Good As You: FOF Roundup
Minnery said gay SCOTUS a 'non-starter'; So now he'll help GOP find a POTUS, natch
During Elena Kagan's nomination and confirmation process, Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery put this on the record: Asked if the new statement meant that being homosexual is a deal-breaker, Minnery replied: “Someone who is a practicing homosexual is a...
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Focus on the undying obsession
These are the last ten stories posted to the RSS feed of Focus on the Family's Citizenlink site: And even the one we didn't highlight has LGBT elements, encouraging Focus' followers to lobby lawmakers on issues like marriage. So to...
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Audio: Urinal retentive: Focus, SBC fret over peeing privilege
Focus on the Family and their allies/donor base at the Southern Baptist Convention are yet again taking an ordinance solely designed to prevent discrimination and hardship for the public and making it all about them. This time it's in Nashville,...
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CO civil unions bill unnecessary, Focus on the Family's predetermined agenda finds
One has to laugh when a group like Focus on the Family issues findings like these: [SOURCE] Because let's get real: By "analysis," they mean "meticulous consultation of the same preconceived script from when Focus on the Family always operates."...
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Audio: Focus on the BULL rather than the 'Y'
For the past several days now, Focus on the Family has been working the usual lines about only needing to protect bullied students in the abstract, obviously to sidestep the scrutiny that's deservedly placed upon their organization's nonstop anti-LGBT antics....
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Arcadia fire: Equality advocates Focus on 'Protect Marriage' mayor's keynoter
The mayor of Arcadia, CA, one Peter Amundson.... ...has invited Focus on the Family's vice president of Ministry Outreach/Pastoral Ministries, H.B. London Jr., to keynote an upcoming community breakfast. This leaves an understandably bad taste in some of the more...
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Audio: 'Dialogue', as long as it's in an anti-LGBT echo chamber
Focus on the Family is gearing up for its "Day of Dialogue," the purposely rebranded attempt to make the former, so-called "Day of Truth" sound like a more balanced effort: (← click to play audio clip) *AUDIO SOURCE: Day of...
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Focus hands Speaker Boehner 45k signatures, 1 valid reason to cry
According to Focus on the Family's own reportage, the "pro-family" mega-group has delivered 45,000+ petitions to House Speaker John Boehner, calling on the 112th Congress to, among other things: 4.) Defend the free exercise of religion and speech by rejecting...
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Tim Pawlenty on gays' equality: 'I just don't buy it, sorry'
The presidential hopeful speaks to Focus on the Family: (← click to play audio clip) *Audio Source: A Visit With Gov. Tim Pawlenty [FoTF] "I just don't buy it, sorry"? From Gov. Pawlenty's mouth to 2012 voters' hands! *** *Reminder:...
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Headline we never thought we'd write: Why must Focus on the Family reject Bush and McCain's family values?
Social conservatives are forever telling us that all discussions pertaining to sexuality and marriage and family should take place at home, and that a parents' values are the most important component in raising responsible children. But what happens when kids...
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Fishing for a compliment[ary civil right]
"Make no mistake. Civil union legislation is not a good compromise for protecting marriage. Civil unions are only the bait required to get fair-minded people to take the hook. The big fish is same-sex marriage." -Focus on the Family's Jenny...
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Focus on the Family: We must come together (as long as GOProud is not there too)
We must be more respectful and less divisive in our discourse, says Focus on the Family. Which they will then bear through their continued insistence on making an issue out of certain gays' desire to attend a conservative conference: Are...
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Audio: Focus on the Family (that doesn't have the surname Hummel)
All LGBT people were once teens. These days, many among the current crop of LGBT teens feel enough acceptance to embrace truth before even embracing their high school diplomas. And television, being a reflection of life itself, has made some...
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Daily, Jim: That's how often we'll tell you why app removal is understandable
In a recent blog post, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly (pic., in grey suit and red tie) responds to Apple's business decision to remove the Manhattan Declaration App from its iTunes store by asking the question: Does Apple...
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Wow, FoTF: How's your headline gonna read when equality actually/inevitably *does* win?
Yesterday's Prop 8 development was basically procedural. Largely unemotional for both sides. A setback in terms of time, but not a victory or a loss for either side in terms of the law (and in fact, groups like NOM actually...
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Video: DADT repeal 'opening a Pandora's box of sorts'...'only the opening of a larger Pandora's box is gonna fix it, and for the military that means war'
Some people commemorate Christmas week with new pajamas, and others opt for unwarranted, unprovoked fear-mongering that turns a completely benign, publicly supported policy change into a de facto nuclear weapon. It takes all kinds (to keep peace on Earth a...
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'My Princess Boy' stirs controversy, say mixing bowl and spoon
This from Focus on the Family and pro-"ex-gay" Christian counselor Rob Jackson: (← click to play audio clip) *AUDIO SOURCE: Book ‘My Princess Boy’ Stirs Controversy [FoTF's CitizenLink] Commentary that'll hopefully inspire author Cheryl Kilodavis to start a second book...
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Focus on the Family's Ashley Horne: Praise God for contrived political obstacles
We of course know that Focus on the Family is typically interested in a political fight's end, regardless of the means it took to get there. But in a recent commentary on Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal that focuses on...
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If hetero men can no longer play with balls, pile ontop one other, or pat each other's butts, that's not our fault!
If you're not confident, secure, and/or adjusted enough to have friendships with people of any sexual orientation or gender without that palling around turning intimate, then that is on you. If you feel insecure or scared or guilty or angry...
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Focus on the Family clinches 'victory' from jaws of [procedural obstructionism]
Two ridiculous reactions to DADT repeal's failure, both printed by Focus on the Family: #1: "The U.S. Senate did not allow itself to be bullied into passing legislation that would be harmful to our military,” said Elaine Donnelly, founder and...
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SPLC hate groups list: Focus on the Family punts to God; we advise keeping at least half an eye on more grounded facts
In light of the recent additions to the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of anti-gay hate groups, we asked Focus on Family's Communications Director, Gary Schneeberger, if the Colorado Springs mega-gelicals still plan to reach out to groups like the...
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Video: Candi still trying to make this "Day of Dialogue' thing happen
In the first few seconds of this video, when Stuart Shepard refers to the "different opinions" that public school kids typically hear about sexual orientation (while displaying a GLSEN graphic), Focus on the Family tells you all you need to...
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Candi Cushman's 'loving and respectful' dialogue: Perhaps, unless you love and respect the fair presentation of credible science
Here's Focus on the Family's education analyst, Candi Cushman, talking about the newly re-branded "Day of Truth", and how this pro-"ex-gay" school program (now called the "Day of Dialogue") will change under the auspices of the Colorado Springs "pro-family" behemoth:...
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'Day of Dialogue': Focus' latest attempt to have it both ways
Exodus International is out. So now Focus on the Family is taking over the annual "Day of Truth" event: A major Christian group will take over an annual event that challenges homosexuality, weeks after the event's main Christian sponsor pulled...
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Strangers with Candi: How media's favorite conservative bullying 'expert' really sees us
Candi Cushman is Focus on the Family's resident "expert" on school bullying, regularly landing punditry gigs in mainstream papers like The Denver Post and on networks like MSNBC or CNN. In the media, she is a common counterpoint to the...
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Uhm, we're not raising an eyebrow at religion, Mr. Daly. We're raising it at your anti-gay work
Over on CNN online, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly is weighing in on who is and is not to "blame" for the ongoing fear, harassment, and suicides involving LGBT young people: Not only is Christianity not to blame...
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Finally! Focus on the Family makes post with which we can agree
[SOURCE] Yes, it is in fact a placeholder. Good job, FoTF. Now if you all will just stop presenting homosexuality as a placeholder between abstinence and reparative therapy, we might find ourselves agreeing more often.
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Candi Cushman rejects gay harassment figures; Figures.
For actual LGBT people, the new GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) survey suggesting that nearly 9 out of 10 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender students have experienced some degree of harassment doesn't come across as all that shocking. Because...
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Audio: And next they'll accuse us of plying Kate Gosselin with fertility drugs
Oh hell no, Focus on the Family! You are not going to pin TLC's new heterosexual polygamy show on us: (click to play audio clip) *AUDIO SOURCE: TLC Reality Show Highlights Polygamy [FOTF] Wait, is the show making these connections...
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From OMG! to O-your-G!: As millennials divorce church and state, elders seek Marriage Wars 2.0
So Lifeway Research, a Christian polling and data outfit, released a new report that says 61% percent of those Americans born between 1980-1991 are either somewhat or strongly accepting of same-sex marriage. Which even sounds low to us, knowing what...
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Focus on the waffle: Same date, opposite elected duty
Here's Focus on the Family, from a piece posted today: California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman is making news because she said that, if elected governor, she will uphold the law. This is a headline in California. I wonder if it’s...
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Contrary to ProtectMarriage's belief/brief, the world hasn't been paused for past 28 years
In's appeal to the 9th Circuit, the Prop 8 proponents cited a particular 9th Circuit opinion from 1982 as providing further backing for their discriminatory cause: Protect Marriage Appeal And today, writing for Focus on the Family, Prop 8...
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Video: Kids, don't ever take stranger (status) from a Candi!
One thing we've always loved about Focus on the Family's Candi Cushman: That her cadence and presence comes across very much like Jan Brady, or at least the pop culture parodies that have come to define the character in the...
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Video: And they also believe LGBT people have no place or role
I Believe [Focus on the Family Citizenlink] And will they use all of these freedoms to reject LGBT people's own? You better believe it!
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Video: Involvement = yes. Theocracy = no.
The Focus on the Family boys focus on Christians in politics, yet they ask the wrong fundamental question: [SOURCE] Their question: "Should Christians be involved in politics?" And of course the obvious answer to that is yes. All Americans should...
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We know Focus on the Family likes rolling back the lock. But really, this 'debate' again?!
An odd story to hit our RSS feed in the year 2010: SOURCE: Focus on the Family What next, Ash: Warning folks about the Securities Act of 1933?
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Keep throwing feces at each other, gays -- Focus on the Family has yet to give us 'normalcy' pass
You can look at the flawed claims, discriminatory notions, and unwarranted religious overreaches in the story itself. But sometimes when looking for cruel slights in a Focus on the Family's Citizenlink "news" site, one need go no further than the...
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Jim Daly condemns gay fathers; Even blackjack patron who hit on '21' think he's overplaying this hand
Nowhere is the socially conservative movement's desire to control every American family's life more on display than in the way they've collectively reacted to the President's simple Father's Day recognition of the gay dads who exist (and pay taxes) among...
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Focus on the Family to America: Listen to Price or pay the $ame!
Focus on the Family's Caleb Price, a self-professed "ex-gay" man, is warning conservatives about turning their focus to economic issues at the expense of those that pertain to keeping the LGBT community unequal. Ya know, because if they do, then...
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Focus on the Fixation
These are the last six stories posted to Focus on the Family's RSS news feed: Five are specifically LGBT-centric, with one about fathers and fatherlessness and "traditional marriage" that can fairly be seen as being related (especially when connected to...
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Birds of a Feder?
To be frank: Don Feder's work is that of a fringe, far-right propagandist, and his teachings are largely rejected even within "pro-family" circles. That's because Mr. Feder has an incredible track record of eye-openers. -Back in July of '06, while...
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Audio: 'Fool' me once, shame on James Bowman
Think marriage equality for same-sex couples constitutes something other than a "drastic or far-reaching change to 'the institution of marriage'"? Well then you are nothing more than a "fool," says a contributor to this Focus on the Family news report:...
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As long as Focus tips the Barber, it's their credibility that will be cut
We've had conversations with Focus on the Family staffers about the "pro-family" movement's more markedly extreme voices, and the reasons why they should not given them credence. Positive conversations, in fact. Conversations that seem to "get it." Unfortunately, they FOtF...
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Video: Give kids loving homes, says org. that keeps kids from loving homes
Focus on the Family dedicates much time to keeping same-sex couples away from adoption, foster care, and a whole host of protections that strengthen LGBT families. And of course they work every day to deny a fair shake to gay...
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Video: A class dismissed
We've already told you about Tammy Schulz, the Illinois mom who Focus on the Family is turning into their latest citizen martyr. Now this: "Normalizing homosexuality." When you use those two words, you automatically invalidate the idea that you're working...
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Safe Schools: We must protect them from unsafe 'pro-family' negligence!
Here's the administration of Oak Park, Illinois' Beye Elementary defending their decision to support a welcoming environment for all students, regardless or race, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or gender identity/expression: [YT] And here's a local news report...
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Fine, social conservatives: Then we expect you to forfeit all religious protections by end of day
In our nation's public schools, federal laws already prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, and on the basis of age. But why should a little thing like empirical truth get in the way...
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'FOtFA' (2004-2010); 'Citizenlink' (2010-[we're working on it])
The folks at Focus on the Family are changing the way they do business. No, don't be silly: They're not going to stop attacking gay rights for sport. Our Colorado Springs poker buddies are just gonna move all of their...
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In which Jenny Tyree rejects notion of listening to actual gay people
Focus on the Family's Jenny Tyree was all kinds of upset when Laura Bush came out for simple civil equality being extended to same-sex couples. Now Tyree is turning her attention to another female conservative with a platform: In the...
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With so much Focus, we guess we should be flattered
How unbelievably obsessed with LGBT rights is Focus on the Family? Well check out the following. This is the category/tag cloud for the organization's official DriveThru blog: (highlighting our own) FOtF's DriveThru And our highlighting doesn't include the multiple instances...
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