Good As You: National Organization For Marriage Roundup


HRC: NOM hits new low

I know many amazing same-sex couples raising children, and Andrew and I are ourselves in the process of becoming one of those couples. It's a very sad day when our political opponents resort to comparing our families to those that...

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If you're going to DC to counter NOM's marriage march…

…you should be on guard for people who will try to provoke you into doing something dumb. Here is NOM's Communications Director, Thomas Peters, saying that he plans to take a page out of the Tea Party handbook and get...

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Other options dwindling, NOM morphs into discriminatory travel agency

NOM's latest attempt to drum up support for its pro-discrimination march outside the Supreme Court building: Incidentally, if you want to throw your tax-paying gay neighbors and their families under the bus (metaphorically, of course), contact this very same email...

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NOM is now a joke. Seriously, a joke. Like we should all laugh at them. Because they're a joke.

In 2012, the National Organization For Marriage launched an ad called "Compromise." The whole thing claimed that civil unions were a "common sense compromise" in New Hampshire. Flashback: But get this. NOM is now trying to stop civil unions in...

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Don't ever believe NOM is only against our marriages

In Wyoming, it's a domestic partnership proposal: In Colorado, it's a civil unions bill : Nationwide, it's hostility toward our rights. Not just our marriages—our rights. When you hear NOM pretending to be fine with civil unions or domestic partnerships,...

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NOM president draws from Dr. King's legacy to save married gays from 'false promises' that bring 'sadness and even despair'

It's a truly shameful way to honor both Dr. King and today's historic inauguration of a pro-equality POTUS. As might be expected, it comes from none other than Brian Brown, the president of America's most notable house of 21st century...

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NOM clearly moving forward with nasty 'gays against gay marriage' idea

I've already shown you how the National Organization For Marriage has purchased domain names to push the idea that many gay people are themselves against equal marriage rights. Today, a sign that they seriously are planning to run with that...

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NOM EXPOSED: Exclusive: NOM planning to stir up division within gay community

Exclusive: NOM planning to stir up division within gay community [NOM Exposed]

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Audio: Ken Hutcherson again accuses 'lily white' NOM of racism

This is getting really damming. Here in a year when the National Organization For Marriage was found to be deliberating "driving a wedge between blacks and gays," African-American pastor Ken Hutcherson, one of the most vocally anti-LGBT people in this...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s 401k plan connected to Catholic org whose head calls gays ‘disordered’

NOM’s 401k plan connected to Catholic org whose head calls gays ‘disordered’ [NOM Exposed]

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Photo: NOM attacks gay-headed families and our book-headed children

To highlight some new skewed "research" put out by three religious, conservative-minded professors (one teaches at Ave Maria University, has spoken extensively about marrying faith with instruction, and signed on to a letter lashing out against President Obama; one teaches...

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NOM celebrates husbands (plural) and wives (plural)

I actually have no issue with this photo that NOM posted over the weekend: [National Organization For Marriage] Exactly, NOM—great marriages are in fact created by husbands. And wives. Not just the singular version of each.

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This is that post-election development where Ken Hutcherson accuses NOM of racism

A few days ago, I wrote a piece in which I asked of groups like the National Organization For Marriage: "Is the 'protect marriage' movement embarrassed of its most dedicated?" I didn't realize how prescient of a question that really...

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NOM's ludicrous response: Last night wasn't a turning point

It wasn't really the turning point that people like me (and Maggie Gallagher, even) say it is. No, no—it was just a way for NOM to relieve itself of that burdensome $5.5 million that was clogging up its bank account...

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Well, NOM's Peters certainly knows a thing or two about dividing and fostering hostility

The claim that President Obama is out to divide and foster animosity is pretty silly no matter what… …but when the person who writes it is an employee of an organization that operates with a vision like this… (*this strategy...

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NOM wants gays' kids to be impoverished, apparently

We've of course seen anti-equality organizations push this kind of thing. But when it comes from the number one organization trying to deny same-gender couples the deserved rights and protections that come from marriage, it takes on even more weight:...

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NOM EXPOSED: That NOM views this through the lens of parties & lobbyists is the *real* problem

That NOM views this through the lens of parties & lobbyists is the *real* problem [NOM Exposed]

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NOM's cultural director wants you to be more tolerant of drug dealing–, pedophilia–, incest–linking video

You know that new NOM video where marriage equality, drug dealing, incest, and pedophilia are deliberately lumped together as societal negatives? Yeah, well—NOM's cultural director and blogger, Thomas Peters, can't believe people aren't more "tolerant" of it: [SOURCE] First, I...

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Video: NOM reminds nation of President's move to history's right side

There is a really funny (read: clumsy; see also: obtuse) new strategy bubbling up within the National Organization For Marriage. Basically they are acting as if they've "found out" President Obama. For some reason they seem to think that if...

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NOM Geography #FAIL

Check out the photo: [NOM Blog] Only problem? Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are actually two completely different things. Ireland is not part of the UK, while Northern Ireland is. Putting a pin in Dublin to signify a...

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Man behind curtain puts match to NOM's discriminatory fires

Oh, you gotta love those nameless, faceless (but generous) donors: [NOM] So many things one could do with $3,000,000. Stopping loving American taxpayers from civil freedom is certainly an option. Then again, so is flogging the nation's puppies with pounds...

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'And even an armed gunman'—NOM shamelessly equates Chick-fil-action with crazed violence

I've already shown you how the National Organization for "Driving a Wedge between Blacks and Gays" is using its new "Save The Republic & Marriage" site to make the unbelievably claim that its cause is like that of slavery's abolitionists....

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NOM's Marriage ADA finds its next 'victims'

The National Organization For Marriage's Damian Goddard, a man inclined to use words like "struggling with the Cross of same-sex attraction" when referring to gays… …has found the next subject for NOM's so-called "Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance" (a project that he...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s weekend plans: Tarnishing its reputation with demonstrable animus

NOM’s weekend plans: Tarnishing its reputation with demonstrable animus [NOM Exposed]

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Seems like another NY loss for NOM

Another one of the four Republicans NOM has targeted because of marriage equality seems on track to win his primary: Saland declared unofficial winner of GOP primary [Poughkeepsie] Mark Gristani also won. Jim Alesi dropped out for other reasons. So...

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Discriminating against gays = heroism? Yeah? That's what you're going with, Brian Brown?

This is how NOM (words attributed to president Brian Brown) closes out a new newsletter: [SOURCE] Clearly he means "hero" as in sandwich, since the line is both ham-fisted and full of baloney.

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NOM didn't have a good night in NY (despite what the spin machine might sputter forth)

Voter turnout for this, an off-year primary held on a Thursday (due to 9/11 observances), was unbelievably sluggish. Disappointingly sluggish for a New York politico like myself. But I digress. My point in mentioning the turnout is to say that...

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NOM recruiting a T'd off America

They don't seem to have publicized it at all, and someone else seems to have snatched up the preferred "Dump [insert company]" domain name. But it does seem that the National Organization For Marriage is quietly telling people to cancel...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM’s Thomas Peters says ‘The church doesn’t believe in gay and lesbian people’

Reiterating a view we've heard from staffers like Jennifer Roback Morse, the National Organization For Marriage's star blogger and Cultural Director again proves that the NOM agenda does not—DOES.NOT!—stop at just marriage: NOM’s Thomas Peters: ‘‘The church doesn’t believe in...

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'I'm not supposed to electioneer': Did NOM's Ruth Institute head just violate her IRS constraints?

The National Organization For Marriage is a 501c4. NOM's Ruth Institute (a project of the NOM Education Fund) is a 501c3. In her role as leader of the Ruth Institute, Jennifer Roback Morse is not really allowed to campaign for/against...

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Video: Ever-deceptive NOM reposts Savage/Brown debate vid

If you go to the original source video that was uploaded by its creators, the National Organization For Marriage and its president are getting hammered hard. A good 95% or more of the 1,311 comments on the Brian Brown/Dan Savage...

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HOLY CRAP—Brian Brown fundraises with line: 'We're not going to allow gay activists to get away with attempted murder!'

This is an outrageous fundraising letter that deserves immediate rebuke from any responsible voice debating marriage: He is seriously laying the attempted act of one crazed person at the feet of me, you, and anyone who debates on the side...

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You don't get more nakedly partisan than NOM

This is the evening lineup for Saturday night's Family Leadership Summit (a project of the Iowa Family Leader): They are one Karl Rove away from out-GOPing Reagan! Remember, Democrats and independents who plan to support the agenda the National Organization...

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National Organization for [Marrying Political Activism to Fast Food]

Not only is America's number one source of discrimination now co-branding its logos with a certain fast food chain, but one can no longer even enter NOM's website without first being greeted with this: For NOM, the agenda is obvious....

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NOM & @ChickFilA: Co-branded

If I was a fast food company trying to get beyond controversy, I'd probably be reluctant to see the nation's number one, highly controversial opponent of LGBT rights in this country—whose asks include both state and federal bans of gay...

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NOM's religious liaison: Gays are unnatural like pedophiles, time for 'assault'

Rev. Willie Owens is the National Organization For Marriage's religious liaison: [SOURCE] Now listen in as this very same Rev. William Owens admits that he sees gay people as unnatural, that he wants there to be an "assault" against those...

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Thirty-one posts in appreciation of gays ‘shaking a fist’ at God

Just another reminder of what NOM is so vocally supporting: Thirty-one posts in appreciation of gays ‘shaking a fist’ at God [NOM Exposed]

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NOM photos suggest packed [trucks in front of the Chick-fil-A one]

First let me say that I totally expect Chick-fil-A to experience a sales bump. Evangelicals and like minds will show up in full force just to "send a message" to those "mean" gays and allies. Even with the sit outs,...

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Listen: Huckabee, NOM defend saying gays invoke God's judgment

This is what the Chick-fil-A president and COO actually said: DAN CATHY, president and COO of Chick-fil-A:"It's very clear in Romans chapter 1, if we look at society today, we see all the twisted up kind of stuff that's going...

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Video: National Org. For Marriage's Damian Goddard blames tragic shootings on fatherlessness

The related video focuses only on a shooting in Canada. But in a tweet he uses to promote the video, the National Organization For Marriage's Damian Goddard throws Aurora into the mix as well: * The tweet *Here's the video,...

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Audio: The National Organization For Marriage thinks it's courageous to say gays 'shake fist at God'

Not only is NOM's claim of "neutrality" now forever neutralized, but the once-pragmatic organization is now immortalized as being okay with saying gay people shake their fists at God and bring forth holy judgement: AUDIO SOURCE: Dan Cathy [Ken Coleman...

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A new, nakedly hostile NOM era has 'Dawned'

For the past decade or so, a woman named Dawn Stefanowicz has been sharing her horror tales of growing up with a gay papa in the '60s and '70s, becoming a darling with uber-far-right figures like Peter LaBarbera. Dawn has...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM now framing our marriages as ‘alleged’

READ: NOM now positioning our marriages as ‘alleged’ [NOM Exposed]

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NOM unveils its new Corporate Hypocrisy Project

NOM is June: [SOURCE] NOM in July: [SOURCE] So basically, you must "stay neutral" if you support marriage equality. But if you say that "we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and...

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'Stop special interests from redefining marriage' says K Street special interest trying to redefine marriage

Sometimes you just have to laugh: The definition of marriage in Washington is under attack, not just by the Governor and Legislature but, by the deep-pocketed elite and their corporations in Washington. Preserve Marriage Washington is relying on you to...

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NOM working to divide gays and blacks, just as NOM so cynically and divisively said it would

Let me remind you that this is the National Organization's expressed strategy, which the anti-LGBT organization never thought the world would see (highlighting is my own): Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy [NOM Exposed] And this is what...

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Congratulations, turkey—you're officially more 'liked' than NOM

With 23,439 thumbs up, it's now official—this turkey has more Facebook fans than the National Organization For Marriage: I bet this turkey can get more fans than NOM [Facebook]

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Jitters & Bliss can't stand by its NOM-y convictions; deletes, blocks me for second time today

Joe.My.God tipped me to a ridiculous new bit of spin posted on the scrubbed-down Facebook wall of the National Organization For Marriage's new coffee partner. Here's that, both the company's refusal to stand by its convictions and my now-deleted attempt...

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NOM alienates Jitters and Bliss Coffee's pro-equality customer base

In order to combat the pro-equality Starbucks, the National Organization For Marriage has partnered with a coffee company called Jitters and Bliss: This week we are proud to roll out Jitters and Bliss Coffee as a provider of excellent coffee...

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It's not just about marriage for NOM: Example #[I've lost count]

When an organization supposedly focused only on marriage posts blogs that do nothing more than note LGBT spirituality, one must wonder why: [NOM Blog] It's certain that the National Org. For Marriage doesn't post stuff like this in order to...

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