Good As You: Hate Crimes Legislation Roundup


Your actions are what are 'In-Defensible', Tony

From a short piece he's entitled "In-Defensible," Here is Tony Perkins speaking about the LGBT-centric hate crimes legislation that was recently passed by the Senate as an amendment to the Department of Defense authorization bill: "By hijacking the bill and...

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New rule: 'Advocate' honoree's wrong on some gay issues

This is how Advocate "Person of The Year" Bill Maher spoke about hate crimes on his show Friday night: "So – so Congress passed – the Senate passed this – or voted on this hate-crime legislation ...they attached it to...

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Concerned Women For De-Rationalizing America

In a press release wherein they decry the Senate for advancing hate crimes legislation as part of the Department of Defense Authorization bill, the reliably unprincipled folks at the Concerned Women For America make the following comments: "Senators humiliate our...

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Hate crimes passage: Nothing but a dinner party icebreaker

Responding to yesterday's cloture vote on the Matthew Shepard Act, the always affable Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition says the following: “Why are Americans seeing such an onslaught of pro-homosexual/drag queen bills being rammed through the House and...

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Breaking: Right-wing's most lied about bill advances

Holy mother of bias prevention! By a 60-39 cloture vote, the Senate has advanced their version of the much-debated hate crimes legislation: Senate votes 60-39 for cloture on hate crimes legislation; voice vote adds Kennedy-Smith hate crimes amendment to Department...

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Tony's red-haired red herring

So in our time covering the ins and outs of the anti-gay industry, we've seen its proponents take MANY leaps in logic. However, this latest from Tony Perkins' "Washington Update" column just might take the reason-hopping cake: When comedian Kathy...

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Wherein Tony uses a rubber to protest protection

So what sort of graphic does the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (or one of his minions) would use to highlight a story regarding democrats' attempts, among other things, pass gay-inclusive hate crimes legislation? The word "hate" with a cross...

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Video: False witness witnessing falsely

So there were lots of things that made us take pause in last night's fantastic Christiane Amanpour Report, "God's Christian Warriors." However, this little clip featuring Rick Scarborough just made us plain angry: And in fact, our annoyance is partly...

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No, No -- condemning gays at every turn in NO WAY leads to violence

In a long piece wherein he criticizes laws that protect gays from hate crimes (with a specific focus on the Canadian version of such protections), Christian writer Timothy Bloedow makes man bold assertions. However, it is the following that made...

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Report: 'The decider' closer to reminding us why he's unworthy of that role

The ultra right-leaning Washington Times newspaper has provided more evidence that the president will veto hate crimes legislation, should it pass the Senate and make its way to his desk. White House spokesman Tony Fratto is quoted as saying: "The...

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Hey opposition: Preachers are not above the law!!

While the following statement will likely fall on the typically deaf ears of our opposition, we are going to try to say this one more time in hopes that maybe just maybe they will someday start to value logic that...

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TVC takes baby step towards 'slightly more truthful'

So you might remember that back in May, we found the Traditional Values Coalition deliberately misrepresenting a certain section of House debate involving federal hate crimes protections. Since that time, we have seen numerous "pro-family" types repurpose TVC's version of...

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Wherein a nickname for a political tactic allows us to reminisce

The Family Research Council has reportedly been "robo-calling" homes in Nashville, TN, encouraging locals to call Senator Lamar Alexander's office and tell him "to vote no on any hate crimes bill that grants special protections to people because of their...

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Wherein we actually sort of defend Tony's ability to discriminate

Here is a recent passage from our ol' pal at the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins. Enjoy: Earlier in the week I wrote about thought crimes legislation and the plight of a Canadian pastor who's on trial for allegedly running...

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Hey evangelicals, guess what? IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!!!!!!!

We're beginning to think our opposition has just completely given up on swimming in the waters of reality. For an example of why we say this, check out this excerpt from One News Now regarding the effects proposed federal hate...

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Breaking: Far right lies have duped at least 33,000

The notoriously anti-gay Coral Ridge Ministries has reportedly gathered 33,000 petitions lashing out against proposed federal hate crimes legislation, which they plan to deliver to Prez Bush and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConell this week. A roster that will come...

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With things like war on table, Senate temporarily puts 'hate' on shelf

As you might have heard yesterday, the Defense Authorization bill to which the Senate version of the proposed hate crimes legislation was amended, has been pulled from the floor. Translation of this boring political jargon: There's no Senate passage of...

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Seeking an end to gay demonization -- that's a true 'family policy'

So the Family Policy Network thinks they have found an ace in their anti-hate crimes legislation hole. In their quest to discredit the need for protections for LGBT individuals, they are working the idea that it is actually GAYS who...

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Video: Substitute 'Black' or "Christian' for 'gay' victim and ask if they'd still be making light of this!

Wanna see something that's really quite sick? Well, go watch this ridiculously glib video that was released today by the folks at Focus on the Family: Because yes, that's exactly what bias-motivated crimes are likened to in the mind of...

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Video: Well, at least they still don't know we eat babies

Oh my. This is our good Christian opposition expressing contempt for proposed federal hate crimes legislation (while speaking at the Repent America rally that we told you about on Monday): Lying, bearing false witness, judging others, casting stones, demonizing your...

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Two types of pillaging, one condemntation

So let us ask you, gay readers: Do you think your lives are analogous to that of bank robbers? No? You're rational people who would never be so brazen as to compare one's love life with another's criminal activity? Oh....

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Breaking: Chamber of Senate to consider crimes of bias

We were tipped off yesterday that this might happen, but now we have gotten offical confirmation from HRC: WASHINGTON — Today, Sens. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Gordon Smith, R-Ore., filed the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act(S....

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The power to dePress: AFA extends duplicitous reach

So as you know, the American Family Association and other "pro-family" groups have been lying right and left far right about proposed hate crimes legislation, claiming such would prevent their right to preach against homosexuality. And while it's always disconcerting...

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Jackson confuses 'vilification' with 'error correction'

Okay, kids, so read this excerpt from last Friday's USA Today, and then we'll have a chat: Minister Harry Jackson recalls being told about the black men who were lynched near his home in Florida in the 1950s and his...

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Video: YouTuber takes the 'pro-family' bait

"What this bill does is it basically makes it a hate crime for a pastor of a church to tell his parishioners that homosexuality is a sin. That's unbelievable" Wow, that is unbelievable. That's because this line of thought --...

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Folger: Sanctity of football viewing threatened by trans protections

Janet Folger is gunning for the proposed hate crimes legislation yet again. Here is her latest, as quoted by One News Now (which you can also hear at this link): Janet Folger of the ministry Faith 2 Action says the...

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And in Britain they have a Parliament -- what's your point?

In what they are calling a "Q&A about the federal hate crimes bill," Baptist Press has posted a chat that they recently shared with Alliance Defense Fund attorney Chris Stovall. One portion that really annoyed us was this, in which...

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Trascript vs. 'transcript' -- Part 2

So you remember earlier this week when we showed you a de-facto "transcript" that was being passed around by the Traditional Values Coalition, and then we compared that with the WILDLY different official House Judiciary Committee transcript? Well, we now...

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FRC confused as to gaggings with which 'hate' bill deals

This is the image that the Family Research Council has chosen to highlight their reaction to today's historic hate crimes vote: So since this legislation would simply work to curb bias-motivated violence, clearly they must be trying to depict a...

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TVC's prayer ruined -- RUINED! -- by crushing vote of tolerance

So how how does the Traditional Values Coalition respond to today's hate crimes vote? Ah yes, that's exactly what happened -- the lawmakers slapped Christians in the face! It's not that they actually worked to stop gay folks from LITERALLY...

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Bush to misuse veto pen yet again?

So it is now being reported that if H.R. 1592 does make its way to the President's desk, Bush will veto: White House Issues Veto Threat Against Gay Hate Bill [365Gay] And if you want to know just how good...

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Vote: Reps say no to misreps

By a vote of 237-180, the House has passed HR 1592!! The bill now heads to the Senate (where it's likely to also pass). The bill would then head to the president, to whom those who think it's a "sin,...

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Video: Scene from a hate crimes debate

So here is a very short clip from today's House debate on H.R. 1592, featuring TVC's favorite Rep to misrep, Louie Gohmert (R-TX): Okay, so first off: It's not that those of us on this side of the gay issue...

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Wright joins chorus of 'wrong'

She's been sort of silent on H.R. 1592, leaving Matt Barber to (outrageously) speak for the Concerned Women For America about the proposed hate crimes protections. However, CWA president Wendy Wright has finally weighed in with this doozy of a...

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Exploiting Virginia Tech, take four

So first we told you how Phil Magnan of the Biblical Family Associates was parlaying the VA Tech massacre into a refutation of hate crimes legislation. Then last week we showed you a VA Tech-centric press release from the Concerned...

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TVC: The least truthful member of our opposition?

So in their never-ending quest to make gay-centric hate crimes protections look as if they would thwart gay-negative religious thought, the Traditional Values Coalition has been passing around this "transcript" of events from last week's House Judiciary Committee markup of...

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Video: Hatin' legislation misrepresentation

Over the past few months, you've heard us point out how blatantly the "pro-family" folks are misrepresenting the facts regarding proposed hate crimes protections for LGBT folks. Well, our pals at HRC have put their own ideas into a handy...

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Former insider again shocked by view from outside

Joe Murray, the former American Family Association staffer who now has carved out a sort of cottage industry for himself by denouncing his former cronies' methods, has written a new piece in which he, among other things, decries the way...

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TVC comics: Marvel at the lunacy

Remember last month when we showed you a comic that the Traditional Values Coalition had released in order to condemn LGBT-centric hate crimes protections? Well folks, they're at it again (click for full size): Yes, the TVC bunch is still...

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It's good for them that HR 1592 can't sue for defamation!

Do you all know that series of "This is Your Brain on Drugs" PSAs that aired in the late 80's and early 90's? You know, the ones that involved the egg frying in the pan to show that drugs fry...

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Exploiting senseless tragedy: What could be more 'moral'?

We told you last Friday about a religious leader who was trying to capitalize on the Virginia Tech tragedy, so as to justify his antipathy for LGBT-centric hate crimes legislation (HR 1592). Well today the Concerned Women For America have...

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I've got one thing to say and that's 'Dammit, Janet, you're embracing a lie'

For an example of just how willing our opposition is to distort the nature of federal hate crimes legislation, consider this passage from the latest WorldNetDaily column written by Janet Folger: According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, John Guimond,...

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HR 1592 advances; religious right searches for new ways to lie about it

By a 20-14 party line vote, the House Judiciary Committee voted last night to send LGBT-centric hate crimes legislation (HR 1592) to a full House vote. Or as the religious right is referring to the news: ::sigh:: So dramatic they...

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VA Tech -- Let the 'pro-family' exploitation begin

Well, it was only a matter of time before our socio-politico-religo opponents tried to turn the senseless Virginia Tech tragedy into a senseless attack on the need for LGBT hate crimes protections. Phil Magnan (pic.) of the Biblical Family Advocates...

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Wherein we save our breath

Speaking to Agape Press One News Now about proposed federal hate crimes protections for the LGBT community, professional "ex-gay" Alan Chambers says today: "We believe that under this type of legislation, we would begin to see our religious liberties and...

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Wanted, Crucified or Resurrected: TVC graphically pits gays against Jesus

So we've seen Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition take many different routes in his condemnation of federal hate crimes protections for the LGBT community. He has written scathing pieces in which he completely tries to deny that gays...

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Anti-gays and Anti-gays unite for anti-gay cause

So today at D.C's National Press Club, a contingent will hold a press conference to protest proposed legislation that would help protect the LGBT community from hate crimes. So who makes up this contingent, you ask? Well, the roster includes:...

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It'd be kind of like us buying ''

You know what would be truly offensive? If those who are actually trying to keep gays from receiving hate crimes protections create a website under the duplicitous name, It'd be annoying for them to take such a righteous domain...

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Defending a hate-less world, yet again

In reference to a recent piece in which we defended proposed hate crimes legislation against misrepresentations put forth by the Traditional Values Coalition, we today received the following response in the article's comment section: I thought that because of all...

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The Far Right Side

So last week we told you how those sillies at the Traditional Values Coalition were completely misrepresenting proposed legislation designed to curb hate crimes, with the "pro-family" group presenting the bill as if it is nothing but evil homosexual propaganda....

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