Good As You: FOF Roundup
Anti-equality groups are a-spinnin'; here's Focus on the Family's version
It's seriously like the far-right anti-LGBT crowd, whose work was essentially put on a notice in the President's historic inaugural speech, is trying to workshop new lines in hopes that one of them will stick. This one comes from Focus...
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Audio: Focus on the Family prez says gays are at battle with God
Janet Mefferd is one of the most aggressively anti-LGBT Christian radio hosts around. Yet despite his hollow lip service about being a "softer" kind of religious right voice, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly went on the proudly incendiary...
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We aren't anti-anyone says man whose website calls gays a 'particularly evil lie of Satan'
Focus on the Family president Jim Daly denies animus: The kind of clear, demonstrable animus that is running on Focus on the Family's site right now, despite me having personal conversation with Focus on the Family staffers about this content's...
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Today I will: Tell you what lies beneath Focus on the Family's 'soft' tone
Focus on the Family has launched a new campaign called "Today I Will," in which they encourages to make certain vows based around the special interest group's "pro-family" agenda." Cue the stock photos: Of course, we LGBT people know a...
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Okay, Esther Fleece—let's talk about biased #chickfila reporting
A week ago, I showed you how Focus on the Family's young people outreach person, Esther Fleece, was trying to frame those of us who have covered the Chick-fil-A controversy as being unbalanced, unfair, and generally skewed: As I noted...
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Video: Focus on the Family reminds us how invested in scientifically-shunned 'change' they remain
Professional "ex-gay" strategist Jeff Johnston never talks about the fact—The. KEY. FACT.—that his beloved cause has zero credible backing in the health community. He could really be talking about a person's desire/choice to stop eating Cheez Whiz and he'd be...
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Dear Focus on the Family: You are a big reason why millennials are abandoning faith!
In a post to its Citizenlink blog, Focus on the Family is reporting on new findings that shows the so-called millennial generation becoming more secular (among other things): Sobering News for Millennials [Focus on the Family] What Focus on the...
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Video: Focus on the Family teaches us how to deny civil unions with personal faith, 'ex-gay' therapy
Carrie Gordon Earll and Stuart Shepard believe that the Bible is against gays and our marriages, and that "people who live homosexually" can and should stop doing so. That, to them, is acceptable reasoning to deny tax-paying citizens of this...
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Focus on the Family gets 'ex-gay'-happy
In the past day, Focus on the Family's CitizenLink site has randomly posted four different stories about/from self-professed "ex-gays," all designed to call into question fixed orientation: [SOURCE: FoTF's Citizenlink] Focus on the Family gives no context for the postings....
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Okay, Focus on The Family—that's it. I'm not playing this game of pretend anymore
Jeff Johnston, Focus on the Family's resident "ex-gay", has posted yet another piece accusing gays of being intolerant when we raise concerns about the harsh rhetoric that people like Tony Perkins use when speaking to the public. Johnston, like other...
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Glenn Stanton twists, stands by 'particularly evil lie of Satan' quote; justifies #glaadcap
Yesterday, when responding to professional "ex-gay" Randy Thomas' reaction to GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project, I showed you a brief snippet from the comments that followed Randy's post. Turns out that overnight, the whole thing expanded. And when it did, some...
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Times change; neither Focus on the Family nor gays ever will
When you hear Focus on the Family talking about the "newer", "softer, "younger" (BIGGER! FASTER! STRONGER) approach that they've supposedly been taking in the days post-Dobson, don't buy any of it. This is their just-updated list of "homosexuality resources," all...
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Video: Still an anti-LGBT monologue, even if in a 'Dialogue' costume
In his writeup, Joe Jervis says, "The clip seems relatively harmless until you realize what's really behind all this." Here's the clip: Joe hits the nail on the head. And not only in terms of this so-called Day Of Dialogue,...
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Focus on the Family reminds gay neighbors of complete and utter disregard
Updated for '12. Whether that means 20' or 19' is anyone's guess: [SOURCE] What, no specific vow to give our gay-headed families condescending looks should staffers see us at the local supermarket? You're getting weak in your old age, Focus!
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Tyler Clementi a 'culture shaker,' says org. that worked everyday of his life to shake his self-acceptance
At year's end, Focus on the Family's "Plugged In" media site assembled a list of the "top 10 culture shakers" of 2011. Here are nine of them: 1. Mark Zuckerberg 2. Justin Bieber 3. Harry Potter 4. Steve Jobs 5....
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Jim Daly bearing false witness, CNN giving him platform to do so
Right now, on Focus on the Family's main website, leader researcher Glenn Stanton is telling supporters to think the following about gays and lesbians: All sexual sin is wrong because it fails to mirror the Trinitarian image, but homosexuality does...
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Audio: VA adoption conversation is 'getting personal', say those who personally slight us in order to stop fair adoption practices
Even for the quality movement's reliably responsibility-shirking opposition, the claims in this Focus on the Family piece on Virginia adoption are simply unbelievable: AUDIO SOURCE: Adoptions at Risk in Virginia [Focus on the Family's Citizenlink] Wait -- gay activists are...
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Losing Focus: Less people being paid to denigrate our lives and loves
You know that "newer," "softer," post-Dobson Focus on the Family experiment? Yeah, well -- it may not be working: Conservative Christian ministry Focus on the Family announced today it is eliminating 49 jobs in the latest of several rounds of...
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Gay scapegoating not the cash cow it once was
Focus on the Family's Citizenlink, the political action arm from whence most of the organization's most pointedly anti-LGBT rhetoric comes these days, is in desperate of a cash influx: CitizenLink this week sent an email to constituents pleading for $2.3...
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'When the federal government gave up on marriage', stated as real news
It's astounding the careless words that can so easily roll off social conservatives tongues. For instance, listen to this Focus on the Family clip, specifically at the :12 mark: *AUDIO SOURCE: DOJ Sued over DOMA Correspondence [FoTF Citizenlink] "It was...
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Justified pushback leads to company's free choice; cue far-right's war on merit
You don't have to know any of the details, really. In this case, all you have to know is that a summit was scheduled, a CEO was booked, and eyebrows were raised. And you also need to know that when...
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Focus focusing on 2012; seeks Big Discrimination lobby's taxing resurge
In a new article, Focus on the Family writer Karla Dial lays out the inadequacies of a tax law where certain citizens find their legal marriages recognized under state but not federal law while also noting/criticizing The New York Times...
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Glenn Stanton responds to my post; gives me another opp. to highlight his extreme view
Yesterday, I wrote a piece about Glenn Stanton's view that homosexuality constitutes a "a particularly evil lie of Satan because he knows that it overthrows the very image of the Trinitarian God in creation" in which I argued that the...
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Glenn Stanton says homosexuality is a 'particularly evil lie of Satan'; why does that get a pass?
In this post, I will present one of the the most frustrating facets of "pro-family, pro-marriage" social conservatism, in a nutshell. So as not to be hypocritical, let me say at the outset: I do think many people were made...
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Tom Minnery, you were wrong
When it comes to yesterday's DOMA testimony, Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery is predictably defiant: Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., focused on Minnery’s written testimony, targeting one of more than 60 academic citations concerning the positive impact when children have...
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DOMA disadvantages are within Minnery's Focus, he just doesn't care
At today's DOMA hearing, Tom "Someone who is a practicing homosexual is a non starter for the group" Minnery, a Senior Vice President at Focus on the "homosexuality is a particularly evil lie of Satan" Family, was forced to admit...
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Advance read: Tom Minnery's DOMA testimony (*updated: Whelan and Nimocks too)
Diligent U.S. Senators wanting to know what Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery will say at tomorrow's DOMA hearing can get a sneak peek right here: 2011 07 19 Minnery Doma Testimony Personally, I'd ask Tom why Focus on the...
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NE marriage ban proves locals think gay's a 'sin'? Weird, I don't remember that campaign ad
The Nebraska group "Family First" is a satellite affiliate of the Focus on the Family national body. A "fully associated" one in fact: Focus on the Family's state groups So since they are so connected to the group that is...
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What TOMS ultimately rejected: An org. that says gayness is 'a particularly evil lie of Satan'
Focus on the Family continues to act like the victims in the TOMS shoe debacle. Because that's much easier than answering for incendiary claims like these, which are still very much part of the organization's main website: "...homosexuality does more...
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Audio: Focus on the responsibility-shirking
Recently, an anti-equality advocate tried to have my personal Facebook profile pulled for no other reason than what she called my "in your face" gayness. This came about after I left a perfectly fair, in-no-way-inflammatory comment on a public group...
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What #TOMS ultimately rejected: An org. that thinks homosexuality is as changeable as shoes
In the official press release responding to the TOMS debacle, Focus on the Family framed the criticism against them as coming about "simply because we hold to biblical beliefs about marriage and family." In damage control Tweets, millennial outreach person...
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Focus staffer tweets about 'noise and nonsense; so here, have some calm clarity
I began my primary piece on the Focus on the Family/TOMS debacle by mentioning Esther Fleece, because she was, by all accounts, the Focus staffer who most fully led the organization into the TOMS deal. So that being the case,...
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'Do you think I hate you?' An open reply to one/all Focus on the Family employee(s)
In reaction to this post on the TOMS debacle, the question in this headline was posed to me, in so many words, by one of my Focus on the Family contacts. Since my reply, like most all of my work,...
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The TOMS debacle: Another crack in Focus on the Family's 'newer, softer' facade
Regular G-A-Y readers might know the name Esther Fleece. Esther is the young, highly personable, politically pleasant person who Focus on the Family hired to help put a hip, younger face on the house that Dobson built. She's also been...
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Audio: NY Catholic leaders forfeiting right to ever again pit gays against religious freedom
All we hear all the time from anti-equality Catholic Bishops and their allies at the almost-exclusively-Catholic National Organization For Marriage is the claim that gays, via their *CIVIL* marriage equality, are standing in crude opposition to religious freedom. They of...
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To: Albany; From: Colorado Springs; Encl.: 11 mins of disingenuous self-victimization
Even though "New York has always been a little out there" (8:43), the poor victims at Focus on the Family are still going to haul out all of their movement's carefully workshopped fallacies in order to make themselves look like...
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No matter how you spin it -- Focus prez' recent quotes have helped us, hurt them
We were the first site to highlight Focus on the Family president Jim Daly's startling admission that his side has "probably lost" the young people and therefore the marriage fight itself. And then we sat with with bemusement as Daly...
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Focus on the Family fears Prez may afford equal access to U.S. 'gold standard'
Ashley Horne, writing for Focus on the Family, has a few thoughts on the White House's new LGBT microsite: A quick glance at the list and one is tempted to feel overwhelmed by all the ways that this Administration has...
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Focus on the Family: Gays want to indoctrinate (at least up until the point where we 'change' them)
Focus on the Family staffers Candi Cushman, Jeff Johnston, and Stuart Shepard spend the first half of this video chastising those gays who'd want children to know the truth of their benign realities, writing off such peaceful recognition of the...
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Jim Daly's 'probably lost' problem: He just can't pinpoint the pertinence
We were the first to isolate and shoot out the comments to World magazine wherein Focus on the Family president Jim Daly got a little more honest than we're used to hearing from the "protect marriage" crowd, admitting that the...
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Video: A passing thought on wind
Weirdest. Focus on the Family. Video. Ever: Wind: Sometimes it feels like a cold chill, other times like hot air. So if describing the way this organization's constant anti-LGBT rhetoric makes us feel? Then yes, we agree: It blows.
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No, NOM: Jim Daly himself claimed it. But thanks for playing.
Oh look, the National Organization For Marriage is again trying to marginalize the gay blogosphere for accurately assessing a situation: The gay blogosphere has been trying to claim that Jim Daly of Focus on the Family has given up on...
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Focus responds to prez' marriage concession; been conceding for years, apparently
On Saturday, we showed you how Focus on the Family president and CEO Jim Daly is admitting that his side has "probably lost" the marriage fight. Now, in a G-A-Y exclusive, FOtF's VP of Ministry Communications, Gary Schneeberger, gives us...
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HOLY WHOA!: Focus on the Family prez admits his side's 'probably lost' marriage fight
Focus on the Family president Jim Daly, speaking to World Magazine: World Magazine's Marvin Olasky: We're winning the younger generation on abortion, at least in theory. What about same-sex marriage? Focus on the Family president Jim Daly: We're losing on...
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Video: Focus on the [glib claim that love is contrary to the laws of gravity]
Oh how cute -- one of America's most weighty forces of oppression is continuing the PR campaign to convince the world that a certain rich and vibrant population sect is against the laws of nature. But it's okay, because Focus...
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'Adoptive Families' magazine: Running cover for extremely anti-LGBT Focus on the Family
Adoptive Families magazine has always come across as pro-LGBT. The magazine and website routinely feature resources specific to LGBT families, with handy advice for overcoming limitations. And in fact, in a recent article on gay-headed families, writer Larissa Phillips bemoaned...
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Focus on the Family's judicial analyst defines bullying, indicts his side's own 2008 efforts
In light of the controversy regarding DOMA defense and the law firm King & Spalding in particular, Focus on the Family's Bruce Hausknecht attempts to explain the difference between boycotts (which he apparently supports) and behind-the-scenes bullying (which he purports...
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Video: Focus on the Family says 'dude' a lot, uses fear music, ends on dramatic coda...
...all in the name of smug oversimplification:
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Focus on Antonin Scalia's open door
This interesting mention comes from Focus on the Family's Citizenlink site: [Justice Antony] Kennedy wrote the majority opinion striking down a state sodomy law in Lawrence v. Texas (2003), saying among other things that there is “no legitimate state interest”...
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Bull, lied into anti-equality submission
After making all kinds of claims about the Colorado media and its supposed mistreatment of social conservatives' viewpoints during the civil unions debate process, Focus on the Family's Jenny Tyree writes this about the Colorado House committee that ultimately opposed...
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