Good As You: Charlene Cothran Roundup


Audio: Subjectively, we find 'ex-gay' odd; Objectively, we find 'ex-gay' otherwordly

-While fun, benign, charming homecoming events wherein students dress up in various ways have been regualr parts of high school life for years and years, the ones where students dress up like members of the opposite sex are now somehow...

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Video: See, they've 'changed.' Their shirts tell you so.

The first thing you need to know about the following video: Charlene's last name is actually Cothran, not Cochran. The second thing you need to know: That surname misnomer is still more factual than everything else in the vid. Have...

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Audio: Grown adults who just don't get it

Last week, we showed how Peter LaBarbera was lashing out against Diversity Inc. magazine's Luke Visconti, because the latter wrote an article wherein he pointed out how throughout history, MANY people have tried to justify MANY deplorable biases by using...

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It'll be a 'gays are hijacking the civil rights movement of blacks' tie affair

Clear your calendars, folks. For it has been announced that on Saturday October 6, extreme anti-gay personality Peter LaBarbera will hold the first annual fundraising banquet for his equally queer-unfriendly Americans For Truth organization. So what can you expect? Well,...

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Video: Charlene the 'Club' diva

Yesterday we delved into the world of "former homosexual" Charlene Cothran and posted a lengthy response to her newly adopted "ex-gay" ideas. But since we live in a visual world, we now want to show you her "700 Club" appearance...

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Charlene: From gay club to other 'Club'

If you follow gay rights, you likely have heard the story of Charlene Cothran, the lesbian publisher of the African-American, GLBT-centric Venus magazine, who announced earlier this year that she was changing both her self and her publication into an...

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bog (noun): Soft, unsupported ground that's unable to hold much weight

It's Friday, which means it's once again time for Kelly Boggs' weekly, usually gay-focused, Baptist News column. The topic this week: Charlene E. Cothran, the publisher and editor-in-chief of the gay focused Venus magazine who recently announced that thanks to...

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