Good As You: Laurie Higgins Roundup


Laurie Higgins shows Illinois parents how astonishingly extreme the 'values' movement can be

Laurie Higgins, professional proponent of de-gaying Illinois schools and career abuser of the word "ontological," is back again with yet another criticism of yet another benignly tolerant thing in public schooling. This time, it's an inclusive children's book, which Higgins...

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Laurie Higgins: Basic respect for gays should invoke 'righteous anger'

"When I think about the evil done to children by teachers who tell them that homosexuality is deserving of respect and affirmation, I become angry, and I desperately want others to experience the righteous anger that should well up in...

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June bugged: Laurie Higgins vs. 30 gay days

The Illinois Family Institute's Laurie Higgins: Once again, Barack Obama has affirmed his commitment to radical, subversive change; his sycophancy to the homosexual lobby; and, implicitly, his embrace of heresy. ... ...the sexual impulses and sexual behavior of homosexuals and...

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Laurie Has To Mar 'Mes'

Speaking about the American Library Association's "Banned Books Week," a local columnist's endorsement of the event, and the supposed "danger" that the gay-themed tomes on the banned books list might have on the young psyche, our ol' pal Laurie Higgins...

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Laurie's attempted pardon rings Hollow, costly

Remember when we showed you Laurie Higgins' latest, wherein the Illinois Family Institute spokesperson quite unabashedly drew a comparison between churches who didn't speak out against the Holocaust and churches that currently fail to speak out against homosexuality? Yea, well,...

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Perhaps the Southern Poverty Law Center was a little too quick to remove the Illinois Family Institute from a certain list: By Laurie Higgins, IFI DSA | Illinois Family Institute ... What is alarming about the account of the German...

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Laurie Higgins: It's time you own your place in unfortunate civil rights history

Laurie Higgins first came on this site's radar back in '07 when, while employed as a writing instructor at Illinois' Deerfield High School, she went public with her desires to resistance to what she perceived as the "gay agenda" in...

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Audio: 'Pro-family,' pro-truancy

Laurie Higgins, a staff member of the SPLC-certified Illinois Family Institute, is totally against the "political action" she sees in the completely voluntary, student-led, thoroughly non-disruptive, pro-equality Day of Silence. So naturally, she wants you to protest that benign day...

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Audio: 'Hate' label unfair, says she who unfairly labels gays as 'immoral'

The Illinois Family Institute's Laurie Higgins appeared on Matt Barber's "Liberty Live" radio show today, where she tried as hard as she could to convince the Southern Poverty Law Center to remove the "hate group" label that they have placed...

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3 certified hate groups and their allies: Gays are the true haters -- just trust us

Abiding Truth Ministries; AFA Michigan; AFA Pennsylvania; AFA National; Americans for Truth; Association of Maryland Families; Called2Action; Campaign for Children and Families; Citizens for Community Values of Ohio; Coalition of Conscience; Community Issues Council; Concerned Women for America National; Concerned...

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Gay's move up career ladder sinks Pete to new lows

Peter LaBarbera and his partner in unscrupulous demonization, Laurie Higgins, are once again proving that the "pro-family" fight is not really about marriage, faith, or "child protection." Instead, it is about much deeper, more insidious things like seeing that qualified...

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We hear she also thinks apples & oranges are one and the same

Laurie Higgins, a teacher's aide at Illinois' Deerfield High School who loves to engage in this so-called culture war, has today made the following comments on the American For Truth website: Neither Mr. LaBarbera nor I believe that homosexuals choose...

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Higgins' version of truth: Stranger than fiction

In response to J.K. Rowling's revelation that she intended for her Dumbledore character to be gay, Peter LaBarbera has turned his Americans For Truth site over to our favorite gay-unfriendly teacher, Laurie Higgins. And in an opinion piece on the...

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Deerfield High follow-up: We said, now she says, so we say

So you might remember last week when we refuted the logic of Laurie Higgins, a staff member at Illinois' Deerfield High School who went on a Christian radio program to denounce the gay-accepting policies of the nation's public schools. Well,...

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Deerfield High students, you might wanna look elsewhere for a G-SA sponsor

Laurie Higgins, a staff member who works in the English Dept. at Illinois' Deerfield High School, recently appeared on the "Primetime America" Christian radio show, where she denounced the way gay acceptance is encouraged in the nation's schools. An example...

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