Good As You: Ex-Gays Roundup
New PFOX brochure: 'Is Someone In Your Church [Succeptible to Junk Science]?'
Usually when a group presents the "ABC's" of something, the group proceeds to begin each sentence in that structured conceit with the succession of letters that follows the pattern of our English alphabet. Leave to the "ex-gay" PFOX group to...
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One of the most reprehensible 'advice' columns you'll ever read. For shame, Matt Moore
This "ex-gay" advice has the power to do real and lasting damage. It's shameful: SNIP: The gay lifestyle is driven by sex, not love. But I didn’t realize that until God took me out of that lifestyle and placed me...
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Video: Focus on the Family reminds us how invested in scientifically-shunned 'change' they remain
Professional "ex-gay" strategist Jeff Johnston never talks about the fact—The. KEY. FACT.—that his beloved cause has zero credible backing in the health community. He could really be talking about a person's desire/choice to stop eating Cheez Whiz and he'd be...
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Focus on the Family gets 'ex-gay'-happy
In the past day, Focus on the Family's CitizenLink site has randomly posted four different stories about/from self-professed "ex-gays," all designed to call into question fixed orientation: [SOURCE: FoTF's Citizenlink] Focus on the Family gives no context for the postings....
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Vote For Marriage NC's Grassroots Director wrote paper 'proving' gays can/should 'change'
This year, Leonard Goenaga is serving as the Grassroots Director for the campaign trying to change North Carolina's most precious document of civil governance so that it more stringently bans certain tax-paying citizens' marriages. But in 2009, while still a...
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Video: 'Ex-gay' seminar, un-closeted
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall at a particularly fringe "ex-gay" therapy workshop? No? Not at all? Not even a little bit? You'd rather sit on a lumpy sofa in pajamas made of hair while watching episodes...
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Stephen Bennett's new lifestyle choice: Coming to a web near you
After a long denial, professional "ex-gay" Stephen Bennett is about to come out again -- with a new video series: Controversial? Polarizing? An "issue"? All of this mislabeling is because people like Stephen have built careers around muddying the waters...
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New Jersey's leading 'protect marriage' group pushes 'ex-gay' 'change'
The group leading the push to stop marriage equality in the Garden State today posted the following on the official Facebook wall: 1) It's sexual orientation, not preference 2) The inability to fully lockdown the root(s) does not negate that...
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Video: Mystery science theater 'treatment' gets 'Mystery Science Theater' treatment
A ChristWire video:
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Evangelical 'World' blesses 'ex-gay' star with Daniel; Play considered too farcical for a Tony
For its December issue, prominent Christian magazine World has chosen "ex-gay" advocate Alan Chambers for its "Daniel of The Year" award (which they describe as "one Christian from the millions around the world who have put their faith in God...
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Even more 'ex-gay' advocacy from NOM
A National Organization for Marriage supporter wrote this on the organization's official Facebook wall: [SOURCE] Homosexuality is "wrong"? "Empty"? Fit to be "changed"? Clearly those views go well beyond America's conversation regarding civil marriage, NOM's stated focus, and instead delve...
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Snake oil, mid-century vintage
The most laughable part of the following comes not from noting the number of great changes between now and sixty-eight years ago. No, no -- It's the still-in-place similarities that provide the tragicomedy: Trauma as root? Overbearing mother as cause?...
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Video: 'Hardball' hosts former 'ex-gay' activist; rest of 'ex-gay' movement blames both hardness and balls
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NOM's changing image: Org. continues to show true 'ex-gay' colors
Over the weekend, the supposedly single-issue-focused National Organization For Marriage posted even more credence for the scientifically-rejected idea that gays can "change": [NOM Blog] With this, NOM is continuing its recent trend of moving further and further fringe, embracing fights...
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More 'ex-gay' advocacy from the House of NOM
At 3:15 PM on Saturday, Thomas Peters will be representing the National Organization For Marriage on a "Value Voters Summit" breakout panel: So what might we expect Thomas to tell these young conservatives? Well, if his Twitter feed is any...
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NOM EXPOSED: Yet another 'ex-gay' advocate joins NOM's ranks
"Courage" is a Catholic organization that pushes the "ex-gay" belief that people with "same-sex attractions" can be ministered out of homosexuality. A wholly scientifically-discredited belief, of course. Damian Goddard is the Canadian sportscaster who was released from his role as...
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Poll: Mere 24% support for 'ex-gay' therapy; still prob. more than scientific community gives it
Ever since the Bachmann candidacy brought "ex-gay" back into the national conversation in a major way and social conservatives determined that more fully pushing "pray away the gay" therapy was the best way to handle it, I've been hoping someone...
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Audio: For those who claim 'pray away the gay' is unfair rhetorical reduction, I give you Bryan Fischer…
"We know as an absolute fact, as a religious principle, as a theological principle, as a deeply-held principle of the word of God, that change in sexual orientation is possible -- happens all the time. And we know it can...
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Audio: 'Ex-gay' is its own orientation; if you, like credible science, fail to honor that, then you're a hater
A few days ago, we showed you how the National Organization For Marriage was inching ever closer to "ex-gay" advocacy, pushing the words of PFOX president Greg Quinlan. Now listen to this very same Greg Quinlan that NOM was pushing...
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Video/Audio: In May, Bachmann saw anti-gay advocacy as boon; temps now warmed, why are feet now cold?
So Michele Bachman doesn't want to address the gay-themed "culture war" issue that is currently dominating our news cycle. Here's the AP on that: The campaign's not taking interviews on the subject? Uh huh, well here's the thing: Michele Bachman...
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How the 'ex-gay' advocates lie: A quick, incontestable visual
The Liberty Counsel's Senior Fellow of Hyperbolic Condemnation is currently pushing this Tweet: @jmattbarber Being the "culture war" geek that I am, I instantly recognized the spin. Spin that you will only find on conservative sites/forums: Google Search That last...
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Audio: Conservatives defend Bachmann by *more fully* pushing 'ex-gay' therapy; That's good for us
One thing that's surprised me about the conservative community's response to the Michele/Marcus Bachmann "ex-gay" debacle is how strongly her defenders, even more moderate ones, have jumped in to defend the scientifically-discredited "therapy" that's now under the media microscope. Now...
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NOM inches ever closer to full blown 'ex-gay' advocacy
The National Organization For Marriage is now pushing the work of the very fringe PFOX group and accusing those who place the proper premium on credible sexual orientation science of "demonizing" those who push "change" rhetoric: [NOM Blog] They take...
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Video: Two gay men, one campaign of 'change'
Wayne Besen chats with Thomas Roberts about, well, what else? Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
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Video: 'Nightline' on Bachmann on scientifically-shunned counseling
Kudos to the Truth Wins Out team for getting this story out there in a major way: Just seconds ago, I heard the "Today" show tease their own piece on this. So this thing certainly has momentum "ex-stagnancy." On-record answers...
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What #TOMS ultimately rejected: An org. that thinks homosexuality is as changeable as shoes
In the official press release responding to the TOMS debacle, Focus on the Family framed the criticism against them as coming about "simply because we hold to biblical beliefs about marriage and family." In damage control Tweets, millennial outreach person...
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Video: On Mormon 'ex-gay' therapy: 'In the end you're just a gay guy who knows how to work on your car'
Steve is frank, direct, confessional, and quite dramatic about his three decades of experience as a gay man trying to make a sense of both himself and the LDS church, following the latter's guidance on the former. Good for him:...
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Skeptoid sums up 'ex-gay' programs: 'They just don't work'
"There is no upside in changing from one person with one set of problems into a different person with a whole new set of problems; it usually just compounds all those problems together. Sexual orientation change efforts are no different....
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Kevin Jennings said 'ex-gays' need equal public school access? Yeah, PFOX? You sure about that?
Knowing the way PFOX spins every non-victory as if it's some sort of validation for the scientifically-unbacked, in-flux label known as "ex-gay," it's certain that this press release is just more of the same: June 8, 2011/Washington, DC-Parents and Friends...
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NOM-entrenched Haas family: Reared on diet of 'ex-gay' therapy?
We've already established that Brian Brown, Charles Limandri, David Lejeune, and any number of other (male) National Organization for Marriage personalities are members of the Catholic organization Legatus, so just the fact that words like the following appeared in that...
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Audio: Regina Griggs says 'ex-gay'=sexual orientation; will somehow keep straight face when claiming gays indoctrinate
Ready to fall down a rabbit hole? Well then hit play *AUDIO SOURCE: PFOX: Ex-'gays' have rights too [ONN] Okay, here's the thing: Even if you book your tickets for Exodus International's annual convention six months in advance, you still...
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The sanctity of marred science: @AFAofIndiana pushes 'pray away the gay' programs
The American Family Association of Indiana is all kinds of pleased about the state legislature's step towards inscribing wanton bias into its most cherished governing document: [WISH TV] So that being the case, we just want to take a second...
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Scientist rejects Exodus app; pigeons yet to acknowledge Angry Birds
When it comes to the "ex-gay" community, a scientist rejecting the way his or her work is represented is old hat at this point. So like most of life's commonalities, there's now an app for that: University of Minnesota researcher...
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Video: 'Ex-gay' debate caught up in Oprah's net
Tonight on OWN, 10/9C: Gut reactions: The first clip: Alan's admitted struggle always makes us sad. Because he really seems to believe that adult relationships must come with this kind of deep, internal warring. Sure, adult relationships have challenges and...
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NH group seeks GOPresidential allies; we hope GOP field's prepared to accept group's own 'ex-gay' alliances
According to Roll Call, New Hampshire's Cornerstone Policy Research is hoping to take its "protect marriage" advocacy national: “It was never a plan to make it into a national issue, but it just seems like the timing is right,” Kevin...
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Video: Local news story about home's unnecessary 'repairs.' Or something like that
Houston, TX, has an out and proud lesbian mayor with a partner of twenty years. It also has residents who consider people like Annise Parker to be living "immoral lifestyles," and who take it upon themselves to foster faith-based "change"...
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35 years of twisting orientation research so that it fulfills preconceived script
Focus on the Family is looking back on Exodus International's founding: Despite the doubters and nay-sayers who have attacked and vilified those who have come out of homosexuality over the past 35 years, the ministry continues. I’m thankful for the...
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Video: 'Ex-gay' in the age of Carter
1979: [Brian McNaught] John Hansen left Anita Bryant Ministries in 1980. If anyone has more info, please let us know. *** *Shirley Spellerberg today, blogging at Texas GOP Vote.
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Video: Wonder how Neil Patrick Harris feels having his family exploited for 'ex-gay' gain
(via Joe.My.God.)
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Video: Liberty University's 'Hunt For A Gay Cure 101'
A few years back, all kinds of people were asking us to accept Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse's "ex-gay" research as if it were led by science and not an agenda. Now, via these two videos posted to Liberty University's...
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Exclusive: New Hampshire's leading 'protect marriage' group pushing gay 'cures'
Earlier this morning we let you hear a clip wherein the president of New Hampshire's leading "pro-family" group, Kevin Smith of Cornerstone Policy Research, revealed that he not only wants to get rid of the state's marriage equality, but also...
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The latest from James Hartline:
Okay, look: Any abuse perpetuated on Mr. Hartline or any self-identified "ex-gay" is not funny. Actually, scratch that: Violence in general isn't funny, be it merely scrape-inducing or be it life-robbing. But the thing is: James Hartline has blown so...
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If hetero men can no longer play with balls, pile ontop one other, or pat each other's butts, that's not our fault!
If you're not confident, secure, and/or adjusted enough to have friendships with people of any sexual orientation or gender without that palling around turning intimate, then that is on you. If you feel insecure or scared or guilty or angry...
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To watch: 'Journey into Manhood' so as to not, uhm -- journey into another's manhood.
Tonight on "Nightline": De-gaying one's self via John Williams' Olympics theme song: Unfortunately, "pole vault" has a whole other meaning in these "ex-gay" games. Tune in tonight to see more of what this so-called "Journey Into Manhood" program entails. Of...
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NARTH "Lift My Luggage" protest
NARTH "Lift My Luggage" protest 11/5/10 Jeremy Hooper Remarks as prepared So I'll be honest: I didn't know what I wanted to say here. But as I sat down to put together some thoughts, something so oddly, freakishly coincidental happened...
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Video: Same Alaska, another kind of 'hopey-changey stuff'
*** ***SEE ALSO: Our June '07 mention of the "" banner. We've mentioned it a few more times over the years, but it's always pretty much the same thing: Plane, banner, dogma; blah, blah, blah. One link should be enough.
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Media O'Ds on (R-DE) -- but why the relatively huge 'ex-gay' pass?
Christine O'Donnell chatter is everywhere. Bill Maher is rolling out new clips every week, with a younger incarnation of the U.S. Senate nominee talking about witchcraft (she played around) or evolution (Darwin didn't even play a round). Elsewhere on the...
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#VVS2010 pushes buttons
On hand at the Values Voters Summit, G-A-Y pal Chris Geidner scored himself some swag: @chrisgeidner Chris says he was told it'd be the "most controversial button [he]'d ever own." That "controversy" of course existing between credible science and those...
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Flashback Thursday: Y2K not the biggest pre-millenial hoax
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NOM on 'ex-gay' group: Merely 'helping gay people lead Christian lives'
On second thought, maybe the National Organization For Marriage and its officials no longer care about hiding their "ex-gay" support. Check out this little blip that was just posted to NOM's blog: An earthquake is beginning: If "gay is like...
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