Good As You: Shirley Phelps-Roper Roundup


If you wanted to be a Westboro rebel, then you should've been a Baby Boomer

Earlier this week, after reading an article about one of Westboro Baptist's young charges, Jacob Phelps, this writer sent an email to WBC doyenne Shirley Phelps-Roper to see how her family would react if one of their flock came out...

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'Pompous, pretentious, self-righteous bitch queen'

You can accuse Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper of being lots of things. Anglophile is not one of them: Response to Jacqui Smith Sheesh -- someone has a (fish and) chip on her shoulder!

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You're going to HelL.A.: Shirl reflects on magical Oscars night

Shirley Phelps-Roper has given this writer more info regarding her family's Oscar night protest, as well as Sean Penn's shout out to the same. Enjoy: Hi Jeremy – I love it when the dummy has to rewrite his whole speech...

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Will Prop 8 fail? Surely, says Shirley

Westboro Baptist Church's Shirley Phelps-Roper may think that we gays are hellbound perverts, but one should not lump her in with Mormon-evangelical "Protect Marriage" coalition that passed the anti-gay Proposition 8. When it comes to both the "yes on 8"...

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The wheels on the bus go, "OMG -- this zealotry is nutty!'

Taking the bus can be annoying. For starters, they're unpredictable. The schedule if the driver's, not your own. Especially in winter's cooling temperatures, the last place most of us want to find ourselves is standing outside waiting for public transportation...

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Shirl the nonpartisan

We've seen her denounce Barack Obama as the anti-Christ. But does that mean Shirley Phelps-Roper are her fellow Westboro Baptist Church members are throwing their support to John McCain, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, or Bob Barr? Let's see what Shirley...

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A tale of two Phelpses

We heard a rumor that Olympic superstar (and NBC's wet dream) Michael Phelps was distantly related to the notorious clan from Westboro Baptist, so we contacted WBC's Shirley Phelps-Roper to see if there was any truth to it. Here is...

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Gluteus Phelpsimus

Okay, now we've heard everything. This quote from Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper, speaking about how a group of their church members were prevented from entering Canada: "They won’t let us in, but we have a group that will cross in...

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Audio: How about some SP-R to brighten up your day?

Some people hate posts about Westboro Baptist Church. If you are one of those people, then do not proceed any further. If, however, you find Shirley Phelps-Roper infinitely fascinating, and you are desperate to learn if she's changed that condescending...

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'Hell's even right there in his name -- it would've been so easy for them!

So why hasn't Westboro Baptist, who has lashed out against everyone from the George Bush to the Pope to Tony Snow for being a "fag enabler," released any statements or planned any pickets in relations to Jesse Helms' death? Well...

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The anti-charity: Westboro needs not, wants not your cash

Out columnist and author of I Am Not Myself These Days, Josh Kilmer-Purcell, has attempted to do what no gay man has done before: Donate money to Westboro Baptist Church. In a very long-winded back and forth that we've posted...

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Does Thompson have a Phelpsian past?

We've seen GOP hopeful Fred Thompson waver on the gay marriage issue a few times now, with the candidate mostly coming across as an annoyingly gay-unfriendly social conservative, yet not as an vehemently anti-gay far-right extremist. But behind Thompson's somewhat...

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WBC and G-A-Y: Best Friends 4-Eva!

So yesterday we wrote a silly little piece wherein we speculated whether there was some sort of connection between the surname Phelps (as in the Phelps family from Westboro Baptist Church) and extreme gay bias. And in reaction to that...

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We give Shirl the right to remain responsive

So two days ago, we told you about Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper getting arrested in Nebraska on what are, in all honesty, some pretty ridiculous charges (Primary charge: suspicion of contributing to the delinquency of a minor after her child...

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God Hates Flags

Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper was reportedly arrested today in Omaha, NE, for allowing her 10-year old son to stomp on an American flag. Since Nebraska has a state law against trampling on a flag in such a manner, Shirl was...

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Shirl not deterred by smell of napalm in the morning

Earlier today, we brought you confirmation that the young man who planned to use explosive devices at Falwell's funeral was likely aiming to use them against Westboro Baptist Church. So rather than wait for Westboro's response to the matter, this...

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Video: America's Next Top 'Fag Hater'

From a recent episode of "The Tyra Banks Show," here is Shirley Phelps-Roper being...well, being Shirley Phelps-Roper: And from our extensive email archives, here is how Shirley PRed the appearance to us back in August: Though personally we don't think...

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The (ex-)Westboro member we never see

A reader sent in this interesting bit of info: So we, curious about this rumor, put it directly to the child's mother, frequent Westboro spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper. From Shirl comes this response: We really have nothing to add, other than...

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Wherein Shirl advises soldiers on ways to die

In her latest "epic" detailing a protest of the area surrounding Fort Campell, Kentucky, Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper says to the local soldiers: "God controls your hearts, you dopes; He sent you those lying spirits. You would NOT obey, so...

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We said they're 'going to Helena;" they say we're going to "Helena hand basket'

In response to our recent "You're Going To Helena" parody of Westboro Baptist's "You're Going to Hell" video, we today received the following email from WBC's Shirley Phelps-Roper: Of course after her "digression," Shirley had to run off so that...

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Video: Baptist vs. 'Baptist'

From YouTube, a video from last night's Westboro Baptist protest at the Southern Baptist Convention: Be sure to watch all the way through, so as not to miss Shirl's comparison of the red in the American flag to rectal blood....

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Misspelling is America's terror

A screen cap from a recent "Hannity & Colmes" episode that featured an appearance by Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper: Eeeek -- isn't shoddy captioning the first sign of the Apocalypse? ::sigh:: Maybe we really are doomed.

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She may think our soul to be hellbound, but our comedy she finds top notch

This is an email that was just sent to us by Westboro Baptist's Shirley Phelps-Roper: Every now and again someone among my loved ones will forward something new that you have posted about us. I believe you first landed on...

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