Good As You: CWFA Roundup


Teen? Homeschooled? Indoctrinated to believe some citizens are unequal? CWA has a contest for you!

Such strict, constraining requirements. Oh, and the essay rules are pretty confining too.

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Penny Nance 'shames' the 9th Circuit; also crossing her arms and stamping feet, I hear

13,402,566 valid votes were cast for Prop 8, constituting just around 40% of the state's population and only around 80% of the state's registered voters (with an additional 340,611 votes tossed out as either invalid or blank). 7,001,084 Californians went...

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Concerned Women for [Plying Legislators with Baked Goods]

When strong arguments fail, there are always pastries: Dear CWA of Washington Member, CWA of Washington spent a very productive day in Olympia last week! First, we co-sponsored the Citizen Activists Workshop, and then we delivered 298 homemade cookies to...

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CWA = Conning Washington Aggressively

To undermine pro-equality movement in Washington state, the Concerned Women For America are returning to familiar territory. This from CWA of Washington's Maureen Richardson: Gov. Gregoire issued a statement on January 4, 2012, saying it is time for marriage equality...

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Video: And now, this minute in junk science

With your purveyor of outdated and debunk stereotypes, Janice Shaw Crouse: [SOURCE: RWW] Shocking an appalling, indeed.

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Concerned Women for [Divorce-and-Remarriage as 'Traditional Family' ideal]

Janice Crouse, the Concerned Women For America spokesperson who routinely knocks LGBT people and families for not fitting her image of acceptability, is bemoaning the changing family form in general: ...[T]hese days, as conventional wisdom is increasingly convoluted, it isn’t...

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CA public schools: Concerned Women document the principled progress they failed to stop

Want to see how far California has come in terms of protecting the state's most vulnerable public school students? Well here, the Concerned Women For America have handily assembled that progress in one concise document. Just ignored the misplacements, be...

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Concerned Women for [Painting gays as shadowy predators]

The title and graphic of a new Concerned Women For America blog post: [CWFA] Well we certainly want to advise the kid on the right to wear less high-waisted trousers. But that's about it. It should be noted that Janice...

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What was CWA's problem with 'Idol'? (Hint: Missing Ellen DeGeneres not it)

Despite both Scotty McCreary and Lauren Alaina dropping mentions of God and Jesus, Concerned Women For America's CEO Penny Young Nance still felt betrayed by last night's "American Idol." You can blame a Lady and an animated wooden doll for...

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CWA of CA out to save lost ground; weird, we thought they'd wait until Prop 8's inevitable overturning

Concerned Women For America: Always the victimized bridesmaids, never the responsible owners of the actions they perpetuate against certain kinds of brides: [SOURCE] No -- more!

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Born out of a 'cave': CWA's brand of creationism now prizes Neaderthalic life

In protest of the King & Spalding law firm's decision to step away from a case that would've forever attached the firm's name to civil discrimination under federal law, the fans of civil discrimination under federal law at the Concerned...

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'Concerned' Wendy lures Dems with 'gay tax' trap; Dems too busy laughing at bait's absurdity to even consider taking it

There's of course a world of difference between paying a higher tax on the basis of income and paying a higher tax on the basis of unequal citizenship. But in an obtuse commentary regarding Edie Windsor, a lesbian widow who...

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'Bisexuals want to marry many': Concerned Women For America's continued CON

CWA's Mario Diaz, who's determined to make this poly/bi misrepresentation happen: Measure to Repeal DOMA Introduced in the U.S. House and Senate [CWA] For the last time, Mario: That show is called BIG LOVE, not bi love. Please do better,...

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Concerned Women defend us from jilted brides, disco suits

What do we think Concerned Women For America's concerned staffers are trying to say with this image? [CWFA] That marriage equality will lead straight grooms to run off with their Best Men? That gays are going to bound into churches...

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Concerned Women's Concerned Man concerned about poly- bisexuals (emphasis on *CON*)

Of all of the groups, Concerned Women For America has led the pack in making a false equivalency between bisexuality and an innate desire for multiple partners at once. But while the logic's always flawed, CWA staffers usually don't refute...

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Concerned Romantics of America hope to share a Valentine's Day moment in the arms of a loved one. The goal: To pause the harsh world for only a second so as to celebrate the beauty of human affection. On the...

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When Concerned Women were but Slightly Agitated Girls

The birth of one our most vocal opposition groups, as chronicle by a pre-Reagan AP.: Baptist anti-feminist trains to lead crusade against gays [Ancient AP via Google]

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Might want to rethink your concerns, CWA:

Concerned Women For America's "SHOT" campaign *MORE: CWA A gay man is credited with saving Gabrielle Gifford's life. Sounds like a soldier we'd like to have on our side, actually.

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If Prop 8's shitty, it's shitty, irrespective of Jerry or Arnie

One of the oddest far-right spin jobs related to the current Prop 8 appeal is how some of these folks are acting like California's governor and attorney general are issuing some sort of de facto veto power by opting to...

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New CWA church insert: Aims at the heart, since the mind will surely be blown

The following Concerned Women For America church bulletin insert is not only offensive because of its aggressive tale of homosexuality needing to be "sacrificed to God" in the way that a father might theoretically sacrifice his son. But also look...

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So *that's* why we saw white penises drawn on the Summary Of Testimony!

We've heard Judge Vaughn Walker called lots of things. But gay gossip blogger is a new one: "The man responsible for the opinion is United States District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker, whose conduct at trial and tone in the...

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She paints us as dark clouds, but it's Wendy Wright who has stormy past

Over the past week, Concerned Women For America president Wendy Wright has been all over the media talking about the supposedly radical U.S. District judge who trampled on her "rights" as a heterosexual Christian. We just hope that she and...

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One man (who celebrates Christmas), one woman (who observes Easter)

Lest you think the Concerned Women For America are only interested in controlling our same-sex unions, let us now look at the latest from CWA's Janice Crouse. Because as you will see, she's not too keen on Christians in interfaith...

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Shot through the heart and gays are to blame: CWA gives DADT discourse a bad name

In order to protest Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal and open service in general, the Concerned Women For America have launched a new effort: [SOURCE] Hint: We're the bullet! No word of where these Concerned Women will take phase 2...

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The rainbow conniption

If we were talking about any other group of people, crude imagery from the most extreme opponents would be resoundingly called out for what it is. But when it comes to Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal, day in and day...

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'They'll always demand more,' says she who demands our nothingness

This from the Concerned Women For America's Wendy Wright: "President Obama seems to be going far out of his way to try and keep homosexual activists happy," ... "but the problem is, they'll never be happy – they'll always demand...

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Flashback Thursday: Gipper backs rise of gay-stripping crew

Just yesterday, we showed you how the Concerned Women For America are still spending their days spouting junk science in order to say that gays can "change." For background on why present-day CWA has the structure and funding to do...

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Audio: Guided by CON-science

No, this is *not* what credible science says. At all: (click to play audio clip) Get your head out of the clouds, Janice! And no, clouds are not those things that science says are made outta marshmallow fluff.

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Video: Bush fans fair-weather, except when it came to rain on gay wedding days

It doesn't surprise us that conservatives are annoyed with Laura Bush for coming out in favor of marriage equality. But it does annoy us when they couple their annoyance with certifiably alse logic. And when they say things like what...

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Video: Concerned Women For Putting Minority Rights to A Public Vote In A Way That Flies in The Face Of This Nation's Constitutional Protections

CWA's Penny Nance: Right, Penny -- it's gay folk who are the uncaring ones here. We understand that telling yourself might be a substitute for Ambien, allowing you to sleep without wondering exactly how many LGBT people your discriminatory work...

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Q. What do you call the impulse that comes before the knee-jerk?

A. This: Because prejudging does seem to be a Concerned Women For America organizational prerequisite. It's unclear whether the president is taking any of CWA's ideas of "decency" to heart. Though considering we haven't heard of Phyllis Schlafly's even more...

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Audio: Stand by your ban

Since even the uber-conservative Antonin Scalia seemed unsympathetic to their case, Concerned Women For America president Wendy Wright sounds pretty much convinced that her side is going to lose their attempt to have Washington state''s anti-equality petition signer's shielded from...

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Audio: 'Concerned' about 'Facts' (but not in the good, factual way)

This site has pointed it out. Alvin McEwen has done so as well. The ACLU made note (before any of us). Timothy Kincaid posted a thoughtful investigation. Even conservative Christian professor Warren Throckmorton has come out against the work. And...

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CWA's fundraiser: Now with much better access to spine alignments

Remember a few days ago when we told you about a new fundraising program that the rabidly anti-gay Concerned Women For America are launching, which involves the marketing and selling of a "health and wellness" drink" called Vemma? Okay, well...

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Concerned Women For ... Nutritional Supplements?!

Okay, so we're about to show you a couple of things, and we're not exactly sure what it is that we're showing you. But here are three things that we do know. (1) There's a company called Vemma, which involves...

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Video: Janice called us morality-defying shams. But yea, she's clearly right -- we're the mean ones. Sure.

Earlier this week, Janice Shaw Crouse wrote that marriage equality for same-sex couples constitutes "a sham that will devalue all marriages," and said that gay couples "live together to form a household in defiance of the prevailing moral codes to...

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Concerned Women for Anti-American Majority Tyranny

This from Concerned Women For [Ignoring the considerable polling data that shows majority support for marriage equality in the District]: "CWA not only joins with many citizens of Washington, D.C., and other like-minded organizations in denouncing the legalization of same-sex...

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Audio: Pete's uncivil war: It's 'our side' vs 'teh gays™'

*SOURCE: Homosexual Activists Invest Millions to Overturn Military Service Ban [CWA] If aliens came to this planet and heard this conversation, they would swear a crew of undead zombies were traversing the land eating the brains and flesh of "the...

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Audio: Because gays/pro-equality soldiers are apparently motherless lab rats

*Source: Penny Nance Reacts to the State of the Union [Concerned Women For America] Uh huh. And we're sure that when this current time of war is over, these folks are going to be all kinds of into experimentin'. Right?...

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'There's no other way around it', except, uhm, you know -- the truth!

Bisexuals are innately polyamorous, says the Concerned Women For America's resident concerned dude, Mario Diaz: "Of course, all [the Prop 8 opponents'] arguments rest on the idea that sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic like race and should be treated...

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Crouse grouse: Gays wanna be humans, affecting others' drive to dehumanize them

The social conservative mindset, summed up in two sentences: [Concerned Women For America's Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse] served with Jennings on a task force organized by former Surgeon General David Satcher charged with the responsibility of finding “common ground” between...

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Video: Pundits who live in glass 'radicalism'...

Ya know, whenever we hear Concerned Women For America president Wendy Wright going on and on about a supposedly "radical" gay... ...we can't help but wonder: If supporting equality for all is "radical," then what, exactly, is it called when...

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Was that praying or preying, Wendster?

In a new piece where she explains why she leant her name to the anti-gay, anti-progressive, anti-true religious freedom document known as "The Manhattan Declaration," Concerned Women For America president Wendy Wright says this: I have also signed, knowing that...

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Audio: Weird, why didn't they call us 'the enemy' in their official ads?

During the campaign, she was simply a "teacher": Now Charla's back in her real, always-was role: Campaign worker who fallaciously hid her affiliations (and the fact that she teaches as a small, private, Christian school), likely because the "yes" campaign...

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Audio: The sanctity of population surveys

Don't ever be fooled, folks. It's not really about children. It's not really about "protecting marriage." It's not really about religious freedom. For our opposition, an America that merely accounts for its gay citizens is an America that will earn...

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We don't want to ruin your days, Linds. We also don't want you to ruin our marriages/truths/families/rights/protections

Yesterday we showed you how the Concerned Women For America's Lindsey Douthit is prone to misrepresent the lay of the political land. Today we show you that she's also prone to fits of dramatic hyperbole regarding people of faith, and...

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Dear 'Concerned Woman' Lindsey Douthit:

Ms. Douthit: We see that you, writing on behalf of the Concerned Women For America, have decided to preserve yet another set of unfair denunciations of the Employment Discrimination Act to the annals of recorded history: Let’s Be Frank, Mr....

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Mae we 'state' our case?

They say: Mae West used to say, "A man in the home is worth two in the street." From instilling the rules of cooperation, to modeling the relation between the sexes, to nurturing human and social capital, to helping adults...

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CWA's NRA (Non-Rational Association)

If you wanted to foster rational debate on a topic like employment non-discrimination, what graphical accoutrement would you use? A pink slip, perhaps? A stock photo of an employee in an obvious end-of-paycheck scenario, maybe? Or since the LGBT community...

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Anti-LGBT: Now that is a sexual preference

Why can't American culture view LGBT people and their related rights the same way it views nudists, hair dyers, drunks, smokers, and thieves? Such is the out-of-touch-even-for-them question that the ladies at the Concerned Women for America are positing for...

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