Good As You: Elena Kagan Roundup
It's odd Peter Sprigg won't put gays in camo since he clearly doesn't wanna see us
When reading this Op-Ed from WorldNetDaily, be sure to note the one group that the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg leaves out of his societal portrait: Elena Kagan, Supreme Court nominee, has endorsed the principle that "[a] society ... that...
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And at that Chinese restaurant on Xmas day, she ate American flags
You really have to wonder what goes through the heads of our spirited opposition. Because seriously: What kind of hyperbolic state of hyperpartisan dissension leads them to say things like this about a potential Supreme Court justice: Kagan Chronicles: Doesn’t...
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Uncross your fingers: 'I love her, I have a thing for redheads' not in Tony Perkin's testimony
Family Research Council prez Tony Perkins has yet to testify against Elena Kagan. But this is what he'll say when he does: (*Note: Unlike FRC's past on-record comments, TOny manages to get through without saying gays are "held captive the...
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Video: Kagan shuns Jewish faith, says radio host who changed his own Jewish last name
Elena Kagan makes a light joke about eating Chinese food on Christmas (something that 90% of New York City's Jewish population has said on at least one occasion), and all of a sudden she is an "anti-religious pagan." So goes...
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On Thursday, Tony testifies. Today: He prejudicially pre-parties
So far, the Republican senators have managed to make her look nothing more than accomplished, likable, and extremely good-natured. Oh, but forthcoming "minority witness" Tony Perkins is determined to change all that. In a new "give us money/give Kagan the...
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Why is the opposition so 'held captive' by the far-right?
Back in March, while speaking at a Nashville Baptist church, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins claimed that gays and others who he debates are "being held captive by the enemy": (click to play audio clip) *FULL VIDEO: The Quest...
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This man is a dean. At a law school. Parents send kids to him to learn. About law.
The nothing-if-not-incendiary Matt "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it ‘love’” Barber has joined Focus on the Family and the American Family Association (among other, more fringe figures) in declaring that an out...
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If we don't ask 'how dare you?!', Tony's terrorism claims win
Just moments after President Obama's State of the Union speech, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins said that the Commander in Chief is "willing to jeopardize our nation’s security to advance the agenda of the radical homosexual lobby." Comments that...
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'L' or j/k? For Janet Porter, Kagan conjecture is enough for condemnation
The only people who have publicly addressed Elena Kagan's sexuality say that she is, in fact, heterosexual. But why should far-right radical Janet Porter let a little thing like known body of knowledge stop her anti-gay attacks? Lesbian Nominated to...
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Bruce admires his Barber -- yet it's Kagan who shouldn't make the cut?!?
A few weeks back, the pro-family movement's most undeniably incendiary lover of hyperbole, Matt "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it ‘love’” Barber, wrote yet another-over-the-top piece, wherein he directly likened people like...
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Audio: Focus on the Family's script demands resistance to Elena, ENDA. Here's how they justify it
Focus on the Family's Jim "But I'm really a nicer, non-Dobson kind of leader eventhough my organization is just as hostile to gay CIVIL rights (on the basis of personal, chosen faith) as it ever was" Daly, Tom "openly gay...
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Video: Because in America 2010, desiring to strengthen our armed forces is a 'radical' stance
This morning on "Today," conservative pundit Laura Ingraham rightly brought up the concept of separate but equal while discussing the issue of recruiting for an armed forces that explicitly bars openly gay soldiers on college campuses (particularly law schools) where...
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For one TX NBC affiliate, 'Entertainment Tonight' just became more responsible news show
Saying Kagan has both an "agenda" and a "lifestyle"? Dedicating eight minutes of morning news time to something 100% based in rumor? Recommending the rabidly anti-gay, proudly to the far, far right WorldNetDaily as a "a great website" and serious...
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Video: DADT is a bad f***ing deal
Vice President Biden: No 'Anti-Military Bias' in Elena Kagan's Decision as Harvard Law Dean [ABC --GMA]
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Well her brother's with us
Irving Kagan's *public* Facebook wall Now, this of course means nothing. On some issues, this writer and his siblings make oil and water look agreeable in comparison. Sibling rivalry goes well beyond who sits shotgun in the family wagon, and...
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NOM, uh, nay: In Kagan, Maggie sees less potential to hurt future gays
Finally, Maggie Gallagher makes a prediction we can get behind: [Elena] Kagan waded into the DOMA case, amending a brief that offered “responsible procreation” as a reason for DOMA to instead explicitly reject procreation and child wellbeing as a reason...
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Perhaps he who's invoking Salem circa 1692 shouldn't talk about 'stakes'
The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer once clumsily invoked McCarthyism when referencing those who oppose Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal. Perhaps he should've waited until his mirror arrived in the mail before doing making such a historical comparison: Elena Kagan,...
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HRC on Kagan: She'll keep the 'us' in SCOTUS
This from the Human Rights Campaign: WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, today hailed President Obama’s selection of United States Solicitor General Elena Kagan as the nominee for...
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