Good As You: National Organization For Marriage Roundup


Upcoming NOM speaker: Homosexuality like playing in busy intersection

Next month, Robert Gagnon will be expounding on his views right alongside the National Organization For Marriage's Jennifer Roback Morse and Thomas Peters when he speaks at the annual conference of the Ruth Institute (a project of the NOM Education...

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Is NOM violating C3, C4 coordination laws?

I've been tipped before about the way NOM enjoins its Educational Fund activities with its endorsement and other campaign efforts, a collusion that seems to come very close to crossing the line of what tax-exempt organizations can and cannot do....

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Log Cabin Republicans remind Wendy Long of the growing liability that is NOM

Via emailed press release: LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS OF NEW YORK ON NOM ENDORSEMENT OF WENDY LONG ALBANY, NEW YORK— In response to today’s endorsement by the National Organization for Marriage of United States Senate candidate Wendy Long, Log Cabin Republicans...

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Why is the inextricably Catholic NOM CCing Cardinal Wuerl on its 'Dump General Mills' petition?

This is how the bottom of NOM's laughably ill-advised Dump General Mills petition reads in text form: But if one looks at the HTML code, he or she will see this hidden text: What, is Cardinal Wuerl a Kellogg's fan?...

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NOM 'announces' what I announced on NOM Exposed six days ago

The ill-advised PR fiasco in the making is now official: Ooh, an upside-down "G." That'll show 'em. *My original announce: NOM gearing up for General Mills boycott? Org. purchased

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NOM resorts to mocking people's weddings

From the National Organization For Marriage's latest email blast, words credited to president Brian Brown: A comic book shop in New York City spotted a commercial opportunity, a chance for some nice publicity, according to LifeSiteNews. They decided to fund...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM gearing up for General Mills boycott? Org. purchased

NOM gearing up for General Mills boycott? Org. purchased [NOM EXPOSED]

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NOM EXPOSED: It’s practically impossible to be more conservative Republican than NOM

The National Organization For Marriage and the organization's new political director, Frank Schubert, will be guiding the marriage campaigns in all four states where we are on the ballot this fall. They will work diligently to convince local voters that...

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NOM's Corporate Fairness Project uses Tom Strobhar for third time, pretends like he's someone else

In a new press release, the National Organization For Marriage writes the following about yesterday's Target Shareholder meeting: A long-time Target shareholder who attended the annual meeting roundly criticized Target for their donation to the Family Equality Council. Not only...

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Audio: NOM's Jennifer Roback Morse speaks in 'ex-gay' code

We've heard Jennifer Roback Morse admit that she doesn't even "accept the category of gayness." Now listen as the NOM personality tells the students at The Alliance Defense Fund's Collegiate Academy that they shouldn't refer to people as gay, lesbian,...

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NOM Political Director: 'Not a chance in God’s green earth that African-Americans support same-sex marriage'

This quote, from the former Prop 8 campaign head and current political Director for the National Organization For Marriage, is almost too unbelievable for words: A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Wednesday put support for gay marriage at 53 per...

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NOM EXPOSED: Come for 'Solutions to Homosexual Behavior’, stick around for NOM president

How does NOM go global? Take a look: Stay for 'Solutions to Homosexual Behavior’, stick around for NOM’s president [NOM EXPOSED]

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Modern 'traditional marriage' movement continues to devalue King marriage

Coretta Scott King presumably knew her late husband's heart better than anybody else: CORETTA QUOTES "I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the...

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NOM EXPOSED: Maggie warns: Telling people they’re unworthy of peace, love, rights not as safe as it used to be

Are anti-equality advocates like Maggie Gallagher really the ones suffering under a "toxic" marriage debate? Really? Maggie warns: Telling people they’re unworthy of peace, love, rights not as safe as it used to be [NOM Exposed]

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NOM pushes extreme video; pushes away remaining stake in political moderation

What's the once-pragmatic National Organization For Marriage pushing now? Well here, check out what the org posted over the weekend: Many of you have surely seen this fear documentary (complete with kids cowering as if facing nuclear fallout) assembled by...

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Audio: A look at Thomas Peters' 'civil' marriage arguments

Thomas Peters, NOM's Culture Director and increasingly public voice, has claimed that the Catholic church cannot support pro-LGBT clubs and programs because they "promote behaviors that hurt the human person." A supporter of so-called "ex-gay" therapy, Thomas has claimed "change...

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Exploring Brian Brown's curious side project

This is an awesome piece from The American Independent's Sofia Resnick (and not just because I'm mentioned). Go read in full: “NOM is not a partisan organization or a stalking horse for either party,” wrote National Organization for Marriage President...

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NOM commenter encourages death to gays

You know how I've talked in the past about NOM's commenting system and how it always denies my contributions before they have a chance to go up? Yeah, well—look what the moderator just accepted: [SOURCE: NOM Blog] Now let me...

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NOM manages to make 'WorldNetDaily' report even more deceptive

Check out this headline and blog post that just went up on the National Organization For Marriage's blog: [SOURCE: NOM Blog] Right. Except, you know those investors that WND's Drew Zahn frames as supposedly in need of appeasement? That would...

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NOM thrilled that its 'no marriage, no C.U.' base is greatly outsized (and slipping more every day)

In what world are these numbers good for NOM? [SOURCE: NOM Blog] Reminder: NOM is adamantly opposed to civil unions. Yes, NOM played a ridiculous game of pretend in New Hampshire, as they worked (unsuccessfully) to repeal marriage with a...

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GOP group NOM was always planning to 'sideswipe Obama'; all else is noise

Over the next few months, you are going to see the National Organization For Marriage say any any everything in hopes of making Barack Obama look divisive, radical, and generally bad. NOM wants to divide the Democratic party because NOM...

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Santorum vows to fight what NOM actively seeks

Lost in the obviously more newsworthy discovery that the National Organization for Marriage hopes to drive wedge between gays and blacks was the fact that this same NOM has been actively seeking the same sort of "elites" that they vocally...

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NOM is promoting one of the most outrageous anti-LGBT voices working today

Just to remind you of how Robert Gagnon thinks of us: His definition of homosexuality: "By definition homosexual desire is sexual narcissism or sexual self-deception. There is either (1) a conscious recognition that one desires in another what one already...

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NOM prez accuses Veep of declaring 'war'; NOM prez should know, since he tried to stir up war between gays and blacks

National Organization For Marriage President Brian Brown: "It's always hard to know what Vice President Biden is doing whenever he speaks. He could be launching a trial balloon, or he could just be being Biden with his foot in his...

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NOM now telling churchgoers what coffee they're allowed to drink

This is not a joke. The National Organization For Marriage is seriously distributing the following in hopes that America's churches will insert them into Sunday bulletins: Because that is why you go to church, right? To have a D.C. special...

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NOM now up to $425k in North Carolina

From the Vote For Marriage NC campaign's latest 48-hour report: [NC BOE] But you go ahead and keep accusing the pro-equality side of being built on out-of-state money, Vote For Marriage NC. The rest of us will ponder where, exactly,...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM's Ruth Institute recruits, touts Rob 'gay is worse than incest' Gagnon

GO. read. now. NOM's Ruth Institute recruits, touts Rob 'gay is worse than incest' Gagnon [NOM Exposed]

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NOM is a religious group, example #9,435,123

It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to secure both the [dot org] and [dot com] versions of a certain domain name for every state in the union. But that's exactly what NOM, a group supposedly focused on...

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NOM's young people site to be called '', '', or ''

On a couple of occasions, I've told you about the "next generation" project that NOM's Thomas Peters is planning to launch. Well I finally found out the planned URL(s). The site is apparently going to launch at either,,...

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Days and Slights: This Week in NOM (Apr. 8 - Apr. 14)

Dear NOM Watcher, They're coming after you next…unless we stop them! That's the claim that the National Organization For Marriage blasted out to readers late Friday afternoon, in an apparent attempt to flip the mounting scandals, fiascos, and missteps that...

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Partisan NOM bullies now bullying NH Republicans

NOM is doing what it does best (other than dividing communities): attacking local Republicans for not siding with NOM's own partisan wishes. This charming little manifesto is running in papers across New Hampshire: NOM NH ad attacking Republicans Oh, and...

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Brian Brown says NOM fighting for God's marriage creation; I expect him to relinquish his state marriage certificate by day's end

Brian Brown, writing in NOM's weekly newsletter: "Each of us has the right to live as we choose, but none of us has the right to redefine marriage, which was created by God not government." [NOM] Talking about this civil...

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NOM seems to be venturing into libelous woods

It's one thing to form opinions based on supposition. But when a writer start writing things like this, he or she is flirting with libel: [SOURCE] "Implicated" implies that some sort of evidence has been proffered linking the mentioned person...

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HOLY CRAP: NOM admits it used racial wedge strategies, has unfairly stifled free speech! (*Or was hacked)

From the org's official Facebook wall: Were they hacked? Has another NOMmer flipped? Or has this whole scandal simply driven the NOM set so cray cray that they are seriously now admitting egregious mistakes of the past? Developing... *Still...

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HRC, Freedom To Marry to Catholic Church: Feed the hungry, not NOM's coffers!

The heavily Catholic National Organization for Marriage has certainly enjoyed a cozy relationship with that church's hierarchy. Today, the Human Rights Campaign and Freedom to Marry are telling the Church and its top American voice to breakup with the divisive...

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NOM FAIL of the day: Attempts to quell controversy by pushing Patrick 'gay men lodge cellphones in their anuses' Wooden

This is the National Organization For Marriage's latest attempt to spin their stated, NAACP-rebuked strategy to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" into something other than reality: [SOURCE: NOM Blog] Only thing? Patrick Wooden is most known for saying...

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NOM EXPOSED: NOM's Roback Morse says 'driving a wedge between gays and blacks' = 'strategic genius'

The National Organization For Marriage's strategic attempt to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" and "provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots" (among other cynical ploys) has been rightly condemned from...

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Latest: Romney's PAC funded NOM's divisiveness

This is breaking. And huge: KEEP READING: One of NOM’s Top Secret Donors Revealed: Mitt Romney[HRC] MORE: Mitt Romney's PAC Funded Anti-Gay Marriage Group Under The Radar[Huff Po]

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Video: Maggie defends (read:spins) the indefensible

Via Equality Matters: What I'm hearing from Maggie? That she just doesn't think NOM is capable of implementing the stated tactics, not that she wouldn't have done so had she been able to achieve results. *Much of what I would...

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NBJC on NOM: '[D]etermined to use African American faith leaders as pawns to push their damaging agenda'

NOM still hasn't offered any sort of comment with any substance attached. Which is fine, as it only means that more groups like the National Black Justice Coalition are going to take the open floor: WASHINGTON, D.C. – MARCH 27,...

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Congratulations, Freedom To Marry: NOM's New Media team lauded your 'fresh, grassroots approach'

Our old pal Louis Marinelli has uploaded all kinds of documents sent his way during his time working for the National Organization For Marriage. One slide, part of a suggested redesign proposed by NOM's new media strategists at OpusFidelis, really...

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Some of NOM's best friends are 'minority partnerships'….

In obvious (but unstated) reaction to the disturbing facts that we all now know about NOM and its desire to divide this nation, the org just issued the following: Brian, hon, you don't get it: We're not saying that you...

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NOM Strategy, Exposed: Highly partisan org. 'sideswipes' first, asks questions later

In July 2009, with only six months of office under his belt, it would've been hard for even an ardent critic to position President Barack Obama as a "social radical" on gay issues. But it wasn't hard for NOM, where...

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NOM Strategy, Exposed: Maggie's Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance

Think Maggie Gallagher launched her so-called "Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance" organically, based off the growing need she saw around her? Well that's crapballs! In truth, that project was deliberately concocted almost two years before it actually launched, hoping to seek out...

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NOM's deeply divisive race games: CONFIRMED, disturbingly

Over the past three years, I've spilled much digital ink on the obvious and disturbing way that I, based on my own analysis, perceived the National Organization For Marriage to be working to deliberately divide Americans on the basis of...

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NOM acknowledges #glaadcap; uncaps sad truth about own support base

NOM, an organization with a whopping five people (currently) whose own words are featured on the GLAAD Commentator Accountability Projects (Robert George, Maggie Gallagher, Brian Brown, Jennifer Roback Morse, Christopher Plante), has posted its first acknowledgment of the the list,...

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NY special election: Most nakedly hostile, animus-driven, sweeping anti-gay campaign in NOM's history

With only four days to go until the March 20 special election in New York, the National Organization For Marriage is ramping up its advocacy on behalf of Republican state Senate candidate David Storobin. This comes from the cover of...

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NOM finally admitting its largely Catholic motivator?

I actually applaud our adversaries for this new banner image: Because the truth is that Brian Brown, Maggie Gallagher, Thomas Peters, Robert George, and ever single person who speaks for NOM is working from an inextricably Catholic basis that they...

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NOM affiliate leader 'likes' one of anti-gaydom's harshest orgs

Peter LaBarbera's so-called Americans For Truth About Homosexuality group is one of the most incendiary outfits working today. The group has been on the Southern Poverty Law Center's "hate groups" list for a couple of years now, thanks to an...

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As equality grows, so too will Brian Brown's hyperbole

From Brian Brown's weekly NOM newsletter comes this, an ad hominem strike at the "audacity" and "meanness" of gay people's supposedly "strange new god": What gay-marriage advocates are now doing is trying to make gay marriage into a "sacred value,"...

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