Good As You: Matt Barber Roundup


Audio: Taking liberties. Live.

Constant claims that pedophilia is one of "over 30 sexual orientations," which they repeatedly say will be protected by inclusive hate crimes legislation. Conveyance of the idea that the Democrats rejected the offensive suggestion to include pedophilia in the bill's...

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Everyone say 'Hi, Matt'

We've always suspected that Matt Barber reads us. But now one of Matt's Facebook friends -- someone who is, in actuality, stealthily sensitive to our cause -- has pretty much confirmed our suspicions. Check this out. Matt has apparently posted...

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Audio: Carrie moves further right, further wrong

- Yet another comparison to Queen Esther - Matt Barber saying that 70% of Americans are opposed to marriage equality, even though a new CBS/NY Times poll shows 42% in SUPPORT of the concept (with another 25% in support of...

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Audio: Wherein Matt Barber seeks a more internal rights rollback

Ladies and gents, hold onto your hates, because we are about to give Matt Barber a genuine compliment. That's because we actually applaud him for, in the first half of the following clip, admitting for the first time (to our...

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We don't wanna jail your preachers, Matt. Your straw men are another story

Deceive. Deceive. Deceive. Deceive. Deceive. Sorry. Go read this little quip that Matt Barber has written, and then we'll get back to you: In short, this bill places newfangled "gay rights" in direct conflict with our enumerated constitutional rights. It...

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Founding Father falter: Barber's Patrick Henry cut is complete B.S.

At two different points during today's edition of the "Liberty Live" radio show, militant gay rights foe Matt Barber cited a certain quote to lend credence to the idea that the Founding Fathers meant for America to be a Christian-only...

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That's Mr. Purveyor of Evil to you, Matthew

The line between Westboro Baptist Church and J. Matt Barber is getting ever more fine: Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs for Liberty Counsel, poses this question: "How long can a nation founded on the laws of nature and nature's...

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Audio: Going to the Mat/Matt for Prop 8

Matt Barber and Mat "lesbian parents will raise violent kids" Staver: Liberty Live Radio 3/4 [LC] :12 -- No, the issue will be about whether a bare majority can amend it in this way for this purpose. Big difference. :28...

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Barber throws American majority in frying pan with Buttars

In recent comments, Utah state senator Chris Buttars (R-Obviously) essentially made gays out to be ticking time bombs who are waiting to destroy this nation. With a brush broad enough to coat all of Delaware with one stroke, he made...

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If you stick it to my Buttars it will make my Barber bitter

Matt Barber agrees that the current incarnation of the GOP is in danger of heading towards irrelevancy. He also agrees that one can look to certain members of the Utah legislature for reasons why. It's the most we've ever agreed...

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Audio: Two grown het-identified Christians share their gay commonality

Matt Barber & Pete Labarbera spent the afternoon chatting about the evil gays and their pesky agenda. Here is the "Liberty Live" show, in four parts: **ALSO: Here's the transcript from the live chat that accompanied the show:

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Audio: Matt's inconvenient truth

Matt Barber dedicates his days to demonizing gays. He abhors marriage equality for gays and lesbians, fighting any progress he sees in that regards. Among the stats we've heard him quote to back up his objections is the supposedly heightened...

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Matt Barber: The conservative movement's liability-in-waiting

Hey, social conservatives: Want to completely destroy the remaining sway that your movement holds within American politics? Well then by all means, you should start following your side's most unhinged, voice to emerge in the Bush era: Unabashed gay bully...

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Audio: We'll compare you to anything we want. And if you call us out on it, we'll compare you to 'spinners'

If someone mentions marriage equality for same-sex couples in the same sentence as bestiality and incest, is it really "spin" to say that said person is unfairly affixing the three concepts to one another? Well listen to this clip from...

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Barack's first accomplishment: He pissed off Matt Barber

In response to the The Obama administration publishing a list of LGBT goals on the official White House website, thesaurus owner Matt Barber unleashed his latest move in the ongoing "smear the queer" match that is his professional life: “Well,...

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Matt Barber: U.S. Global Stigmatization Coordinator

Of all the nasty things that Matt Barber has said about us over the years, the comments that seem to give him the biggest "pro-family" hard-on are the ones that paint gays as diseased. We saw this is full effect...

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When it comes to biased personalities, AFA rolls out the mat/t

Mat Staver (pic.) is an omnipresent anti-gay lawyer who has gone to court against our rights more times than we care to count. The Liberty Counsel head also has a penchant for fibbery, like that time last summer when he...

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Praying vs. preying: The difference between encouraging respect and fostering its antonym

We were mad about the Rick Warren thing. Still are, in fact. We're not sure how, exactly, we'll react when we see his prominent inaugural platform. But despite our frustrations with the man, and our staunch condemnation of the egregious...

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Audio: Buying into bias, ignoring the human cost

The Christian right, with their anti-gay and "war on Christmas" agenda, have for decades turned company threats and boycotts into a "pro-family" past time. But when gay people decide to stop spending dollars at companies that make life harder for...

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Matt Barber: It's time for ALL sides to denounce his extreme vitriol!

Here at G-A-Y, we prefer to focus on the messaging, not the messenger, and are very reluctant to place definitive labels on individual members of our opposition. We also abstain from using words like "hater" and "bigot," because we see...

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Surprise -- Matt's rage is once again misplaced

Aggressive gay foe Matt Barber is trying to make a big stink out of some aggressive comments that have been written on some gay blogs, with Matt acting as if isolated hyperbolic comments are (a) indicative of the gay community...

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Matt's flowery prose again rears its acrimonious head

"No, I don't mean he'll personally decorate the West Wing, open a bathhouse in the Rose Garden or take up with Barney Frank. I mean he'll be the most radically pro-homosexual, anti-family president in history." "homofascist fan club" *** "ideological...

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Audio: The devil's (literally) in Matt's details

Today Matt Barber ventured back to his old stomping grounds, the Concerned Women For America, to decry Google and other companies who are rightfully taking a stand against the cruel, discriminatory, intellectually bankrupt, un-American measure known as Proposition 8. And...

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Big Matt attack

While employed at the Concerned Women For America, Matt Barber was best known for writing commentaries so linguistically exaggerated, they made Aesop's fables seem like court transcripts in comparison. So when he fled to pastures more Liberty Counsel-ier, we were...

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Apparent army threats: Gunfire, land mines, and 'Pelosi-type-liberals'

Matt Barber may have taken his "concerns" elsewhere. However, his flair for hyperbole and his tactic of using San Francisco politicians and values to serve as code-wording for "evil" still seem to be permeating the halls of the Concerned Women...

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So many McMuffins for extremists to decry, so little time

Adding more fattening, empty caloried, likely-to-cause-a-stomach-ache grease to the McDonald's boycott fryer, the Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber and Mat Staver have contributed the following pair of quotes: BARBER: "Unfortunately, McDonalds has chosen to side with militant homosexual activists over people...

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Matt Barber: Are you (a) anti-all adoptions or (b) a major hypocrite?

Writing for his former employer, the Concerned Women For America, Matt Barber has the following to say about one specific custody case that's playing out in Virgina. However, he is really speaking generally about children who are raised by same-sex...

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There's hyperbole and then there's Barber

Liability-in-waiting Matt Barber has again put pen to paper, as he continues his job of destroying the last remaining shreds of credibility enjoyed by the Concerned Women for America. Some choice quotes from Matt's latest anti-marriage equality missive: "If marriage...

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And for her honeymoon, Matt suggests an 'ex-gay' conference

Speaking about John McCain's recent appearance on "The Ellen Degeneres Show" and the tenuous well-wishes that that the senator wished the soon-to-be-wed talk show host, the Concerned Women For America's Matt Barber says the following to One News Now: "I...

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You're not gonna cut us today, Barber!

To the surprise of no one, "Concerned Woman" Matt Barber is already weighing in on today's amazing, fantastic, historic, world-changing ruling in California. But we're gonna give you the option: If you wanna read the ridiculous huffing and puffing, check...

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From 'The Hills' to wounds that won't heal: Barber predicts teen trends

Since the social conservatives' own "Day of Truth" seems to be an utter failure, they are trying desperately to reframe the anti-bullying, pro-acceptance Day of Silence so that it fits their twisted agenda. Here is what omnipresent 'mo foe Matt...

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'It's time for androgyny. Here comes Matt!'

Since there are only so many times one can uses phrases like "San Francisco values" and "radical, militant, activists" without them growing stale, it's always exciting when Matt Barber inscribes a new phrase into his book of reliable code-wording. However,...

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Audio: Hutch unhitched

Over the past few days, we told you about both Matt Barber's raging disdain for the upcoming Day of Silence and Pastor Ken Hutcherson's plans to protest the same. Now in this new audio from the Concerned Women For America,...

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People. Glass houses. Stones. Silence.

We know that the folks on the far-right are opposed to the pro-gay, pro-acceptance Day of Silence because they detest homosexuality and are thoroughly intimidated by the growing tolerance and respect of young people. We get that. However, the hypocrisy...

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But hey, it's only our mortality he's trivializing

In a new piece wherein he literally compares the promotion of gay acceptance to advocacy on the subject of smoking crack, the United States' most proudly brutish gay right foes, Matt Barber, has the following to say about an 11-year-old...

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Barber out for gay blood

Whenever Matt Barber writes an anti-gay commentary, picking the most offensive part becomes about as difficult as picking your nose in the minutes following a quadruple amputation surgery (when you've already had a complete rhinoplasty a day earlier). But from...

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Audio: 'Angels', 'Penthouse'; tomato, tomahto

Remember a few days ago when we let you listen to the Concerned Women For America's Matt Barber trivializing Tony Kushner's legendary, acclaimed, literary Angels In America as "racist gay porn"? Well, Matt has now gone on CBN News to...

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Audio: Tony Kushner: 'Racist Pornographer Hack'

We've already showed you and decried the way that the Concerned Women For America are referring to the legendary and literary play Angels In America as "racist gay porn." But since it's always more revelatory to hear the words come...

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Christian: Let's encourage gays to snuff each other out!

You know, it's always annoying to hear how our socially conservative opposition will talk about us in public. But for the really juicy stuff, you have to hear how they talk about us in private. For example, Matt Barber recently...

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Anti-gays shocked --SHOCKED! -- that gays are politically active

Yesterday we showed you how Focus on the Family's Caleb Price was acting like he had somehow found the out gay community's secret strategy simply because he had been made aware of an initiative to recruit pro-gay applicants to work...

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Pete & Matt: Brothers in Demonization

If you follow the gay "culture war," you know that whenever Matt Barber or Peter LaBarbera form an anti-gay opinion about something, the other of the duo will be behind to back up their bro. They're like the Matt and...

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Matt & Matt: Their connection ends at a name

In the State of the Movement address that NGLTF executive director Matt Foreman issued last week, he said this: "Today, right now, more than 45 percent of African-American gay and bi men in key urban areas are infected with HIV,...

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Barber not gone, not more tolerant

Yesterday we wondered if maybe Matt Barber had taken leave from the Concerned Women For America. Well today we get our answer. And not only does Barber seem to still be employed by the conservative organization, he just might've ratcheted...

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Has the Barber been cut?

Immediately after his unhinged MRSA attacks, we realized that Matt Barber's writing virtually disappeared from the Concerned Women For America's website. Then we noticed that his regular chat partner Martha Kleder had broken usual form and recorded some audio pieces...

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Antibiotic-resistant queer hostility: Barber still afflicted

The bulliest bully in Anti-gayville, Matt Barber, has written yet another piece regarding the MRSA scare. Here is but one passage that really pissed us off: Homosexual groups and the media set up a mean ol' straw man and took...

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Matt, we don't hang with dudes who assault our souls

Matt Barber is simply unbelievable! Less than a week after he and his pal Peter LaBarberba used inaccuracy about MRSA to try and make gays look unsavory, the Concerned Women For America spokesman now has the audacity to call on...

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Audio: Antibiotic-resistant gay hate

Yesterday afternoon we showed you how militant 'mo foes Matt Barber & Peter LaBarbera were rushing to condemn gays for the news that MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is hitting the gay community particularly hard. Now, since hearing is disbelieving, we...

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Audio: The homosexual playbook - now, apparently, in Arabic

No group works on their own free will any longer. Any political action that rubs the social conservatives the wrong way is not the product of the particular group's own rage or own thought processes, but rather a direct result...

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Man up, Concerned Woman!

Oh, Matt Barber. Throughout 2007, the male Concerned Women For America spokesman seemed more desperate to thwart LGBT equality than Jerry Seinfeld was to turn Bee Movie into a national phenomenon. Latest case in point? Well, Matt is rounding out...

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Matt sings the classics

As expected, our ol' pal Matt Barber has seized the opportunity to lash out against the House for yesterday passing ENDA (The Employment Non-Discrimination Act). And in doing so, Matthew has recycled all of the classic anti-ENDA lines that we've...

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