Good As You: Joe Solmonese Roundup


Video: Joe trades suit for sweater; hopes Maine trades sick for sweeter

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy **Another MSNBC report, capturing the palpable spirit that is filling the Pine Tree state today:

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Most scrutinized LGBT leader puts forth more sure-to-be-scrutinized words

HRC's Joe Solmonese is responding to the so-called "2017 letter" and some of the other controversies that greeted him this weekend. Since the intent is to explain himself against the myriad of rhetorical (calls for his resignation) and physical (vandalism...

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Solmonese's email: Not gonna lie, it annoyed me no more than the boner pill ad that followed it

Here at the National Equality March weekend (and online), there's lots of chatter about an email blast that HRC prez Joe Solmonese sent out on the eve of his group's big, Obama-laden dinner. Why, you ask? Well, mainly because of...

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Video: Pat Buchanan starring in the same wordy melodrama he's staged for decades

The man who's often credited with coining the term "culture war" faces off with a man who's sick of the rhetorical nonsense: At this point, the far-right's takes on our lives and loves are like science fiction. We find ourselves...

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Cheap 'Suitt': VA pastor calls us whiners

We're not sure why this email, with the subject "Joe Solmonese," was sent to us rather than to HRC. But for whatever reason, Pastor Marvin Suitt of Forest Virginia's Living Word Baptist Church has felt the need to write to...

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Barber out for gay blood

Whenever Matt Barber writes an anti-gay commentary, picking the most offensive part becomes about as difficult as picking your nose in the minutes following a quadruple amputation surgery (when you've already had a complete rhinoplasty a day earlier). But from...

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Solmonese: It's an all-inclusive marathon, not a trans-vacating sprint

Saturday night in NYC, the Human Rights Campaign's Joe Solmonese again defended the organization's stance on a non-inclusive ENDA as just one bump in a long road, saying that the LGBT community is "in the grueling, blinding middle of this...

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Video: Stephen & Joe 2: Sloppy seconds

Yesterday we showed you part one of a Stephen Colbert / Joe Solmonese matchup. For closure's sake, here's the second part: Know Your Lobbyist -- PT2 [Comedy Central]

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Video: Joe gets it on with Stephen

HRC's Joe Solmonese got the "Colbert" treatment last night. Check out part one of the fun: Better Know A Lobbyist Pt. 1 [Comedy Central]

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Audio: Signorile's no softball fan

Michelangelo Signorile & Joe Solmonese debated yesterday about something other than whose "S"-headed last name is most often mispronounced. The subject instead: An inclusive ENDA. Have a listen to the slightly heated discussion: powered by ODEO **Thanks to Pam for...

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(A different) Edwards for President!

Yesterday, while speaking at a gay pride event in San Francisco, Elizabeth Edwards revealed for the first time that she is in support of legalized same-sex marriage. In a related story, we here there's a big pool outside of the...

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A name like 'Solmonese' and it's the 'Joe' part they get wrong?

From CNN, a brief interview with the president of HRC: (Click to Watch) Only problem? His name's Joe! Come on CNN -- doesn't the poor guy have enough fallacies to combat already?

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Welcome, Joe!


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