Good As You: Barack Obama Roundup
5/2/10: President's Sunday brunch to come with side of gay grit
Forget cherry blossoms. A coalition of LGBTQ groups wants the long overdue bloom of planted DADT repeal seeds to be what guides you to the District this spring: Protest at The White House to Demand Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t...04/15/2010
Dignity, piece by piece
The goal remains peace. **SEE ALSO: President's Memo on Same-Sex Partner Hospital Rights Inspired by Case of Lesbian Janice Langbehn and Her Late Partner Lisa Pond [Towle]02/18/2010
Video: CPAC daydreams, as interpreted by Will Ferrell and Co.
Listening to the #CPAC10 coverage, we couldn't help but think of an old SNL sketch. Because judging by their constant attacks on teleprompters, it seems to be an all-too-accurate vision of what the far-right thinks would happen to our president,...02/04/2010
Prayer Breakfast: Pass the eggs, not the draconian laws
This morning at the National Prayer Breakfast, both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama directly addressed the insane Uganda legislation. Here are the president's thoughts: "Challenging each other's ideas can renew our democracy. But when we challenge each...01/30/2010
Video: Refresh
There's nothing LGBT in the following hour. And you may have already seen it on other sites or media outlets. But since earlier this week we expressed some sense of restored hope for our president, we do feel it's imperative...01/27/2010
"Abroad, America's greatest source of strength has always been our ideals. The same is true at home. We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal,...01/26/2010
Video: Anglin' America: A Possible Gay Fantasia on Presidential Themes
After last week of Scott Brown-iness, we decided that this week would be an attempt to restore "hope." One in which we'd genuinely try to reclaim the optimism from November 2008. To put some fierce support behind our "fierce advocate,"...01/25/2010
DADT in POTUS' SOTU: OMG! or j/k?
Is the president planning on discussing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in this week's State of the Union? Perhaps, says Sen. Carl Levin: Now Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is saying he expects the president...01/20/2010
Gavin and equality: He knew some, was treated like he knew little
With Gavin Newsom's prospects for higher office looking virtually nonexistent (by his own admission and seeming contentment), the pro-equality mayor is speaking to Maureen Dowd about those in his own party who've helped keep equal rights down by choosing to...01/18/2010
Video: 'We must fight discrimination' says supporter of marriage discrimination
Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.: "Let us broaden our coalition, building a confederation not of liberals or conservatives, not of red states or blue states, but of all Americans who are hurting today, and searching for a better tomorrow....01/17/2010
When the president calls, SHHHHH! it from the mountaintops
Dear future LGBT candidates: If the current president leaves you a message after the beep, he'd prefer it if you pretend it never happened. Free World Leader messages are kind of like Fight Club: The first rule is that you...12/14/2009
Audio: To get Whoop's B+, B.O. must focus on the G-A-Y
On today's "The View," one Whoopi Goldberg explained why her President won't be getting a B+ grade from her this holiday season: Good for her. And good for us. It's a testament to our side's activism that this is the...12/10/2009
Video: Yes Virginia, there is a hopeful cause
We want to believe. We need to believe.11/25/2009
For those who find the birther movement too credible
Did you know that there's an out lesbian who is calling for the impeachment of President Obama? It's true. Her name is Tammy Bruce, and she's [unwarrantedly] mad as [faux, right wing-stirred up] hell and she's not going to take...11/04/2009
Dear 'fierce advocate':
Maine's elephant in the room? Let's instead let Equality California address a major donkey that was not in the room: The Obama administration was absent in yet another critical fight for the soul of our nation. His failure to speak...10/19/2009
'08: Russia, house, I can see it, yada yada; '09: Rushin' White House, because gays have seen it, nada nada
Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We... Oh wait a minute, what's that calendar say? October of 2009? And we're LGBT people? Oh, oops. Well in that...10/16/2009
Dear Obama admin: Can we too have a decoder (and wedding) ring?
Well, it's something: In response to an inquiry from The Advocate, the White House issued the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s position on anti-gay voter referenda in Maine and Washington. “The President has long opposed divisive and discriminatory efforts...10/11/2009
Don't read this, President Obama. My words aren't what matter.
Here's what I, Jeremy Hooper, believe: I do think some of the criticism of the president has been an exercise in unfairly piling on. While much of the outrage has been spot-on and appropriate (DADT, DOJ brief, etc), I have...10/10/2009
Dear HRC dinner attendees:
The president does not deserve a standing ovation on anything involving our relationship recognition unless and until he comes out for FULL marriage equality. He did not do that. On this issue, let's not rise to our feet (in a...10/08/2009
Video: Besen, Bill, and Barack: Whose spin factors most?
Bill O'Reilly Interviews Gay Rights Activist About Obama [YT] Don't you just "love" O'Reilly's verbal flourishes? He talks about "all this gay stuff" like there is, at best, no value on our lives, loves, and protection thereof, or, at worst,...10/05/2009
No offense to 'Glee' cast, but HRC dinner tix just got intensely hotter
Major news from/for HRC: President Obama will speak to a gathering of gay rights activists this weekend, a day before thousands of people are expected to march on Washington in a demonstration calling for greater legal protections for gays, lesbians...09/28/2009
A small gift for Family Day. But a cute and thoughtful one, nonetheless
Today is Family Day. And in his proclamation addressing the occasion, President Obama has made sure to mention our families: FAMILY DAY, 2009 ------- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Our family provides one of...Some jobs are simply too important for eVite
Cleve Jones wants our president at the upcoming National Equality March. We all do. He's kind of a big deal. Our main strategy to get him on site? Turning to our friends while playing The Beatles: Rock Band and casually...08/24/2009
Booker seeks New arc in Obama's rights policy
“I was a huge supporter of Barack Obama and still am, but I think that he needs to take some steps right now, and I think that the more people who are friends of his or associates of him get...08/17/2009
Video: Be alive. Be free. Believe.
SOURCE: I Believe SpeechDOJ and DOMA: Could they DO MO' for 'MOs?
If a majority of voters approve an unjust law that a certain administration admittedly finds discriminatory, does that administration have to defend majority tyranny at the expense of minority liberties? The Obama administration still thinks so: The Obama administration filed...08/15/2009
Video: Values by Valerie: Chief surrogate speaks to LGBT hope
This morning @Netroots_Nation. Valerie Jarrett on our "fierce advocate's" promises: It would've been nice to have some followup questioning. But some followup action would more than make amends. Valerie Jarrett on the president's civil rights promises [YT]08/12/2009
Audio: Medaling in hope
Here's President Obama bestowing a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom upon Harvey Milk: Now let's hope this president will have the mettle to grant us the freedom for which Harvey fought! **UPDATE: Complete remarks, which also honored the LGBT-centric work...08/10/2009
G.I.s, Joe: Solmonese is as doubtless as DADT is heartless
Optimism, thy name is Solmonese: U.S. NEWS WRITER DAN GILGOFF: President Obama hasn't moved on promises to overturn "don't ask, don't tell" or the Defense of Marriage Act. Has he fulfilled his pledge to be a "fierce advocate for gay...08/04/2009
Happy b-day, Mr. Prez. We got you a link to some 'Advocate' scrutiny
In the latest issue of The Advocate, reporter Michael Joseph Gross looks into "fierce advocate" Obama, what he has and has not accomplished in office, and the community frustrations that have defined this gay summer even more than gingham shirts,...07/30/2009
Harvey Milk, B.J. King (no, that's not a nickname) to receive presidential medals
We're still waiting for the Obama administration to show mettle against conservative opposition in order help gays achieve full, unequivocal freedom. But it is nice to see that this year, the prez is showing medals of freedom to two out...07/16/2009
Leavin' ya with some good old fashioned hope
But make no mistake: the pain of discrimination is still felt in America. By African-American women paid less for doing the same work as colleagues of a different color and gender. By Latinos made to feel unwelcome in their own...07/01/2009
Video: Just wait until he really does something for us. That's when the real anti-gay 'fun' begins
(3:23): "It's not rocket science": No. No, it's most certainly not science in any form.06/30/2009
When do we think the AP will start caring about this?
We've seen the American Family Association's One News Now site take liberties with the AP wire many times before, but this latest one, covering yesterday's White House Pride event, just might take the journalistically unethical cake! Here's the AFA's take:...06/29/2009
It'll be kinda like a wedding reception where the host doesn't (publicly) support guests' right to have own
Due to both real and perceived rights slights, today's White House reception for LGBT Pride Month is intensely controversial. And at 4:25ET, you can come back here go to the White House site to watch it play out live: President...While we were away: First Lady's toned arms supported husband-hugging
Activist Michael Petrelis recently brought word of this exchange, which fellow LGBT advocate Bill Wilson reportedly shared with First Lady Michelle Obama: Bill Wilson: My husband and I have been together 23 years. We need to get rid of the...06/28/2009
While we were away: Cheekiness of Colbert's tongue doesn't prevent lashings
Some of the president's chagrin-inciting maneuverings, as presented through a Colbertian filter: Yup, there have certainly been some undeniable annoyances. We just hope we're over the largest hump, so that this stonewalling doesn't turn into full blown brick-shitting. The Word...While we were away: The president did this:
*RELATED COMMENTARY: President Obama’s decision to extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees is a victory for fairness in the workplace. It is a serious omission, however, that his new policy does not include health and retirement benefits, which...While we were away: OPM Director wrote progressive checks; queer community hopes they won't bounce
John Berry, director of the Office of Personnel Management, speaking at D.C.'s Capital Pride: John Berry, Director, OPM - Capital Pride Festival Main Stage / WDC - 14 June 2009 by Elvert Barnes [YT]06/05/2009
Chemotherapy is something you 'tolerate.' We aren't chemo.
They say: "The United States federal government, now by executive order, signed by the President of the United States, is declaring national pride in these lifestyles," [Southern Baptist Convention President Albert Mohler] contends. "This is not mere toleration; it's not...06/04/2009
Video: Yeah, we're friends. I mean we're not like super close, but we get along.
On last night's interview with NBC anchor Brian Williams, our president assured gay folks that we have a friend civil companion in him: The real question: Does the constitution have a friend in the idea that tax-paying gay couples deserve...06/01/2009
Barack, paper, fissures: Does this document allay concerns?
It's official: Pride Month can again. In a welcome new document, the President says so: 2009LGBT Prc Rel (2) Great. We mean it: An excellent move from a friendly president. Now we need Barack Obama, constitutional scholar, to actually mean...05/27/2009
Obama heads to Hills; gays ask, 'If Heidi and Spencer can marry, why not us?'
If it was an all-out protest, we probably wouldn't support it. But it's not a protest -- it's a call for our president to step up and fulfill his promises to the LGBT community. So with a productive working mindset...05/21/2009
DOMA was an issue in primaries -- when will it be a primary issue?
On Monday we showed you how The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld confronted White House Press Secty. Robert Gibbs on the question of a DOMA repeal, leading Gibbs to engage in that all-too-familiar Democratic two-step of underprioritized gay rights support. Now the...05/18/2009
Video: The Democratic DOMA dance is increasingly out-of-step
The Advocate's Kerry Eleveld asks a perfectly understandable question. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs gives an increasingly annoying non-answer: Yea, Kerry: How dare you ask about a little thing like the federal rights of five state's gays (with six on the...05/16/2009
A frustrating week to be an openly gay, American soldier
This week, yours truly has been remiss in overlooking some of the major details that have circled around Don't Ask Don't Tell and, more specifically, the administration's seeming failure to find some concern. Lest you think it's because I'm an...openly gay, American soldier">