Good As You: Don't Ask Don't Tell Roundup
Video: 'They lost a huge asset by discharging me under Don't Ask Don't Tell'
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Chap schtick: Pitting certain soldiers against certain faith figures
In brief comments to reporters, Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) recently expressed a need for both advocates of Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal and concerned people of faith to find common ground and respect over issues concerning religious freedom. The AP...
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Video: Bombs! Hand grenades! GAAAAAAAAAYS!
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Video: Majority Leader Reid on #GetDADT/ #GetENDA/ @ltdanchoi #nn10
**UPDATE: Breaking: Dan Choi's letter to Harry Reid at Netroots Nation; gives away West Point ring [Pam] **MORE: From the Q&A, a powerful moment with a nice, literal ring to it:
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Video: It's like FRC doesn't care that a camera's actually recording this stuff
We had given you a heads up about Bryan "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews" Fischer's role. But it turns out that the Family Research Council's anti-open service webcast packed a "WTF?!" wallop that went well beyond...
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Video: FRC is *the* conservative voice for biased service. And here's one of their 'experts'....
For tomorrow evening's anti-DADT repeal webcast (8:30pm ET), the Family Research Council has recruited this man, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer, to tell us all about what our armed forces should and should not do: [Right Wing Watch] Uncle...
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Fischer hooks in to FRC's cast
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer is on record saying that only gays were savage enough for Hitler and that because of this, "homosexuals in the military gave us...six million dead Jews." He's also said that "gay sex is a...
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Video: How combat-booted anchors report the survey
You've heard much punditry. But it's also (more?) important to see how the Department of Defense's own news arms talks about the DADT working group survey: *ALSO: Pentagon: Segregation of Gay Troops 'Absolutely Off the Table' [Towle]
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Keep throwing feces at each other, gays -- Focus on the Family has yet to give us 'normalcy' pass
You can look at the flawed claims, discriminatory notions, and unwarranted religious overreaches in the story itself. But sometimes when looking for cruel slights in a Focus on the Family's Citizenlink "news" site, one need go no further than the...
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DADT: Don't Assume Disguised Tallying
It's galling that LGB soldiers are being subjected to a survey in the first place. But that's the way it's apparently going to be if we want to finally get Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed this year. And if that's...
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The costumes might be funny if they didn't cost-u-&-me
With the way the social conservatives handle their anti-open service editorial decisions, we're really starting to wonder if they realize that DADT repeal is actually about people, not clothing. Because over the past few months, we've watched as these "values"...
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The rainbow conniption
If we were talking about any other group of people, crude imagery from the most extreme opponents would be resoundingly called out for what it is. But when it comes to Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal, day in and day...
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Flashback Saturday: 'The ban...couldn't be argued for if it did not exist'
(via thefilmarchive)
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Knight bemoans cadence call's increasingly reserved harmonies
Longtime professional anti-gay activist Robert Knight is feeling pretty well shunned these days. Mainly because so many of his conservative heroes and icons and expected-allies, while with Robbie on other LGBT issues, are increasingly coming down on the side of...
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Skelton: How will we preserve the sanctity of make-believe?!
There is war among us. Every day we see new images of oil-covered animals. We see poverty on a global scale. The planet and its resources are being degraded at a frightening pace. Oh, and Dina might leave the "Real...
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Dying wishes
When the movie We Are Soldiers came out earlier this century, the filmmakers made a big deal about this line/theme: And that, social conservatives, is why your Don't Ask Don't Tell nonsense is so damn offensive. Because DADT repeal is...
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Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal: The Family Research Council's intellectual Waterloo
The Family Research Council's Tony Perkins has a raging case of the bitters this morn'. Ya know, because granting all tax-paying citizens the ability to defend and possibly die for the nation is a "radical" notion: "The hard left of...
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Breaking: House joins Senate Committee on side of progress
229 Democrats and 5 Republicans -- Rep. Patrick Murphy's Don't Ask Don't Tell compromise repeal amendment passes the House: (The 5 R's who voted yes: Djou, Cao, Biggert, Ros-Lehtinen and Ron Paul) FULL ROLL CALL Historic. Time to get EVEN...
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Video: Keith on FRC, AFA, McCain credibility self-destruction
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy *EARLIER: We were on the "McCain caters to FRC" thing before anyone. We just wish Keith would've gone further with FRC and Pter Sprigg, remembering to mention that...
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Video: Majority leader majorly leads
**MORE: Speaker Pelosi: Civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis:
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The imperfect path to #DADT repeal: 16-12 in Armed Services Committee!!!!!
Moments ago we received word that the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 16-12 to repeal the failed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law. This historic action is the first time Congress has ever taken a vote to repeal the ban on...
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Video: Akin makes gay hearts do same; Franks not even in Ballpark; Gohmert is, uhm, well, Gohmert
Think Progress has dutifully assembled this afternoon's Don't Ask Don't Tell lowlights: GOP Unleashes Campaign Against Gays In The Military On The House Floor [Think Progress] Like listening to a deflating balloon. *And now a palate cleanser:
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Video: This pretty much sums up #DADT debate
War vs. peace. *** *This emergency call from Servicemembers Legal Defense Network: **BREAKING NOW: Advocates supporting repeal need to call these Members of Congress now** Reports: They are possibly leaning “no” on the House repeal vote: Jim Costa (D-CA) 202-225-3341...
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Video: Faces obscured to protect the innocent
ABC News
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Audio/Video: Military bias' backers say the darndest things (RIP, Art Linkletter)
Disgusting DADT fear-mongering, take 1: (click to play audio clip) *FULL SHOW: G. Man: DADT [WorldNetDaily] (Even more) Disgusting DADT fear-mongering, take 2: (h/t: J.M.G.)
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Video: In Speier, principled action
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FRC's senior fellow called for gays' exportation/criminalization. Yet *we're* the "radical' ones!?!
The Family Research Council -- a group whose leaders are on record calling for gay exportation, backing gay criminalization, and referring to gays as "being held captive by the enemy" -- is continuing the unprincipled fight to keep gays held...
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Video: Maddow, Murphy, and that same damn ban
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy **SEE ALSO: Today needlessly distraught tale: Stories from the Frontlines: Former Marine Corps Corporal Juan C. Perezortiz [SLDN]
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Oh look, FRC is being un-American and insolent. Shocking!
At a 1PM press conference, the Family Research Council will introduce this ad: EF10E14 And there you have it. Yet again, social conservatives pitting gays against America. Just look at the graphic. One soldier proudly displaying old glory -- the...
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'Don't Ask' me yet
There's so much to process in terms of DADT repeal developments, that I, Jeremy, am not yet sure what to think. So here, read some organized responses while I find my bearings. Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN): WASHINGTON, D.C. –...
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Rep. Murphy and the Count agree: #GetDADT is as easy as 1-2-3 (ah-ah-ah!)
We choose this pic of Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) because OMG, cute: We choose this press release/letter from Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA) because OMG, we need more like him working towards DADT repeal: Military Leaders Tell Congress Time Has Come...
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Monday to-do list: #GetDADT
Step 1) Call the DC offices of each of your state's two Senators. Step 2) Call the DC office of your district's federal Representative. Step 3) Post a comment on this page letting [folks] know how it went:...
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Audio: Oh look, it's the man Log Cabin Republicans told us to support, schmoozing with Tony P.
When it comes to Don't Ask Don't Tell (among other issues), how far to the right has Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) gone? Well, sadly, far enough to cater to the remarkably eye-opening whims of Tony "gays are "being held captive...
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Imagine? It's not easy if you decry
"It's hard to imagine President Obama doing anything more damaging to the future of the country he seems determined to destroy than leading the charge to normalize deviant sexual conduct in the United States military." -The American Family Association's Bryan...
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Flashback Thursday: Compromised
Randall Terry, Paul Cameron, Robert Knight, and Judith Reisman went on to different states of respectability, even among the far-right "pro-family" movement. But in 1993, they were all bound by a refusal to camouflage either their biases or their gay...
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Do ask, do html
A group of leading military bloggers has issued a joint statement urging Congress to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." ... The statement, which says that there have always been gay soldiers and that "very little will actually...
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Levin bred: Can D-MI make it rain a DADT repeal?
This from Talking Points Memo: Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said today that if the votes are there, he'll include a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell in this year's Defense Authorization bill -- despite...
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Video: DADT is a bad f***ing deal
Vice President Biden: No 'Anti-Military Bias' in Elena Kagan's Decision as Harvard Law Dean [ABC --GMA]
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When 'Don't tell' comes with an extra '..or else'
Despite sexual harassment being a punishable offense independent of Don't Ask Don't Tell, the anti-repeal set loves to talk about the supposedly lecherous gay soldiers who will supposedly throw themselves on every same-sex man, woman, or combat boot who gets...
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Sen. Gillibrand: 'Respectfully disagrees' with disrespectful waiting game
[Sen. Gillibrand] Most important part of this email? The mention of the Senator "privately and publicly" urging of her colleagues. Because we can write, lobby, advocate, subject ourselves to arrest, and play with our G.I. Joe voodoo dolls all we...
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Video: 2 straight men spend 10 minutes of lives bashing peace (that doesn't hurt them)/weakening national security (that does)
Tom "an openly gay SCOTUS nominee is a non-starter" Minnery will now explain to you why LGBT people are also unfit for openly fighting (and possibly dying) for their nation. Especially listen to the part around 3:48 where Tom talks...
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Past military injustice: The loathe that dare not speak its name
Ron Kirkland and Randy Smith, two Republican candidates in Tennessee's 8th congressional district, have an odd (read: "haha, violence is funny") sense of nostalgia for the way gays were treated during their army days: Kirkland, a Vietnam veteran, said of...
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Sunday in the Park with scourge: videos/photos from #GetEQUAL, #GetDADT
*Gorgeous, evocative photos from Jamie McGonnigal:
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SLDN on where we are/need to be/could be/should be/ why the hell can't we get there?!?
Nothing more to say on this one except: Here's a massive (and massively critical) Don't Ask Don't Tell update from our friends at Servicemembers Legal Defense Network: BREAKING UPDATE: Obama Administration Deals “Devastating Blow” Against DADT Repeal Advocates **Aubrey Sarvis...
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Semi-live audio: FRC's equality- and national security-weakening presser
Part 1 (2PM-2:08PM ET) Part 2 (2:08PM-2:15PM ET) Part 3 (2:15PM-2:23PM ET) Part 4 (2:23PM-2:30PM ET) **SEE ALSO: The reason why they're holding this discriminatory thing: 40 RETIRED MILITARY CHAPLAINS WRITE LETTER AGAINST DADT REPEAL [Towle] **Oh, and don't for...
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Fun with automation: FRC's noxiously anti-gay/anti-national security presser edition
Tomorrow at 2PM Eastern time, the Family Research Council is joining with the Alliance Defense Fund to host a press conference about Don't Ask Don't Tell, where the two groups will continue to fulfill their childhood dreams of keeping their...
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Audio: #DADT in '10: Sen. Gillibrand hopeful
Just moments ago, in a Facebook live video chat, pro-equality Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said the following about Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. The question was about including repeal language in the Defense Authorization bill: (click to play audio clip)...
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DADT vote in bed before '11? The gentlewoman from California says aye
The Senate Armed Services committee is the big focus in terms of needed votes, and everyone should remember to be in contact with those key 6 members!! However, this blip from D.C. Agenda is still great, promising news in the...
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Eggin' McCain: Protesters sit so John might stand
Some say they are with GetEQUAL, others say they are with Equality Across America (which seems more likely). Whatever the affiliation, there are currently five protestors sitting in Sen. John McCain's AZ office: @EqualAcrossUS: @GetEQUAL: Or by this point, they...
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Repeal in Defense Authorization Bill: A letter a day can take the flawed law away?
I, Jeremy, have never served in the armed forces. Not gonna lie: I never even really considered it. My clinical pacifism, which has been known to set up halfway houses for unswatted flies so that they could reform their pesky...
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