Good As You: Ken Hutcherson Roundup
Audio: Ken Hutcherson again accuses 'lily white' NOM of racism
This is getting really damming. Here in a year when the National Organization For Marriage was found to be deliberating "driving a wedge between blacks and gays," African-American pastor Ken Hutcherson, one of the most vocally anti-LGBT people in this...
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Is the 'protect marriage' movement embarrassed of its most dedicated?
It happens every time. When campaign time rolls around, the National Organization For Marriage and Frank Schubert swoop in and "clean up" the rhetoric that has been peppering that state's anti-LGBT discourse for years prior. Ken Hutcherson, the Washingtonian who...
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Video: Hutcherson & Fischer: It's up to us to make Romney fire every Richard Grenell
Two of the most outwardly LGBT-hostile voices working today talk about how "maneuverable" Mitt Romney will be if they only raise their voices. Oh, and also about how we stole the word "gay" from Christians. Go: *More about Fischer *More...
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Pro-equality Repubs commit political treason, suggests man who compared his governor to presidential assassin
Rev. Ken "Gov. Gregoire is like John Wilkes Booth" Hutcherson is personally offended by the recent marriage vote in his state's Senate. Why? Well, because the four Republicans who voted their consciences on the matter personally stabbed him in the...
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The Stand For Marriage Washington team: Whose more obvious animus will get cold shoulder?
According to the Washington Conservative Coalition, this is the (highly GOP) assortment that's coming together to put marriage on the Evergreen State's ballot: [Stand For Marriage Washington] What will be interesting to see is how many of these players get...
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How connected is Ken 'I evoke the name of assassins' Hutcherson?
So earlier this morning, I told you about Pastor Ken Hutcherson comparing his state's governor to presidential assassin John Wilkes Booth. But then after posting, I realized that some of you might listen to the sheer nuttiness of his comments...
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Because why shouldn't a 'values' guy link his governor to a presidential assassin?
One of Washington state's longest, most vocal, and most conserva-connected (see image at left) critics of marriage equality, Pastor Ken Hutcherson, has this year chosen to go from hysterical to historical. Check out what he's now saying about the state's...
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Video: DOMA a cobra? Well it *does* make us hiss...
*** *SEE ALSO: DOMA is like a cobra [Pam's House Blend]
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Audio: When we seek equal American pie slice, Ken has beef
Ken Hutcherson, noted anti-gay and officiant at Rush Limbaugh's recent wedding (yes the same one that featured Elton John), analogizes the gay/anti-gay "culture war": (click to play audio clip) *AUDIO SOURCE: Ken Hutcherson [Peter LaBarbera's local radio show] Never have...
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Gambling on a post-Dobson Focus: Will far-right loss exceed moderate influx?
In the past, we've made note of Focus on the Family's obvious attempts to reform its staid, judgmental image through new efforts, "nicer" words, and increased outreach to young people. But is it this new state of mind that pushed...
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Ken Hutcherson: Hijacking the costume shop's martyr aisle
"Gays are hijacking The Civil Rights Movement." It's a familiar refrain from those who are working to hijack gays' civil rights. In terms of far-right clichés, the phrase shares a home alongside other nuggets like "protect the sanctity of marriage";...
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Audio: Apparently there's an 'e' in Ken's li-brary
Speaking about the attempt to roll back domestic partnerships in Washington state, one of the area's most known anti-gays, the particularly strong-arm-equipped Pastor Ken Hutcherson, says the following about his side's biased playbook: *Source: Marriage Battle Heats Up in Washington...
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Can't we remember the good times (that didn't foster bias)?
Pastor Ken Hutcherson, who you might remember staged an attention-causing boycott and protest against the Day of Silence, has written the following email message to his congregants: Praise for a one life story! I received a call from a man...
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Audio: Hutch unhitched
Over the past few days, we told you about both Matt Barber's raging disdain for the upcoming Day of Silence and Pastor Ken Hutcherson's plans to protest the same. Now in this new audio from the Concerned Women For America,...
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What bullying would Jesus embolden?
LGBT kids are still bullied in our nation's public schools. Those who would deny this are in a grand state of denial, and their rebuffing is quite offensive to those of us who either suffered adolescent harassment or closeted ourselves...
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Hutch's e-blasts: Destined to give congregants gay ennui
This is an email that was sent out today by Rev. Ken Hutcherson: So what you have here is a man who is clearly being interviewed to voice opposition to a woman's right to visit her lesbian partner in a...
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Hutch threatens. Again.
Ken Hutcherson is once again trafficking in the mentality he seems to know best: BULLYING. Check out this Hutch-issued statement that Peter LaBarbera has posted onto his site: This is Dr. Kenneth Hutcherson responding to a donation made by the...
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Hutch's war on gayness gets visual aid
Rev. Ken Hutcherson has sent the following email to his friends and congregants: Yes, that's right -- the same Ken Hutcherson who claims that he and his family are being victimized because of his anti-gay beliefs (which he would of...
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Yo Ken: You started this, buddy!
Pastor Ken Hutcherson, the Washington pastor who has turned bullying gays into a cottage industry, is continuing his threats toward Mount Si. High School. Amidst claims that his daughter has been harassed since the controversy over his being chosen to...
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WAAAH!! My punching bags are sick of being hit. WAAAH!
So you know how rabidly anti-gay pastor Ken Hutcherson has been playing the victim because gay activists chose to protest his recent booking at a Washington high school? And you know how groups like Focus on the Family have been...
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Video: The part of unscrupulous fibber will be played by Stuart Shepard
Ready to be enraged? Well here, listen to how Focus on the Family's Stuart Shepard presents the recent controversy surrounding the booking of virulently anti-gay pastor Ken Hutcherson to speak at a high school MLK Day ceremony: Yes, that's right...
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I have a dream...that this is just a bad dream
So who did Snoqualmie, Washington's Mount Si High invite to speak at a Thursday assembly honoring Dr. King? Well, check out this email: Today my daughter came home outraged that Ken Hutcherson was the guest speaker at an assembly regarding...
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Audio: Mike & Ken -- clearly it's love
Remember when we told you how Washington's most draconian anti-gay personality, Ken Hutcherson, is trying to get fellow evangelicals to buy up Microsoft stock so that they can turn the company towards the queer-hostile? Well Michelangelo Signorile, never a shrinking...
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If only he'd put stock in decency and humanity
Back in November, we brought you video of Washington pastor Ken Hutcherson threatening Microsoft shareholders that if they don't roll back their support for gay rights, they're gonna feel his wrath. In case you don't remember, here that is: Well...
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Video: Ken fruitlessly yelling at the Gates
Earlier we told you about Ken Hutcherson threatening Microsoft shareholders for being too gay-friendly. Well, because seeing is believing, here is the video of his gay-unfriendly intimidation attempts: No word if the people who give a smattering of applause at...
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Ken still not acting like a doll
Washington's Ken Hutcherson simply wears us out. His gay antipathy is just so aggressive and his ignorance about LGBT people so grand, that his queer-unfriendly campaigns rub us in ways more wrongly than that idiot we once knew who thought...
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File this under 'you said it, we didn't'
In response to the conversation-starting Washington initiative that would make procreation a marital requirement (since it seems that conservatives think it already is), the gay-unfriendly Rev. Ken Hutcherson tells Family News in Focus: "They want to put it on the...
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Gay marriage, God-ousting; tomato, tomahto
Washington pastor Ken Hutcherson has us all figured out, fellow 'mos. He's managed to learn the dark secret of our "agenda", and he's revealing all he knows to the American public. Despite how we've tried to hide our marriage cravings...
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Wash. 'mo fan and 'mo foe to demonstrate just how polarized we all are
Tonight in Seattle, longtime gay rights supporter Ron Sims (l.) will debate the Rev. Ken Hutcherson (r., known best for threatening boycotts on companies that support gay rights) on issues such as gay marriage, the connection between gay rights and...
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For the love of God, take stock in your beliefs
The Rev. Ken Hutcherson (pic.) has expounded on his plans to mess with companies who are supporting a Washington gay rights bill, urging those who subscribe to his homo-unfriendly beliefs to purchase stocks from the queer-supportive companies and then dump...
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Unsatisfied with merely making his own consumer choices, Hutch reveals national boycott plans
The Rev. Ken Hutcherson (pic.), who you might remember from his somewhat successful attempt at forcing Microsoft to last year withdraw support for a Washington state gay rights bill (though the company later reversed their decision), is back in discriminatory...
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As Micro'gay'te rolls along, Microsoft continues to deny any connection between external pressure from an evangelical pastor and their decision to withdraw support for a state bill that would have barred gay discrimination. The company admits to meeting with Pastor...
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Did Microsoft p*ssy out?
The Stranger newspaper in Seattle is reporting that the Microsoft Corporation has quietly withdrawn support for an anti-gay-discrimination bill, after being pressured by local pastor Ken Hutcherson (pic.). According to reports from a Microsoft employee, Hutcherson threatened to organize a...
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