Good As You: Kevin Jennings Roundup
Kevin Jennings said 'ex-gays' need equal public school access? Yeah, PFOX? You sure about that?
Knowing the way PFOX spins every non-victory as if it's some sort of validation for the scientifically-unbacked, in-flux label known as "ex-gay," it's certain that this press release is just more of the same: June 8, 2011/Washington, DC-Parents and Friends...
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'Defamation-spouting, fallacy-supporting'
"drug-abusing, statutory rape-supporting" The above is how the unbelievably shameless Family Research Council has now taken to describing the Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education, Kevin Jennings (underlining is...
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Video: Achieve while LGBT, suffer mischievous wrath
Remember earlier when we referenced the way the far-right is constantly warring against any and all of President Obama's LGBT appointees/nominees? Yea, well here's more for the fodder file: Ya know, if they're going to continue to lie about and...
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Jeering Jennings: FRC puts their camera where their obsessive, unprincipled attacks have long been
Their wanton desire to de-gay America knows no bounds: I guess it's just coincidence that the two overqualified appointments/nominees that these social conservatives are hellbent on destroying (Chai Feldblum being the other) just so happen to be gay. Right? Riiiiiiiiiiiight....
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Video: The Full Spectrum vs. The Aggressive Myopia
The Full Spectrum is a collection of poems, essays, and personal stories, mostly contributed by gay, lesbian, bisexual, straight, transitioning, and questioning young adults in their teens or early 20s. It is designed to help vulnerable students realize that they...
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Far-right politics have become a sewer of insoluble bullcrap. It's gross.
Not sure which is more ludicrous: The continued attack on Kevin Jennings, or the claim that The Washington Times is a "major newspaper": The Rev. Moon-owned Washington Times just yesterday announced it'll stop even pretending to be an objective news...
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Audio: Breadth of gay rights, breathlessly bashed
Grown adults who spend their workdays using their personal faith views to work up histrionics around what should be and could be the benign acceptance of all human beings: **SOURCE: Issues Update Broadcast (Part 2 of 2) [Focus On The...
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FRC's single-minded obsession is what should really go!
This is how the Family Research Council's website looks as of 8:52AM (highlighting ours): Ya know, because replacing their whole site with a big pic of Kevin with a scarlet "GAY" written on his face would've been too subtle. [::excruciatingly...
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53 elected Reps elect to misrep instead
King; Alexander; Aderholt; Akin; Austria; Bachmann; Bachus; Bartlett; Barton; Boozman; Broun; Brown, H.; Carter; Chaffetz; Coffman; Cole; Conaway; Davis, Geoff; Fallin; Fleming; Foxx; Franks; Garret; Gingrey; Gohmert; Hunter; Issa; Jordan; Lamborn; Latta; Luetkemeyer; Marchant; McClintock; McHenry; McKeon; McMorris; Mica; Miller,...
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Audio: On Jennings, far-right shows nation's crippling need for listening comprehension classes
In a 2000 speech, Kevin Jennings, the anti-bullying hero that the far-right is demonizing simply because it's gay people to whom Kevin has directed his anti-bullying efforts, said the following about LGBT people, the need to respect ALL people, and...
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Video: Be it lunch money or presidential appointments, we must resist bullies!
The far-right continues to gun for Kevin Jennings, even though their nasty claims of "Kevin supported statutory rape" have been proven false. So that being the case, it's time that we who are sick and tired of this maliciousness to...
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Qualified, except for their crippling case of teh gay
The following comes from WorldNetDaily publisher Joseph Farah, in reference to Safe Schools appointee Kevin Jennings and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) nominee Chai Feldblum (both of whom are openly gay): I wonder what kind of database Obama uses to...
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Video: 'Kevin's a radical extremist,' say those who radically, extremely oppose his appointment
Now that the young man has been proven to have been of age, the far-right have toned down their insanely unscrupulous attempts to make Kevin Jennings sound like a perverted supporter of statutory rape. But they haven't stopped attacking him...
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Great. Can we now let him do his job of oh, I don't know -- PROTECTING CHILDREN!?
This just in from Media Matters: For several days now conservatives in the media have been on a witch-hunt for Kevin Jennings, the U.S. Department of Education's director of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. Led by Fox News,...
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Family Research embraces deception; also: sky is still blue
Responding to the "controversy" that the far-right has been drumming up about the way he handled a teen student who once revealed a same-sex encounter with a man (of unspecified age), Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools head Kevin Jennings...
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There was this mother whose son killed himself or something. But anyway, back to what I was saying about the evil gay agenda...
The following is a snippet from a new article wherein the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty condemns the proposed Safe Schools Improvement Act, a piece of federal legislation meant to increase protections for all kids, including those who happen to...
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They hate him because he's a progressive gay. Period.
Over the past month or so, we've routinely been disgusted by the way the far-right social conservatives are defaming Kevin Jennings, a decent human being who has dedicated his life to making public schooling easier for LGBT kids and teens,...
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You've found us out, Pete: We want gay kids to be treated like humans
We want to thank professional anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera for bringing to our attention a speech that GLSEN founder (and Department of Education appointee) Kevin Jennings made back during the Clinton years. For while Pete surely intends for the Jennings'...
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