Good As You: Fred Phelps Roundup
Fred's stone cold monument is bust
Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps has been rejected in his latest bid to have a monument installed in Casper, WY, which would've declared that Matthew Shepard is in hell. Our suggestion to Fred: You'll have your own ass-crazy monument (in a...
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A monumentally f***ed up request
Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps is once again requesting to erect a monument in Casper, WY (the hometown of the slain Matthew Shepard), which would read: "MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, at age 21, in Defiance of God's Warning..."...
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Fred Phelps: The Early Years
This from the June 11, 1951 edition of Time magazine: Five-year-old John Muir College at Pasadena (enrollment: 2,000) has no more than the average quota of campus sin. But to Fred Phelps, 21, a tall (6 ft. 3 in.), craggy-faced...
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Phelps turns up the heat on Ford
In a new video on the deaths of both Gerald Ford and Saddam Hussein, Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps declares that "Gerald Ford deserves hell infinitely more than Saddam Hussein because Ford sinned against vastly more light, Bible light, than Hussein...
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Unfair and imbalanced: Phelps calls Fox News Satanic
Calling them a "goosey gaggle of Satanic media mafia," Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps is now going after Sean Hannity, Alan Colmes, Bill O' Reilly, Julie Banderas, and Fox News in general. He says in a new video piece: "Beware of...
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Fred simply shocked...SHOCKED...that unbridled extremism elicited reaction
In a USA Today piece on Westboro Baptist and their nationwide anti-gay crusade, WBC's pastor, Fred Phelps, asks the question: "How in the world did we get this humble message from this humble little old nothing of a church to...
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Sheesh, everyone's a 'fag-hating' critic: Phelps blasts Stewart & Colbert
In his latest video diatribe, Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps is lashing out against Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for their performance at the recent Emmys, saying that the Comedy Central golden boys "mocked the fact that America has gone the...
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...provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and clean your keister
In a new video charmingly titled "The U.S. Constitution - an Agreement with Hell," Westboro Baptist's Fred Phelps says of the U.S. Constitution: "A constitution that now says 'it's okay to be gay' is a constitution which is in a...
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No Sin Zone: Phelps says O'Reilly slanders Westboro
Due to his lashing out against Westboro Baptist Church, WBC's "fag-hating" father, Fred Phelps, is declaring Bill O'Reilly to be a "spin doctor for his father the Devil," a "Hell-bound blaspheming hypocrite," and "a demon-possessed messenger of Satan." To which...
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So conflicted: Robert Knight vs. Fred Phelps
Taking a moment to try and distance his anti-gay rhetoric from the extreme vitriol of Westboro Baptist Church, Robert Knight (pic.) of the Concerned Women for America today makes the Phelps crew the subject of one of his lil' audio...
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