, unmarried, harassed, beaten, unequal gays. Your opponents are simply 'responding'

We often wonder if our organized opposition has been listening to their own press so long that they genuinely believe their spin on queer issues, or if they continue to use discrimination-justifying lines that they fully realize are flawed because...

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It's true: Pete's no fan of 'Vagina'

Always in search of news ways to demonize progressive ideas, body acceptance, and frank talk about actual issues, longtime gay rights opponent Peter LaBarbera has launched a new campaign in which he is gunning for author Eve Ensler and her...

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Peter ponders Charlie's peter placement

If Florida governor and possible VP candidate Charlie Crist (pic.) is into dudes, then he owes it to Republicans to let his man-loving ways known. Or so says our old poker buddy Peter LaBarbera, who writes the following on his...

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Peter guns for yours truly; yours truly replies, 'FINALLY -- he throws some traffic this direction for a change!'

In response to our piece from yesterday in which we unapologetically scoffed at the way Peter LaBarbera was likening homosexuality to everything from womanizing to gambling rather than to its much more rational counterpart, heterosexuality, Pete has written a reply...

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Sally kinda sorta (but not really) distances self from 'terrorism'

She may be stubborn about offering any sort of an apology, she may feel that she needs to retain legal counsel, and she might think that it's proper to take emails that were sent to her and forward them to...

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'Off the record' emails: Pete's varying standards

Over the years, this writer has exchanged numerous emails with Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera, with Pete making extra sure to say that our correspondences are off the record. In fact, here is what he said over a year ago:...

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Video: Do these genes make my ass look queer?

When this writer looks for jeans, he chooses a pair that ever so slightly highlights his peter. When WGN looks for a story on gay genes, they choose to ever-so-slightly highlight Peter (LaBarbera, that is): "Gay" Brothers Research

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Pete & Matt: Brothers in Demonization

If you follow the gay "culture war," you know that whenever Matt Barber or Peter LaBarbera form an anti-gay opinion about something, the other of the duo will be behind to back up their bro. They're like the Matt and...

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Did'ya hear the one about the transman who'd like to be accepted?

In order to combat transphobia and correct any misconceptions that participants might have, The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force has decided to include a portion on "Transgender Etiquette" in the program for their upcoming Creating Change Conference. An inclusion...

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Paglia: Pete likes her writing, not what she does with hands at other times

Peter LaBarbera has decided to post a decade-old piece that was written by out lesbian Camille Paglia, because he feels that the iconoclastic writer's words give credence to his own "pro-family" ways. However, before daring to link to someone who...

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Pete first out of MRSA-blame gate

Well, we knew it was only a matter time before one of the "pro-family" types used the news that MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is being found at higher rates within urban gay men to demonize gays in general; we just...

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