Good As You: FRC Roundup
Anti-LGBT agenda is FRC's cash cow; media should milk it
Yesterday on GLAAD blog, I made note of the Family Research Council's extreme and pronounced stand against homosexuality, and I made the case for the media noting the harsh resistance whenever and wherever an FRC staffer appears. Today, a related...
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FRC promotes NOM's #marriagemarch with truly extreme church materials
The Family Research Council is an official cosponsor of the National Organization For Marriage's upcoming march outside the Supreme Court, so it's not a surprise that FRC would want to promote the event. In this week's "prayer targets," the nakedly...
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Tony Perkins: 'Protect your kids from a fate like Massachusetts's'
In truth, the policy is focused, protective, and cognizant of attempts to exploit it. It also has nothing to do with marriage. But it's also truth the Family Research Council is focused on protecting its fundraising, a large part of...
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Audio: Did Walmart meet with FRC and choose to stop funding gay orgs? Tony Perkins says yes
On his show today, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins says that his organization met with Walmart and that led the megaretailer to stop funding "the opposition": [SOURCE: Perkins Live, 2/5/13] Well now I have some questions...
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Boykin: Gays, the left to blame for heterosexuals' inability to keep it in their pants
The Family Research Council's own military guy, Jerry Boykin, knows exactly who to blame for David Petraeus and others' extramarital canoodling: (Other voice is FRC president Tony Perkins) You know, I've sat and listened to the FRC blame me for...
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Video: Tony Perkins, careful with his words as always, warns of impending revolution
Court-tested marriage equality will likely lead to a revolt. So says a reliably incendiary man who still manages to earn regular cable TV bookings: (via RightWingWatch) You say you want a revolution? Well, you know—we all want to change the...
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FRC distributes bulletin inserts to MN churches; says God rejects gay relationships, gays won't go to heaven
These Family Research Council–crafted bulletin inserts are making the rounds within Minnesota churches: [FRC] "God's plan" versus gay people's relationships? Weird—the Minnesota For Marriage campaign keeps insisting this is just about civil marriage, not any sort of animus. Guess their...
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Tony Perkins denies he harms gay kids—by claiming they chose a 'lifestyle' 'dangerous to selves and society' (cc @fakedansavage)
Wanting to rebut Dan Savage's opinion about the real dangers he sees Tony Perkins' overheated rhetoric, Perkins went on Mike Huckabee's radio show. And what did Tony do to combat the charges? Well, he told gay kids that they are...
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FRC links DADT repeal to military's 'slipping sexual standards'
From the ever-esteemed Family Research Council's latest round of "prayer targets": [FRC Prayer Team] Sexual intimidation, rape, and the ability of a citizen to fight and possibly die for his or her country without and added level of fear. Totally...
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Mitt Romney proudly addresses 'gays controlled by the Devil' group #VVS12
This is the Family Research Council: "Who do you think is ultimately behind the efforts to advance the radical homosexual agenda, indoctrinate our children, and ruin our military, now? Who's behind the efforts to get God out of government, Christ...
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'It's time to dial down your demonization of those who differ with you' says one of America's most anti-LGBT voices
And now, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins takes a break from his career built around stopping or taking away every single right and/or protection for LGBT people so that he can make this aggressively self-unaware claim: Reminder of just...
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FRC now praying for SPLC, critics' repentance
From the Family Research Council's latest prayer blast: [FRC Prayer Targets] Riiiiiiiiiight. Fanned the flames. You mean like this, Tony Perkins? Senior Fellow of Policy: VP of Church Ministries: This year's recipient of FRC's "Watchmen Pastor" award President:
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Why no one trusts anything the Family Research Council says—Frank Turek edition
On the new website where the socially conservative group attempts to claim religious hostilities are at an all time high, Family Research Council staffers write the following about an incident involving Frank Turek: [Religious Hostilities: A project of FRC and...
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On rhetoric, dials, and distinction
Q. What do most all of us who fight for the welfare, protections, and equal citizenship of LGBT people want out of this debate? A. We want to escape the kind of persecution that seeks criminal sanctions placed on our...
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'Oh, and Tony Perkins and Pete Sprigg are friends'— Erick Erickson demonstrates everything wrong with this debate
In response to tweets he made that attempted to lay blame at the doors of groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center for yesterday's incident at FRC, the Human Rights Campaign's Fred Sainz sent links to Red State blogger Erick...
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FRC readying a 'Religious Liberty Under Fire' campaign
The campaign has not been launched, but the stand-in page (with mostly dummy text and dead links) went up on FRC's domain over night. I really hope the "under fire" language is not a veiled reference to anything: Religious Liberty...
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Confectionary consumerism = bullying in FRC's bitter world view
Two men walk into a cake shop. No, it's not the start of a joke—it's the start of something that actually happened. To two men. Who were looking to purchase a cake. To celebrate their union. There's was an act...
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Audio: Peter Sprigg reminds radio host of FRC's SPLC status
Kudos to Peter Sprigg for noting that the Southern Poverty Law Center does have criteria—criteria that has chosen his Family Research Council for special designation: Joy Cardin Show [WPR] It's actually perfect that Peter was the one to note the...
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FRC faults soldiers for saluting 'wrong' flag, illustrated by photo w/ almost as many American flags as people
If the Family Research Council wants to set up a false dichotomy between saluting the traditional stars and stripes and respecting the LGBT pride flag, then they probably shouldn't go with a graphic in which the (presumably) LGB soldiers are...
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AP gives Perkins platform to dishonor NY marriage anniversary #GLAADCAP
The Associated Press gave Tony Perkins a platform to speak about tomorrow's anniversary of marriage in New York, since saying completely baseless things about gay people is still enough to earn someone punditry gigs within our falsely "balanced" media space:...
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FRC lies about Chick-fil-A; chickens.
The latest FRC email blast: Except not at all, you deliberate bearers of false witness! *THIS* is what has shocked so many people: DAN CATHY: (1:05)"…I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist...
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Thank you, Peter Sprigg, for handily rounding up President's pro-equality accomplishments! (#WinningTheFuture)
He intends for these to be slights. However, to me and to everyone else who values decent treatment of LGBT citizens, the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg—once you take out the lies and translate the "pro-family" spin—has actually taken the...
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Sen. Paul, Sen Rubio: Do you think gays are controlled by Satan? Because your 9/9 co-panelists do.
If there's one thing that binds Tony Perkins, Jim Garlow, Harry Jackson, and Kenyn Cureton, and Jerry Boykin, it's their staunch belief that LGBT rights and other societal matters are guided by Satan himself. Let's start with Kenyn, the Family...
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FRC: General Mills said 'marriage is bad for business'; Reality: No, General Mills didn't. At all. Not even a little bit.
The whole thing's ridiculous, but particularly focus on the line I've highlighted: [Family Research Council] Now I know the social conservatives are desperate to position their stance as being nothing more than support for marriage, but this one is just...
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Tony Perkins: Mayor Bloomberg should treat gays like he does Big Gulps
In words attributed to its president Tony Perkins, the Family Research Council is now trying to connect America's obesity epidemic to homosexuality: Gay pride wasn't the only thing on parade in New York City yesterday--so were the Mayor's double standards....
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FRC's Peter Sprigg: It always comes back to gays 'choosing their behavior'
The Family Research Council's Senior Policy Fellow—Tony Perkins' second in command, essentially—continues to show how far-right and openly hostile his organization is to sexual orientation science in general, telling openly extreme anti-LGBT activist voice Peter LaBarbera that this civil rights...
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How FRC is praying against us this week (even if Tony Perkins will never own it when on 'Face the Nation')
Some snippets from the Family Research Council's latest round of "prayer targets": [FRC Prayer Targets] It's an oddly subjective notion, this whole "restoring sanity" thing.
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Happy Pride from Tony Perkins!
Happy Pride Month from Family Research Council president and frequent TV pundit Tony Perkins: "The month of June is Gay Pride Month. Now, I have not yet seen where they have declared Adultery Pride Month, I have not seen where...
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Peter Sprigg's anti-bullying strawmen keep eyes dangerously blinded
Of the Obama Administration's efforts to combat the obvious and demonstrable problem of anti-LGBT bullying in schools, the Family Research Council's Peter "I'd prefer to export gays" Sprigg asks: "I'm curious whether [Education Secretary Arne Duncan] would be willing to...
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What FRC just honored: Man who says gays are 'warped, infested, twisted' with 'depraved gray matter'
I've already shown you many video clips of new Family Research Council award recipient Ron Baity. Now check out this, from Baity's website: [Return America] Tony Perkins just personally exalted this rhetoric and handed Mr. Baity FRC's highest prize. Feel...
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OMG VIDEO: FRC awards Ron 'gays worse than maggots' Baity with 2012 Watchmen Award!!!!!
Let's look at Ron Baity: - Implies that gay people are worse than maggots: - Compares gay people to murderers: - Wants to "save" gay people so they will "quit being homos": - Claims accepting gay people would make society...
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Video: Tony's never been to the homes he daily decries (cc: @tperkins @brookebcnn)
SOURCE: CNN CNN's Brooke Baldwin asked a great question of guest Tony Perkins. BALDWIN: "Have you ever been to the home of a same-sex couple, Tony?" The Family Research Council president's predictable answer: "No." He, a man who dedicates an...
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The never-ending anti-LGBT doings of cable news' go-to conservative voice
From time to time, someone who works in the mainstream media will question why I think groups like the Family Research Council deserve so much attention on their anti-LGBT work specifically. Some of them don't understand why I say that,...
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FRC so mad at President Obama, they're gonna, um—fundraise off him
In the Family Research Council's latest email blast, the organization tells its supporters not once, but twice, to make their statement against President Obama by tithing to the Church of Tony Perkins: When life gives your highly discriminatory organization lemons,...
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Watch: FRC's gay marriage horror movie, in full
The Family Research Council has posted several clips over the years. But as far as I know, this is the first time the rabidly anti-LGBT org (with undeserved MSM credence) has posted its truly disgusting fear doc in full. Just...
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FRC quietly scrubs pro-Santorum 'math murder' post
Tony Perkins tweeted it: FRC Action's website still has an excerpt and purports to have a link to the full piece: But every trace of this April 9th "Washington Update" column has been scrubbed from FRC web properties: Why'd FRC...
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FRC looks at clock, decides God has time for 'smear the queer' match
The Family Research Council finds representation in any number of forums, from legislative testimony to cable news to GOP rallies. But to get the really good stuff, one must look to the organization's less public calls to prayer. That's where...
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Tony Perkins doesn't want to judge judges on basis of sexuality; except when he does
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins today, stressing that qualifications matter more than sexual orientation: [SOURCE: FRC] I agree. Find qualified judges, regardless of sexual orientation, and judge them on the merits of their rulings rather than their family makeup....
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Vote For Marriage NC aligns with FRC; forfeits mainstream, middle-road, non-partisan pretense
The campaign hoping to besmirch the North Carolina constitution with civil discrimination will soon hop on a bus piloted by the pro-"ex-gay", SPLC-designated "hate group" known as the Family Research Council: Vote FOR Marriage NC Joins Statewide Bus Tour RALEIGH,...
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Reminder that FRC is, at heart, a pro-'ex-gay' organization
At the conclusion of yesterday's 'Washington Update" column, right after faulting the Democrats for supporting marriage equality and accusing transgender men and women of being "men who pretend to be women and women who pretend to be men," the Family...
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Oh, but FRC: No poll supports your 'no legal recognition' view!
Oh, the ever deceptive Family Research Council. Check out this little snippet from yesterday's "washington Update" column, and then I'll get back to you: This week, the co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus joined Rep. Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) pitch to...
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Peter Sprigg gives thought to sexual orientation science; and by thought, I mean middle finger
"…ex-gay is a sexual orientation, just as much as being gay is." -Peter Sprigg, the Family Research Council's Senior Policy Fellow, a frequent TV pundit, and also a major voice within the current campaign to stop marriage equality in Maryland...
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All the single ladies: If you liked it then you should've put a man on it, apparently
Peter "let's export/criminalize the gays" Sprigg, one of the key voices against marriage equality in Maryland, continues his string of ridiculously obtuse Prop 8 tweets: Obtuse and very telling, actually. Peter has no problem comparing us gay folk, regardless of...
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Another anti-gay #Prop8 response, another 'San Francisco values' attack
Family Research Council via emailed press release: "Today's decision was disappointing but not surprising, coming from the most liberal Circuit Court in the country. This Hollywood-funded lawsuit, which seeks to impose San Francisco values on the entire country, may eventually...
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Supposed #MDSSM expert Peter Sprigg: 'No one was born gay'
Sitting in the Senate hearing waiting for his chance to testify against marriage equality, the Family Research Council's Peter "I'd prefer to export or criminalize homosexuals" Sprigg has determined himself to be above all credible science: Be sure to look...
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Video: Tony's 'empty', MSM-blessed rhetoric
If you're mad that Tony Perkins continues to position gays as empty, you're right. But if you're surprised, then you haven't been paying attention: Oh, and if you're pissed that all of the cable news (and even some broadcast) outlets...
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Video: The true Tony Perkins. The one you won't see on tomorrow's 'Morning Joe'
Tomorrow morning, MSNBC will yet again host Tony Perkins on their airwaves, this time on the "Morning Joe" program. if history is any guide, Tony will again be presented as little more than a conservative pundit with insight into the...
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FRC slams NH politician for pragmatically reading NH polls
Earlier this evening, the Family Research Council -- in a post attributed to president Tony Perkins -- publicly pondered the reasons Sen. Kelly Ayotte would see a political need to (temporarily?) distance herself from Rick Santorum and his misplaced "culture...
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Video: Sprigg, Brown, and a conservative movement that's actively courting ignominious future
And now look on as a man who has pushed for both our "exportation" and criminalization... *SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports] *SOURCE: MSNBC …introduces a man who is an aggressive advocate of scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" therapy, who stands outside...
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FRC asks Michael Brown to 'Speak Now'; apparently itching for mainstream voters to listen less
Michael Brown is an aggressive advocate of scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" therapy. For years, Michael Brown has stood outside of Pride parades in North Carolina, warning revelers that "God Has a Better Way." Michael Brown refers to every last pro-equality goal --...
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