Good As You: David Paterson Roundup
Video: D.P., benefits
For equality advocates, there is a somewhat promising, slightly nerve-racking week coming up here in New York. That being the case, our pals at Towleroad decided to sit down with the man at the helm of the principled push for...
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Video: Autumn (and her would-be wife Pam) in New York
Last night in NYC, the Empire State Pride Agenda held its annual fall dinner. Drinks were drunk, shoulders were rubbed, and Annes were Hathawayed, as a whole lot of New York gay collided in one glitzy ballroom. Oh, and there...
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New York: If you wanna ring on your digit, ring your lawmakers' digits!
Yesterday we told New Yorkers that they need to get their arses in gear and call their state Senators. Today, we find out more as to why the coming days are so crucial: Gov. David Paterson says he wants to...
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Autumn in New York: Equality to come on like a song?
Encouraging news from the Empire State: New York Governor David Paterson recommitted himself to including same-sex marriage on the agenda if he calls a special session this fall. “I am anticipating a special session and I am anticipating this is...
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Video: Watch Gov. David Paterson (and others) do the right thing
At around 10:15AM, Gov. Paterson gave this rock star speech: Now the real fun begins. And by "real fun," we of course mean: Even more negotiations wherein we are forced to "justify" our right to civil equality in the face...
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Dolan publicly bashes our civil equality? Fine. Paterson supports same? DISRESPECT!!!!!
Speaking about tomorrow, the day that Gov. David Paterson plans to introduce a marriage equality bill, New York's biggest senatorial fairness foe, Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., shares the following thoughts with the Daily News: In a brief telephone interview this...
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So Albany won't be all-banny: Paterson to introduce equality bill
Coming soon to a New York near you: Gov. David A. Paterson on Thursday will announce plans to introduce legislation to legalize same-sex marriage, according to people with knowledge of the governor’s plans. Paterson Will Introduce Same-Sex Marriage Bill [NY...
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'...than to have not voted at all': Ally Paterson focuses on feet-dragging Senate
New York's Gov. David Patterson, perhaps emboldened (embarrassed?) by Vermont and Iowa's ability to enact marriage equality in their supposedly less progressive states, is urging his state senate to vote on the matter even if the votes don't seem in...
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NY: Appellesbians courted
And now in Sapphically-centric legal news: NY Governor David Paterson has appointed two out lesbians to the Appellate Division of the state court system. Judges Rosalyn Richter and Elizabeth A. Garry were named to the intermediate level late yesterday afternoon:...
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Gavin and David's costly cuisine: How'd it taste?
Last week we briefly told you about an anti-Proposition 8 fundraiser that NY Gov. David Paterson and San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom had planned to host in Manhattan on Thursday, 9/25. But even though we ourselves are Manhattanites who live...
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Destroying Prop. 8: A coast-to-coast fight
San Francisco's Mayor Gavin Newsom and New York's Gov. David Paterson are both on the left side of the country, politically. Now the two will meet on the right side of the country, geographically, to hold a swanky Manhattan fundraiser...
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In a New York state of mind(less activities)
Today in the Bronx, the notoriously anti-gay legal beagles at the Alliance Defense Fund will be in front of the NY state Supreme Court arguing that Gov. David Paterson overstepped his authority when he ordered that out-of-state same-sex marriages be...
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Poll: Can't conservatives go ahead and admit we're gonna win this one?!
Some positive news for marriage equality in NY: A new Quinnipiac poll finds that only a scant 21% of New York voters think that there should be no legal recognition of same-sex unions. A much larger portion (42%) say same-sex...
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NOM's form letters: Even a zombie sheep should take pause
Brian Brown and Maggie Gallagher's National Organization For Marriage group has prepared a form letter that they're encouraging folks to send to NY Gov. David Paterson in protest of his directive about the recognition of out-of-state same-sex unions. And while...
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Doublespeak: The 'pro-family' movement's one consistency
Wanna see a blatant case of a "pro-family" leader shifting his talking points so that they fit the poliutical situation at hand rather than what is truly in his heart and mind? Well, check this out. At a press conference...
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Video: Standing up for gays, apologizing to no one
This morning we told you about NY Gov. David Paterson making good on the idea that Empire State gay couples should have their out-of-state marriages recognized at home. Now in this afternoon press conference, Paterson has both explained the reasonable...
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Cook? Archuletta? pssch! David Paterson is our idol!
First we gay New Yorkers got that fantastic Appellate Court ruling saying that our legal out-of-state marriages must be legally recognized in the state. Now Gov. David Paterson has taken that a step further, issuing a directive that all state...
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Audio: The end of Eliot Mess
See ya, Spitzer: powered by ODEO "What might have been," indeed. **And now we look forward to the future. Below is a statement on incoming governor David Paterson that the Empire State Pride Agenda's Alan Van Capelle has just issued:...
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Pro-gay governor: Associated with less-desirable 'pro'
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO: Spitzer Is Linked to Prostitution Ring [NY Times] Yea? Seriously? Does it have to be the first governor in the nation to introduce marriage legislation? Is there someone we can talk to about this? ::sigh::...
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