Good As You: FRC Roundup


Tony makes bucks by brewing bias; wants 'bucks to do same

At one time, social conservatives would use the term "latte-sipping" to chastise those "elites" who support things like marriage equality. But now, in an two-or- three-pun-too-many-commentary, Tony Perkins is taking the opposite approach, claiming America's top java pusher's support for...

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FRC's pre-Thanksgiving fundraiser: Ensuring gays will feel even less welcome at their conservative relatives' homes

As we head into this week of thanks, the Family Research Council wants you to remember: Your gay cousin has destroyed the military, and will not rest until he destroys marriage and religious freedom as well: Most telling line: "FRC...

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Conan proves same-sex marriage's a sham, says they who provediscrimination's ongoing shame

From the Family Research Council: "If Conan O'Brien thinks hosting a same-sex "wedding" on his show will help its popularity, the joke's on him. To celebrate the funny man's one-year anniversary on TBS, "Conan" is broadcasting this week from his...

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Wait, FRC doesn't realize its 'research' is detrimental? Weird, everyone else does.

In response to an Anchorage Superior Court judge who sided with same-sex couples in a property tax case despite the state's discriminatory marriage amendment, Family Research Council's Tony Perkins writes: If Judge Pfiffner had read FRC's research, he'd know that...

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Peter Sprigg purports to lay down two views; misstates both 'two' and 'views' parts

Peter Sprigg's latest brochure (first debuted at this year's Values Voter Summit) is a real piece of work. It pushes so-called "change" therapy by citing researchers from NARTH and other Christian backgrounds while completely demeaning what science really says. It...

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Those 'Values' keep a comin': FRC bus seats another uber-extreme voice

This is just a small smattering of what Phil Burress pushes on his so-called "Citizens For Community Values" site: "The homosexual activist desires to coerce others not to take into account the inclination of homosexuals to practice same-sex sodomy when...

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Audio: Tony Perkins' soul mate

If you've ever wondered where the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins gets his extreme (yet mainstream-media-sanctioned) rhetoric, then I'm here to give you some insight. All of these clips come from Brother Dennis Terry, the pastor of Tony Perkins' home...

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FRC on Galllup circa May of 2011: 'Venerable'; Gallup on FRC circa May of 2020: 'Lost marriage war'

Usually when it comes to mainstream polling, the far-right uses words like "liberal" to discredit whichever firm is showing a portrait that runs afoul of a certain agenda. So I am thrilled to see that the Family Research Council considers...

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'Values Voter' catering: Canapés on the tray, animus on the slate

Mitt Romney has now announced his plans to be at the Family Research Council's so-called "Values Voter Summit," joining Gov. Rick Perry, Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Senator Rick Santorum, Rep. Ron Paul, and Herman Cain on the slate of GOP...

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♪ 'In [their] mind, I'm going to [destroy] Carolina' ♪

The Family Research Council (a SPLC-designated "hate group") has unleashed onto North Carolina a series of radio ads all geared towards writing abject discrimination into the state's governing documents The script reads: “Marriage is at risk in our state. Our...

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Conservative politics, seasoned with pro-criminalization Sprigg

With the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer getting lots of attention for his comments calling on homosexuality to be criminalized, I thought it'd be a good time to remind folks of how far beyond Fischer this pro-criminal-sanctions opinion goes. In...

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Video: Ken Blackwell gives MSNBC another reason not to re-book FRC

I'll leave it up to you: You can or cannot watch this five minute clip from June 28, 2011, featuring the Empire State Pride Agenda's Ross Levi and the Family Research Council's Ken Blackwell debating on MSNBC airwaves. Though if...

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Tony Perkins to LGBT teens: You're immoral, it won't get better, 'disgusting' to say it will

Considering president Tony Perkins went on NPR and said that gay kids commit suicide because they know they are "abnormal," the following document probably shouldn't come as any surprise. But when you consider that this condemnation of the "It Gets...

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Class(y) action: GLSEN schools FRC on Family Research accuracy

Remember that clip I showed you wherein Family Research Council and specifically that group's president, Tony Perkins, blatantly lied about GLSEN and a document the organization didn't create or willingly distribute? Yeah, well -- today this happened: This morning, GLSEN...

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Video: FRC blames GLSEN for doc GLSEN didn't even create; so FRC acting like FRC, basically

On a couple of occasions, I've shown you trailers and promotional materials for the Family Research Council fear documentary "The Problem with Same-sex Marriage." Now comes a freshly minted clip from FRC's own Youtube channel, one that features two different...

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Don't be 'slave of feelings', says man who wants you bound to his politically-motivated junk science

Because few things are more charming than listening to a hetero-identified man who benignly acts on his attractions proceed to school gay people on why their own orientations deserve to be overthought in a way that doesn't mesh with the...

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Far-right still claiming Franken was wrong; America still getting class in how far-right operates

You know, it's one thing to remain defiant in the face of your political opposition's own advocacy. But when a person who led a certain project plainly states a claim to be wrong and the crowd that would benefit from...

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Video: The Values Voters Summit = line in the anti-gay sand. Tread carefully, elephants

The Family Research Council positions gay human beings as kid-threatening disasters in need of "ex-gay" therapy. The organization churns out brochures that compare same-sex marriages to those bonds which might exist between a man and a horse (complete with horse...

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Video: Mitchell Gold vs. a man who's called for his deportation and criminalization

Peter Sprigg doesn't want kids taught about LGBT people: (h/t: LOrion) The reason why kids need to be taught about LGBT people: *SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports] *SOURCE: MSNBC

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Audio: To 'discredit' pro-science voices, FRC turns to discredited junk science

And now the latest example of Christian conservatives "defending" the GOP's most visible presidential candidate, Rep. Michele Bachmann (Very Far R-MN), by more fully pushing discredited anti-science. This time it's GOP-entrenched Family Research Council, working with an assist from NARTH,...

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Yesterday: We came together to celebrate America; Today: Tony Perkins further divides us

And now this man will continue a career -- CAREER, as in job, as in for a paycheck -- largely built around the cruel slighting of LGBT families: "If some federal judge or, ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court, overturns DOMA,...

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FRC labels Dumbo as gay, uses Disney elephant to mock Log Cabin Republicans

This is the graphic the Family Research Council's Vice President for Government Affairs, Tom McClusky, has chosen to use for his latest blog post denouncing both the gay Log Cabin Republican group and a theoretically inclusive GOP itself: (*"elephant-gay" is...

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Tony Perkins predicts gay marriages destroying the country; hopes it won't happen before his Values Voters Summit (*already has deposit on exhibit hall)

"The American people are there. They know intuitively what marriage is. History shows it, the Bible shows it, [and] society has reflected it," Family Research Council (FRC) president Tony Perkins says of the findings. "The further we move away from...

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Peter 'export and/or criminalize the gays' Sprigg wants NY Senate to hear him; us too

The Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg: "[A] solid majority of Americans still believe that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. I hope the members of the New York State Senate will consider this before they make...

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FRC uses cameras to paint gays as 'heartbreaking'; when will cable news stop using cameras to paint FRC as credible conservative voice?

If history is any guide, the entire slate of GOP primary candidates will show up to speak at the Family Research Council's autumn "Values Voters Summit." And when they do, they will all -- all of them, from moderate to...

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Survey: 3 out of 3 anti-equality groups want you to think equal marriage is unpopular

Public Opinion Strategies is a GOP research firm. The Alliance Defense Fund is the group most aggressively challenging LGBT rights in court, whose most recent "protect marriage" brochure compares homosexuality to bestiality and says same-sex marriage is "rebellion against God."...

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Media lies about Prop 8 facts, says org. that wouldn't surprise us if they called it Prop 9

The anti-gay side, via the unsuccessful witch hunt against Judge Vaughn Walker, was trying to overturn the Reagan/Bush appointees thoroughly reasoned Aug. 4, 2010 ruling. That was the goal: To vacate the decision and force a whole new trial --...

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FRC shows love to Goldwater; would AuH2O return the favor?

The Family Research Council's Chris Gacek is today using the late Barry Goldwater to "remind us that social conservative ideas has been a part of modern conservatism from the beginning": Thanks to Tony Blankley for noting in a column today...

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Video: Accusing the President of hating the army (like Jesus would, natch)

Earlier today, I opined on the careless rhetoric the opposition uses to keep thinks like inclusive service up before public debate. So I now want to thank the American Family Association's Tim Wildmon and the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins...

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Audio: Tony Perkins on saving 'big women' from gay 'bondage'

"...put her in contact with a ministry to 'ex-gays'" SOURCE: Watchmen on the Wall National Briefing [FRC] (H/t: Right Wing Watch) A true story, Tony? Yeah? **REMINDER: Tony is a HUGE GOP star. Like the mainstream GOP. Just this past...

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Ryan-Perkins-Bachmann: FRC is red meat for a GOP sandwich; the meat matters

Sometimes when we show you the uber-incendiary words or actions or propagandistic videos that Tony Perkins or his Family Research Council subordinates so routinely put before the public, some of you react dismissively. "So what?" many you ask. "The Southern...

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Come fall, GOP stars will gladly show up at FRC's Values Voters Summit. Here's what they'll be supporting.

You may or may not know that the Family Research Council sends out regular "Prayer Team" blasts, through which they direct their followers' altar-kneelings to a specific issue or issues. But regardless, you should certainly know that this week, the...

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FRC's latest movie: If this were 'Bridesmaids', gays would be the Brazilian restaurant

- Cover art of children that appear to be hiding from nuclear warfare, Godzilla, or both. - Pushing of NARTH's scientifically-discredited "ex-gay" therapy. - A prominent slot for Brian Camenker, the head of the waaaaay fringe MassResistance group (FRC's fellow...

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Video: Peter Sprigg's continued goal of pitting every 'them' against every 'us'

"Homosexual activists distrust African Americans." And many more things you probably didn't know: Peter Sprigg on the Threat of Gay Marriage [Right Wing Watch] *REMINDER: Peter has expressed interest in both our deportation and criminalization: *SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform...

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'Gays drive the wedge,' says rep from coalition of adults who create homo-hostility for a job. FOR. A. JOB!

And now we will hear from Senior Vice President for the Family Research Council, Rob Schwarzwalder: "Homosexuality is not a 'wedge issue,' except in the sense that its advocates make it one. The teaching of the Bible and the position...

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Photo: FRC has their cake -- but we'll eat it, too!

The Family Research Council intends this to be an anti-gay slight: SOURCE: FRC Though we actually find the image adorable. And patriotic. And aspirational. And nostalgic, reminding us of what our pacifist younger selves would've been more wont to do...

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Royal marring: FRC fellow pits Will & Kate against Elton, equality, measured discourse

And today's list of Family Research Council-initiated offenses continues. To recap: FRC prez Tony Perkins has already likened us to terrorists, and his staff has teased a forthcoming documentary purporting to show what "a frightening place" a gay-accepting America will...

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FRC's unwitting admission: Prop 8's public school fear-mongering was bunk nonsense

With the following three lines, Family Research Council staffers intend to slight the recently-passed bill that will work to enshrine the historical contributions of LGBT Americans in state's textbooks, as well as drum up fears that link marriage equality to...

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FRC calls us 'spineless bullies'; we call on FRC to spin less bull + lies

In their daily "Washington Update," Family Research Council staffers are using King & Spalding's ultimately principled decision to step away from the DOMA case (i.e. not defend discrimination for gay Americans) to brand all equality advocates with a "spineless" label:...

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Photo: In which FRC redresses 'Superior Settings'

The Family Research Council intended the following post/graphic to slight LGBT people and their families, as part of the overarching organizational goal of slighting certain sexual orientations and gender identities in general. So it's odd they chose clip art wherein...

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Family Research Council launches FRC U; for gays, the 'R' & 'C' are superfluous

This announcement comes from a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated "hate group": FRC U: Your Online Education on Everything Family For years, Family Research Council has held lectures featuring leading academics, politicians, and culture-shapers. Now, we have gathered them together in...

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Photo: B/c not all of us are competent enough to grasp 'Family Research'/'values'/crude discrimination

And now a reminder of just how little regard the viciously anti-LGBT Family Research Council has for our president: This is the photo that FRC's Vice President for Government Affairs, Tom McClusky, is running to highlight his latest post: [SOURCE:...

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FRC: Spitting in our faces, wiping said spit back into own hand, throwing it *back* in our faces

It never ceases to amaze us, the sheer gall of our organized opposition. Like take this snippet from the ever-esteemed Family Research Council (please): Family Research Council (FRC) praised the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for ruling...

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Peter Sprigg: FRC's Senior Fellow for Obsessing about Fellows who like Fellows

It's interesting that the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg wants to either "export" or impose criminal sanctions on us: *SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports] *SOURCE: MSNBC We say interesting, because judging from Peter's Twitter feed, he'd have absolutely...

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Tony Perkins: Democrats hold hostage the military they disdain

Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal and even inclusive hate crimes laws are reasons why the Family Research Council pits the Democratic party against out nation's fighting forces: This is of course nothing new: Tony's playbook is all about accusing Democrats...

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Video: Tony Perkins lost DADT battle, still fighting unjust war

Troops Soldier on Despite New Orders on Homosexuality - April 05, 2011 [FRC] Don't worry, actual war: Someday you'll regain prioritized concern. With some of us, at least.

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Audio: An unfettered right to push discriminatory anti-science?

Did you know that an American business' corporate decisions have the ability to threaten free speech, a concept involving citizens and their government? Because they do, at at least if you believe FRC's Peter Sprigg. As part of his latest...

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Traditional journalism needs to stop the 'traditional marriage' rhetoric

This is how WVLA, Baton Rouge's NBC affiliate, covered Tony Perkins recent speaking engagement at LSU: [SOURCE] These folks are protesting simply because Tony supports "traditional marriage"? Uhm, no. They're protesting because Tony Perkins is someone who paints the national...

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Audio: You know what'd really help America? If FRC stopped lying.

[SOURCE] The administration is not enforcing DOMA? The President's killing it? Failing to uphold it? Bullsh*t! Pure, unadulterated untruth! True, the administration is no longer defending DOMA in court -- but it is still the law of the land and...

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We won't blame you for 1996's Macarena. But DOMA's on you, FRC!

In response to Rep. Nancy Pelosi's claim that defending DOMA "places Republicans squarely on the wrong side of history and progress" in a move that "is nothing more than a distraction from our most pressing challenges," Family Research Council staffers...

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