Good As You: Hate Crimes Legislation Roundup


Oh would you look at that? Hate crimes rose right alongside far-right's lies

Here are the hate crimes statistics from the 2005-2007 reporting periods: '05, '06, and '07 [FBI] And here's the new data, which was just released: 2008 [FBI] These would be up. In incidents, in offenses, in victims, and in offenders...

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When false hysteria turns genuinely hysterical

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank lends more insight into the far-right's ridiculous failure of a press conference: Instead of getting arrested, the ministers got something else: A couple of dozen gay activists, surrounding them with rainbow flags and signs announcing...

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Video: Few care to enter far-right's house of cards

From what we hear, the far-right's ridiculous, red herring of an anti-hate crimes law press conference was a complete and utter bust, with sign-waving gays outweighing the scant-to-nil media presence. So don't fear these two clips. Don't even feel the...

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Deaf ear + blind eye towards problem = folks willing to 'deaf-eye' the law

With a bill that's solely designed to protect LGBT citizens from bias-motivated crimes, you really have to wonder what our opposition means when they say they intend to "defy" the law: "To sign the [hate crimes bill] in the Rose...

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With rhetorical crap this odiferous, it's quite good that Ashley's toilet is getting flushed

Focus on the Family's Ashley Horne says: It’s come to our attention that President Obama will “commemorate” the enactment of the hate-crimes bill this Wednesday, October 28th. Let’s all pause and listen to the sound of a little more of...

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It's just good for FRC that crimes against truth aren't tracked

While trying to discredit LGBT inclusive hate crimes legislation for the one billionth and seventh time, the Family Research Council has trotted out this claim: The FBI's statistics on hate crimes actually show a decrease in the number of hate...

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The odd calm of awesome wins

It's always interesting when a much-needed, much sought after LGBT right or protection passes. We expend so much energy and so many words on a particular fight, refuting the lies and misrepresentations put out. We debate until we're blue in...

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On this troubled road, our heads can't be down

Sen Jeff Sessions (R-AL) on the Senate floor, speaking about hate crimes legislation, 11:43 AM: "We should not head down this road" An average LGBT couple, approaching certain avenues in an America where anti-gay bias is still a major problem,...

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Eleven years before we marched...

...we spent this mid-October night holding hopeful vigils. Hoping for a human being to come out of the fight for his life as a victor, not a tragic icon. Hoping for a man who'd be free to breathe as anonymously...

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10/08/98: Shepard, Matt was on life support; 10/08/09: Shepard bill is supporting life.

Oh yea, we almost forgot. Tonight, this happened: WASHINGTON — The House voted by a wide margin on Thursday to expand the definition of violent federal hate crimes to cover those committed because of a victim’s gender, sexual orientation, gender...

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Hatin' the waitin': This Halloween, will we finally get to go as 'one who's protected from bias crimes'?

Kerry Eleveld has the skinny on hate crimes legislation, when we might see its principled passage, and what our side needs and wants to get stripped from the measure before it's placed under the prez's pen: Democratic sources on the...

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We'll jump all the 'hate' hurdles, b/c being jumped out of hate hurts us.

Conservatives like Focus on the Family's Ashley Horne are continuing to hem and haw about LGBT-inclusive hate crimes protections, acting as if it equal justice under the law that they are seeking to protect, when everyone knows it's really the...

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Sessions of unnecessary 'hate' debate: AL Sen. seeks last-ditch derail

Sen. Jeff Sessions (Far R-AL), fresh from his attempts to kill Judge Sonia Sotomayor's credibility, is now attempting to kill LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation. This from HRC Back Story: While the Matthew Shepard Act amendment was successfully adopted on Thursday,...

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Hate crimes law and the religious right: Has anyone lied more about anything ever?

In a new One News Now piece, professional "ex-gay" Greg Quinlan says the following: "Every time now that I tell my testimony, talk about that change is possible, quote the science from the American Psychiatric Association, from the Human Genome...

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Bill nears finish line, in hopes that LGBTs won't prematurely reach theirs

Years of thoroughly offensive lies meant to stigmatize LGBT people. Countless debate about how and why we protect our nation's most vulnerable. An inability to find ourselves with both a supportive President and a supportive Congress. The hate crimes debate...

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And before you get funny ideas, Ash: The sky is, in fact, blue

In a new Focus on the Family report, staffer Ashley Horne says the following: *Audio source: Hate crimes legislation heads for vote in Senate [FNIF] And if the FBI numbers weren't written in indelible ink, then Ashley might have a...

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Video: Shameless desperation

The Family Research Council have recruited a U.S. congressman and U.S Senator, risking their reputations on the hope that viewers of this video will not independently research the untruths that they and their socially conservative friends are spouting. Check out...

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Hate crimes lies 'Carried' to a new level

When it comes to politics, there are lies and then there are LIES. The following snippet, which comes from an Illinois Family Institute flier opposing LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation, falls on the extreme end of the latter category: Stop the...

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When it comes to advancing peace, FRC's motion is loco

This story is from 2007: A boy of 15 lay down in front of a train to commit suicide after being teased at school about his sexuality, an inquest was told yesterday. Moments before he died, Jonathan Reynolds sent harrowing...

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Bias-motivated crimes: You can accurately analyze, or you can Rush

Wanna see a clear example of how Rush Limbaugh deliberately misleads his leaders? Well here, check this out. This is a transcript from yesterday's show: RUSH: I want you to hear this. June 25th, a week ago, Senate Judiciary Committee,...

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Perkins: Waah! We don't get to stall this bill like we have in the past. Waah!

Of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy's (R-VT) plan to finally get inclusive hate crimes legislation passes after the July 4th break, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (or his ghostwriter) today says the following: In a letter to members...

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While we were away: Robert Knight again acted like opportunistic hearsay is same as fact

Since 2000, professional anti-gay activist Robert Knight has been running with the claim that a gay activist involved in the Clinton administration inadvertently revealed hate crimes legislation's "true agenda." And now that the debate is back on the table for...

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While we were away: DeMint left bad taste in truth-loving mouths

With hate crimes legislation threatening to make the world just a little more peaceful for LGBT people, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (Very Far R-SC) recently became the latest conservative figure to blatantly use fear, lies, and intimidation to dupe decent...

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While we were away: Holder v. hate

Eric Holder at Senate Judiciary Committe on the Hate Crimes Bill 6/25/09 [YT] **MORE: Sen. Reid and HRC's Joe Solmonese at Hate Crimes Press Conference:

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While we were away: TVC discovered, failed to master YouTube

The Southern Poverty Law Center has long cited the Traditional Values Coalition as being one of America's twelve anti-gay hate groups. But with lazy and lie-filled YouTube contributions like the following, we think it's only a matter of upload time...

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Report: Hate crimes bill to bum ride with another vehicle

According to the Washington Blade, the Senate will pass inclusive hate crimes legislation as an amendment to another bill rather than as a separate, standalone bill: Senate to pass hate crimes bill as amendment [Wash Blade] So far there's no...

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Audio: Another twosome who hopes Jesus was lying about the lying thing

Even as some groups either openly or quietly distance themselves from the batshittery, the more unscrupulous opponents of hate crimes legislation are still purveying egregious lies about what is and is not a defined sexual orientation. This from the Concerned...

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Anti-gay group backs off paraphilia claim -- yet no flying pigs outside our window?!?

The Traditional Values Coalition, Congressman Louis Gohmert (Far R-TX), Focus on the Family, WorldNetDaily, Liberty Counsel, American Family Association, Congressman Steve King (As Far R as Louis-IA), Concerned Women For America, and countless others have failed to back away from...

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Great, Bruce. So give us back your 'special' protections

If the issue of lowering the voting age to 16 were to arise, we may have some arguments against the change. But we're not going to act as if the newly suffraged sixteen- and seventeen-year-olds would be getting any sort...

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Video: 'Factor' Fiction

Bill "I'm an independent even though I'm SO not" O'Reilly is now carrying water for the far-right and their "pedophilia is a sexual orientation" claims: Yes, Bill, and here is a list of other things that Rep. Baldwin didn't want...

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Audio: Their lies molest my ears. Is that too a 'sexual orientation'?

You know, it's one thing to read about grown adults opportunistically lying so as to convince the public that there are "over 30 sexual orientations," which supposedly include things like pedophilia. But it's often more startling to actually hear them...

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Focus on the startling willingness to lie about sexual orientation

Add Focus on the Family to the list of "pro-family" groups (and lawmakers) willing to flat-out lie and claim pedophilia as a "sexual orientation": The U.S. House voted Wednesday to create a new class of crimes based on the traits...

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Advancing hate's regression: House comes through

The House passed inclusive hate crimes legislation by a bipartisan 249-175 vote: U.S. House Passes Inclusive Hate Crimes Bill [HRC] Now it's on to the Senate, then to President Obama. Or if you're one who opposes the measure, it's on...

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Live: As if you were a fly on Barney Frank's lapel

If you want to follow today's debate and vote on H.R. 1913 (THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HATE CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2009), then you can do so right here. Just click your preferred way of streaming C-SPAN (Windows Media or...

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A powerful friend can make all the difference

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ____________________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 28, 2009 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT ON H.R. 1913, THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HATE CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 This week, the House of Representatives is expected...

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Resisting fellows who get in bed with fellows makes strange, hate-certified bedfellows

Is it "ethical" for a Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission VP to stand side-by-side with the leader of an SPLC-certified hate group? Is it responsible for two U.S. Congressman to do the same? And what about one concerned...

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We love to tell you when anti-hate advances

The House version of LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation made its way out of committee today: Hate crimes legislation cleared a hurdle Thursday, winning approval from the House Judiciary Committee. Committee members backed the bill, 15-12, following a second day of...

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What about protecting fair-minded lawmakers from feet dragging?

As a way of stalling/killing/bumblef**king LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation during today's Judiciary Committee markup, various Republican congressmen proposed amendment after amendment that would've added everything from pregnant women to American nationals who've been the victims of violent crimes committed by...

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Audio: Wherein Matt Barber seeks a more internal rights rollback

Ladies and gents, hold onto your hates, because we are about to give Matt Barber a genuine compliment. That's because we actually applaud him for, in the first half of the following clip, admitting for the first time (to our...

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We don't wanna jail your preachers, Matt. Your straw men are another story

Deceive. Deceive. Deceive. Deceive. Deceive. Sorry. Go read this little quip that Matt Barber has written, and then we'll get back to you: In short, this bill places newfangled "gay rights" in direct conflict with our enumerated constitutional rights. It...

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Video: Poignant

Pass Federal Hate Crimes Protections Now – vote is coming! [HRC]

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Denying actuality: Not a 'traditional value'!

It's that time of year again: Time for the Traditional Values Coalition, an SPLC-certified hate group, to blatantly lie about the science behind sexual orientation in a way that puts a whole host of paraphilic behaviors under the "orientation" umbrella,...

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FRC: Fallacious Reasoning Continues

Truth, schmuth. For the Family Research Council, it seems a handful of cherry-picked anti-gay condemnations are more biblically sound than the book's ideas about not bearing false witness: A "hate crimes" law is really a "thought crime" law that punishes...

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False claims? Fear-mongering? Dodging the real issue? It must be a 'pro-fam' hate crimes discussion!

Watch between 1:17 and 6:15. Focus on the Family's Tom Minnery and Stuart Shepard are lying through their teeth AND THEY KNOW IT: Okay, so the implication is that any criminal in the world can say that their faith leader...

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We like that he's protected on basis of (chosen) religion. Why does Mike care so little about us?

Want insight into the kind of bullet we dodged by not electing a President Mike Huckabee? Well... The kind of bullet that uses far-right talking points about post-Prop 8 "attacks," as if these isolated incidents are in any way comparable...

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Ground that we wish we weren't gaining

This from the AP: WASHINGTON – Hate crimes incidents decreased slightly last year despite a surge in those targeting gays and lesbians. The FBI reported more than 7,600 hate crimes incidents in 2007, down about 1 percent from the previous...

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'Blade': Hate crimes officially bashed

This from the Washington Blade: Capitol Hill sources are telling the Blade that the hate crimes measure has been stripped from the National Defense Authorization Act. The House passed a freestanding hate crimes bill in May, but lawmakers in the...

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Video: About as raw and real as it gets

This is a potential question for the CNN/YouTube Republican debate. One that desperately needs to get picked: Why does it so desperately need to be asked? Well, let's look: Fred Thompson: Opposes LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation. Mitt Romney: Opposes LGBT-inclusive...

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And now for our annual look at hate

It's that time of year again, kids. The day when the FBI releases its latest hate crimes statistics: Hate crimes state for 2006 [FBI] In terms of gays: Sexual orientation bias is said to have been the basis for 15.5%...

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Hate crimes opponents: Focus on their Desperation

So you might have heard that Anthony Fortunato, one of the men allegedly responsible for the 2006 death of openly gay New Yorker Michael Sandy, has come out and said that he's had closeted encounters with other men and that...

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