Good As You: CWFA Roundup


'Gays don't face discrimination,' says she who represents gay-discriminatory group

This is how Patti Anker, a representative for the Concerned Women For America of Alaska, recently detailed Ordinance 64, a statewide measure that could bring a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation to Palin country: "This ordinance is not...

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Concerned Tweeters For @goodasyou

It's nice to know they're watching! *Our complete Concerned Women For America archive **UPDATE: Oh, they seem to have reconsidered. We don't see G-A-Y anywhere on their follow list, and their follow count is now down to 127 people. Was...

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Concerned (non-dowdy, non-surgically-induced, clearly gender-roled, conservative) Women For America

"Nancy Pelosi’s surgically induced gash of a smile, which is hard to endure" The above quip comes the Concerned Women For America's Janice Shaw Crouse, in a piece where she is -- get this -- criticizing the "harsh media treatment...

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CWA Photo: Because GaysStickTheirRiflesUpTheirButtsAnd Spin.gif would've been too much

How does the militantly anti-gay group Concerned Women For America make its point about resisting gays who wish to serve openly in the armed forces? Well today, they create this image and give it this label: "OhNoGiJoe.jpg [another high-minded "culture...

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Audio: Another twosome who hopes Jesus was lying about the lying thing

Even as some groups either openly or quietly distance themselves from the batshittery, the more unscrupulous opponents of hate crimes legislation are still purveying egregious lies about what is and is not a defined sexual orientation. This from the Concerned...

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Harry Knox: 'Church Defamer'

April of 2007: A Wyoming couple was barred from taking communion because of their marriage equality advocacy. This prompted the Human Rights Campaign's Harry Knox to say: “In this holy Lenten season, it is immoral and insulting to Jesus to...

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Video: Transparency their Achilles heel, CWA opts for one-sideness

This is a video clip that the Concerned Women For America are prominently running on their organizational website: An interesting presenation. But ya know, when dealing with political matters that drastically affect millions of Americans' lives, we've always found it...

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What about being a concerned woman with a fetish for deceit -- is that too an 'orientation'?

Yet another "pro-family" group is joining SPLC-certified hate group the Traditional Values Coalition and Republican-certified Congressman Steve King in declaring that behaviors like bestiality are "sexual orientations. This from the Concerned Women For America, who are trotting out this claim...

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Oh be honest, anti-gays: You hated this bill before it was even written!

Connecticut already has legal marriage equality, but there is a bill currently making its way through the legislature that does nothing more than codify the October ruling in the state law. And since this bill, numbered 899, is a strictly...

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CWA: If you stop gay ass kickings, the junkies win

This is how the Concerned Women For America sums up the upcoming anti-harassment event known as the Day of Silence (which is to be held this Friday, 4/17): "Can you imagine officials at a middle school, junior high or high...

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The rule of diminishing Concerns

Forgive us if we don't weep: CWA has filed their tax return for the year ended June 30, 2008. One of their obvious financial problems is that they are addicted to outside telemarketers. In fact, they spent more half of...

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Sorry Mario, but no one's bi-ing it

Another anti-gay person with a paycheck to earn, another uninformed Iowa postmortem: “In this opinion, the justices act as a legislature, marriage counselor, psychologist, advocates, even priests or pastors, but not as judges. [With Friday's decision], they have not only...

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'Judges, schmudges!' say those who unfairly judge gay people

"Any legislator not willing to sponsor [a marriage ban] is proving their loyalty is with political agendas and not with the people of Iowa or the intent of our Founding Fathers." The above comment comes from Tamara Scott, the state...

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Gays go to Starbucks; CWA to

On April 15, this will happen across the nation: People of all sexual orientations are being asked to show up at their local Starbucks and display their support for LGBT equality, using their smoochable lips to peacefully demonstrate their commitment...

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Val vs. vows: WA senator resists gays, equality, thesauruses with synonyms for 'agenda'

Washington state senator Val Stevens, a longtime foe of local 'mos, has penned an urgent letter to the Concerned Women For America. The purpose of her missive? Well, it ain't to extol the virtues of using the "v" version of...

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Audio: 'No relationship to the child, except through this adoption'

Yesterday we briefly showed you how social conservatives are unfairly overlooking an adoptive mother's bond with her daughter from a past same-sex relationship for the sole reason that the adoptive mother is a lesbian while the bio mom has now...

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Steal vs. Steele: Those who rip off sexuality, truth take on RNC chair

One of the Concerned Women For America's concerned men, Ken Ervin, is ticked off at Michael Steele for the recent comments in which the RNC chair suggested, among other things, that homosexuality is an in-born characteristic that can be ably...

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Audio: Careless, unscrupulous Nazi comparisons

Last month, omnipresent "pro-family" personality Peter LaBarbera suggested that "the first person in a debate to accuse his opponent of being a “Nazi” automatically loses the argument," and intimated that one who does make such comparisons shows the bankruptcy of...

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She, Crouse. We grouse.

This from Concerned Women For America's Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D: Marriage is the prize of victory for the homosexual activists; they are determined to see their lifestyle endorsed and mainstreamed by “same-sex marriage.” Until they accomplish that goal, they will...

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Audio: Barber still trying to make Buttars defense happen

Far be it from us to give our organized opposition any advice. But if we were charged with increasing a right-wing group's relevancy, we certainly wouldn't encourage them to strongly defend Utah state senator Chris Buttars, a man whose unhinged...

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Mom-dad setups are always right? Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

Want more proof that our organized opposition doesn't really understand or at least won't admit the true nature of rights? Well here, check out this terse quote from a Maine-based Concerned Woman For America: Charla Bansley, State Director for CWA...

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Audio: Pur-Sioux-ing inequality

With his state on the cusp of possibly legalizing marriage equality, Sioux City, IA, councilman Brent Hoffman has been waging an anti-gay crusade over the past year or so. Now in this sit-down chat with the Concerned Women For America,...

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Audio: Buying into bias, ignoring the human cost

The Christian right, with their anti-gay and "war on Christmas" agenda, have for decades turned company threats and boycotts into a "pro-family" past time. But when gay people decide to stop spending dollars at companies that make life harder for...

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Presidents change but obsession with the homo-sex never goes away

The Concerned Women For America have launched a new featured called "The Obama Watch." And while it may sound like a place where they can show off their new timepiece that features Obama's face, it's actually a forum where they...

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The Phyllis Nemeths of the world might just make our brains explode

This is Phyllis Nemeth, state director for the Concerned Women For America of California, demonstrating a shockingly self-centered inability to see the fight for civil marriage equality for what it truly is: "Since the success of Proposition 8 on November...

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'Pro-family': An emboldened movement that's soon to overplay its hand

When it comes to whether or not Prop 8 was an explicitly Christian/Mormon battle (hint: it was), the social conservatives are beginning to drop the mask. And they are now telling us that we gays better just accept this Christian...

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Wright to left-winger: Ban with the anti-gays who brung ya!

Wanna be sick? Well check this. In her congratulations to President-elect Obama, the Concerned Women For America's Wendy Wright is actually suggesting that his victory was indication that Obama should hop aboard the far right's anti-gay amendment freight train: "President-elect...

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Anti-gay, anti-Clay

One thing refreshing about Clay Aiken's coming out has been the virtual lack of "controversy" surrounding the announcement. Despite his appeal with audiences that conventional wisdom might tell us are less-accepting, the reaction to the entertainer's gay revelation has mostly...

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This is a new button ad that the Concerned Women For America are running on their site as part of their attempt to ban marriage equality in California: Because that's apparently all they have to do to rally their troops:...

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Well our opposition sure sees a 'Pal in' potential Veep

Are you wondering whether or not Sarah Palin would be good for gays and progressive? Well just look at who is throughly thrilled by her selection. This comes from the Concerned Women For America's Janice Shaw Crouse: "It is particularly...

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Yea, why should we be gays be worthy of cards? What are we, humans?

Calling the move "cravenly," the Concerned Women For America have issued a tongue lashing against the Hallmark company for announcing a line of same-sex commitment cards. Here are two of their quips: CWA President Wendy Wright: "Hallmark is jeopardizing its...

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Audio: You can almost hear the sound of a thrown-in towel

Gov. Patrick just signed into law a repeal of the 1913 law that has prevented out-of-state same-sex couples from marrying in Massachusetts. But never ones to go quietly into that pro-rights night, the Concerned Women For America are still brainstorming...

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Apparent army threats: Gunfire, land mines, and 'Pelosi-type-liberals'

Matt Barber may have taken his "concerns" elsewhere. However, his flair for hyperbole and his tactic of using San Francisco politicians and values to serve as code-wording for "evil" still seem to be permeating the halls of the Concerned Women...

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Crouse: Who makes her grouse?

Janice Shaw Crouse at the Concerned Women For America has broken down Barack and John's stances on same-sex marriage, at least in the way that she perceives them through her anti-gay nuptials lens. Check it out: Helpful. But even more...

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When blowing smoke up society's arse, things sometimes get Wendy

Are you a gay person who has found love and who is ready to pledge a life commitment to your partner? Well while your friends and family may respond to your wedded ambition by adorning you with gifts, well-wishes, and...

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Great, more wedding cake for us!

Do you dislike gays? Do you wanna shed a few more pounds before bikini season gets going in earnest. Well, overweight anti-gay bully who'd like to kill two birds with one stone, your day has come. For tomorrow, the Concerned...

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What feats needed to fill Matt's shoes?

Yesterday we told you that Matt Barber will leaving the Concerned Women For America. Well in an exclusive to G-A-Y, we have just obtained a new ad seeking the proper person to fill Matt's shoes. And you know what? It...

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Audio: Don't like a ruling? Just ignore it!

So what are the good Christians encouraging county officials to do in the wake of the California marriage decision? Well, they want them to ignore both their oaths of office and the "four black-robed autocrats" who ruled by "judicial fiat,"...

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Friends don't let 'friends' drive marriage into biased hole

Wanna see a phrase that sums up all that is wrong with those trying to stem the inevitable tide of marriage equality? Well looks at these seven words, which Concerned Women For America intern Hilary Webster wrote as a headline...

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Reminder: Never hire a CWA staffer to tutor us for the bar

The following faith-based, uncredible information is all posted over on the Concerned Women For America's website under a banner reading "Legal Studies": Radical homosexual activists want you to believe that they, too, are "born that way." The reality is otherwise....

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Video: Wendy Wright is, in fact, wrong

Not only did she, as both Queerty and PageOneQ noted, liken same-sex marriage to polygamy. Concerned Women For America's Wendy Wright also flat-out lied during her appearance on last night's edition of CNN's "Showbiz Tonight." Watch the clip and then...

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You're not gonna cut us today, Barber!

To the surprise of no one, "Concerned Woman" Matt Barber is already weighing in on today's amazing, fantastic, historic, world-changing ruling in California. But we're gonna give you the option: If you wanna read the ridiculous huffing and puffing, check...

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Offense vs. defense: You decide who's the inappropriate Iowan

In reaction to the anti-bullying, pro-acceptance Day of Silence that was recognized last Friday by some of the nation's public school students, a "pro-family" personality in Iowa, Chuck Hurley, released the following letter, in which he encourages folks to pray...

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People. Glass houses. Stones. Silence.

We know that the folks on the far-right are opposed to the pro-gay, pro-acceptance Day of Silence because they detest homosexuality and are thoroughly intimidated by the growing tolerance and respect of young people. We get that. However, the hypocrisy...

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But hey, it's only our mortality he's trivializing

In a new piece wherein he literally compares the promotion of gay acceptance to advocacy on the subject of smoking crack, the United States' most proudly brutish gay right foes, Matt Barber, has the following to say about an 11-year-old...

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What next, CWA -- gonna defend her on the basis of her Miranda Rights?

If a lawmaker came under fire for rarely to never showing up for work, would her defenders hold a "Right To Bear Arms Rally"? No, of course not. Or what about a legislator who was being scrutinized for campaign financing...

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Audio: Sally, Matt & Pete get Silly, Mad, & Petty

She fully admits and stands by the fact that she called homosexuality a bigger threat to this nation than terrorism. Yet somehow those gays who are saying "WHAT THE FRICKIN' NUTTY?!?!" are the "militant anti-Christian hate groups." Such is the...

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Audio: 'Angels', 'Penthouse'; tomato, tomahto

Remember a few days ago when we let you listen to the Concerned Women For America's Matt Barber trivializing Tony Kushner's legendary, acclaimed, literary Angels In America as "racist gay porn"? Well, Matt has now gone on CBN News to...

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Audio: Tony Kushner: 'Racist Pornographer Hack'

We've already showed you and decried the way that the Concerned Women For America are referring to the legendary and literary play Angels In America as "racist gay porn." But since it's always more revelatory to hear the words come...

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Christian: Let's encourage gays to snuff each other out!

You know, it's always annoying to hear how our socially conservative opposition will talk about us in public. But for the really juicy stuff, you have to hear how they talk about us in private. For example, Matt Barber recently...

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