Good As You: TVC Roundup


Stop SB48's surprising failure: TVC staffer's 'wake up call' is my reason to sleep more soundly

If we're being honest: I always expect the anti-LGBT opposition to meet whatever petition signature-gathering goal laid before them. With their vast church networks and ability to hyper-motivate by evoking fears pertaining to God, kids, and apple pie, I almost...

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Mugged shot: TVC lifts pro-gay photog's pic for own anti-gay promo

The Traditional Values Coalition has been running the following pic of California state senator Mark Leno (D) in order to push its anti-LGBT "Stop SB48" campaign: SOURCE: [TVC (photo in 2 diff. places)] Only problem for TVC? They failed to...

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Sheldon calls gays 'very face of evil'; I self-consciously grab my moisturizer

"This is the crisis of our time. It's the very face of evil. From the college campus to the media centers of New York and Hollywood, people who should know better are buying into an agenda that could destroy us,...

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TVC says we're shaming the Founding Fathers; Reincarnated Founding Fathers too confounded by reality TV to care

Okay first off: We actually had a vote to spare in the New York Senate. We needed 32, we got 33. So no, it did not come down to only one legislator. Now that this practical point is out of...

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Andrea Lafferty calls Wasserman Schultz 'a junkyard dog'; one of the nicest things Lafferty's said in years

Here's the aggressively anti-LGBT Andrea Lafferty from the SPLC-designated hate group the Traditional Values Coalition offering some oh-so-measured thoughts about incoming Democratic National Committee chair Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL): "Way to go DNC. You found the candidate who best...

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Welcome to the Andrea Lafferty offense boat, entire state of Massachusetts!

The Traditional Values Coalition is of one of only a small handful of American organizations to descend to a bar so low that it qualifies them for the Southern Poverty Law Center's anti-gay hate groups list. And executive director Andrea...

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If only for a moment, HTML is a nicer, kinder, more inclusive language

It's not just the Southern Poverty Law Center that's discrediting their agenda. Today it's the Traditional Values Coalition's own url is saying "thanks but no thanks" to Lou Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty's patented brand of anti-LGBT over-the-top-iness:

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Only 13 groups have the SPLC's 'anti-gay hate group' label. Here's NOM applauding one of them...

A new height of eyebrow-raising for the National Organization For Marriage. They're now quoting (and emboldening) the Traditional Values Coalition, one of only thirteen groups to have met an extreme enough bar to earn an "anti-gay hate group" label from...

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Flashback Thursday: Lou Sheldon, Andrea Sheldon-Lafferty, and a pair of homo-hostile Winans

1998: Of course Andrea "gays are massacring the military" Lafferty is now the far-right's most prominent opponent of the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (ENDA). So let's see: Here in 2010, we now have a president whose every move these folks loathe,...

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A. Lafferty's Mem. Day rules: Gays can now wear white, sandals, 'domestic enemy' labels

Memorial Day Massacre Of Our Military This Memorial Day let's remember our fallen soldiers, but also remember that our current soldiers face a domestic enemy in our Congress and among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activist groups who seek to...

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Flashback Thursday: Lou & Urvashi -- you could cut the romantic tension with a gnat's fart

1991. Urvashi "LGBT rock star" Vaid takes on Louis "my hostility dates all the way back to the Briggs Initiative and will eventually lead me to the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list" Sheldon: Yes, that was a gerbil...

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Andrea Lafferty's inability to pinpoint truth: SPLC edition

In addressing the fact -- THE.FACT! -- that her organization, the Traditional Values Coalition, is one of only twelve groups on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of active anti-gay hate groups, Andrea Lafferty is again doing the thing for...

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Video: 'I think that goes to show that you don't really understand psychology'

And now for your "why the hell does the mainstream media keep putting this person up as a credible voice of dissension?" moment of the day: Watch the Human Rights Campaign's Allyson Robinson take on/get viciously maligned by Andrea Lafferty...

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Although we're beginning to think Andrea has an in-born fallacy orientation

Despite what credible science says about what does and does not constitute a sexual orientation, homosexuality is really nothing more than a whole host of other "deviances" from the "norm" of heterosexuality. Deviances that include the sex practices of those...

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TVC's 'Dirty Thirty': At least they're admitting their lies are covered in mud

For years, we watched as the Traditional Values Coalition (an SPLC-designated "hate group") tried to lump a whole host of paraphilias into the realm of what the scientific community considers to exist under the umbrella of sexual orientation, so as...

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Hey TVC: At depths as low as yours, 'snorkeling' is not recommended

The far-right has got to stop saying "gay" when the person is in fact straight-identified! This from the Traditional Values Coalition: At [yesteday's] Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on overturning the misnamed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the military,...

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Stop ENDA or, uhm, God will steal the sun. Or something.

Southern Poverty Law Center hate group The Traditional Values Coalition has a new website designed solely for the purpose of stopping the Employment NonDiscrimination Act. So considering this is the far-right we're talking about, all of the text and imagery...

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'Manhattan Declaration': SPLC-certified hate group comes out of its Sheldon

In the days since it was unveiled, the folks behind the so-called Manhattan Declaration have added a handful of signatories to their list of supportive religious leaders. This one, in particular, struck us as interesting: Rev. Louis P. Sheldon Founder...

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Stones no longer hard enough, TVC casts anti-US accusations instead

Chai Feldblum, President Obama's newly appointed Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is an incredibly accomplished person. But she's also a progressive and a lesbian, which gives the "godly" folks at the Traditional Values Coalition all the license they...

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TVC: Much more than an opposing viewpoint!

Why is the Associated Press quoting The Traditional Values Coalition in a story on hate crimes in a way that makes them sound as little more than a conservative voice of opposition? The Traditional Values Coalition had expressed concern in...

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There was this mother whose son killed himself or something. But anyway, back to what I was saying about the evil gay agenda...

The following is a snippet from a new article wherein the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty condemns the proposed Safe Schools Improvement Act, a piece of federal legislation meant to increase protections for all kids, including those who happen to...

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While we were away: TVC discovered, failed to master YouTube

The Southern Poverty Law Center has long cited the Traditional Values Coalition as being one of America's twelve anti-gay hate groups. But with lazy and lie-filled YouTube contributions like the following, we think it's only a matter of upload time...

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'The sanctity and definition of [earning a place on a hate groups list]'

Responding to yesterday's Prop 8 ruling, the Traditional Values Coaltion's Louis Sheldon says: "For nine years the people of California have engaged in a war on the traditional family with those wanting to forever redefine it. Twice the people have...

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TVC pedo-ing even more offense

Attention gay men who carry protest signs: You are all pedophiles. Or at least that's what one could reasonably assume if they saw the way that the so-called Traditional Values Coalition, the SPLC-certified hate group that has been the key...

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Hey Traditional Values Coalition: It's one thing to classify a Republican as a "RINO" simply because they don't agree with you anti-LGBT worldview. But you should at least get their state right! This from a new TVC document in which...

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Resisting fellows who get in bed with fellows makes strange, hate-certified bedfellows

Is it "ethical" for a Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission VP to stand side-by-side with the leader of an SPLC-certified hate group? Is it responsible for two U.S. Congressman to do the same? And what about one concerned...

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What about wanting to screw a bill with lies -- is that an 'orientation'?

Last week we told you how the Traditional Values Coalition is again this year passing off the lie that a whole number of sexual paraphilias, encompassing everything from necrophilia to having sex with an amputee's stump (no, that's not a...

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Denying actuality: Not a 'traditional value'!

It's that time of year again: Time for the Traditional Values Coalition, an SPLC-certified hate group, to blatantly lie about the science behind sexual orientation in a way that puts a whole host of paraphilic behaviors under the "orientation" umbrella,...

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And they'll replace guns with dildos...AAHHH!!!! FEAR!! AAAAAAAAAAH!

In the following snippet, the Traditional Values Coalition's dean and doyenne of discrimination, Louis Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty, stop short of directly comparing gay soldiers to live grenades. But just barely: Imagine the impact that the rampant spread of STDs,...

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Because apparently the far-right's credibility isn't dwindling fast enough for their liking

This is a poster from S.A. Mann Brand, a pro-Nazi propaganda film from 1933 that was made for the purpose of selling the Third Reich to Germany: So if you identified yourself as a Christian "pro-family" group, how might you...

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Keeping gays alive: Communism or common decency?

How does SPLC-certified hate group the Traditional Values Coalition now refer to the Obama administration? Well, for such "radical" ideas as the one that seeks to keep gay people from being murdered or imprisoned around the world, Andrea Lafferty and...

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Bias á la carte

In these tough economic times, organizations have to take new and novel approaches to round up donations. This is especially true if you are a certified hate group operating in a world that is growingly increasingly tired of gay bashing....

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"Rampage" defined: "Rampage" misrepresented: Homosexual activists are feeling a bit zealous these days. They are coming on the heels of a newly sworn in Barack Obama administration that saw the first ever homosexual band perform in a president’s inauguration parade....

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What next, TVC -- Hillary as Dolly Parton?

The Traditional Values Coalition is simply virulent. In fact, their anti-gay work has earned the California-based group the distinction of being one of only nine national outfits to be certified as an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law...

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Wherein Michie makes Lafferty frownerty

So you might have heard that Michelle Obama addressed Denver's LGBT delegates with an inspiring speech on what an Obama presidency would mean for the queer community. If you haven't seen it, here's a video: Pretty inspiring and hopeful stuff...

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Taking 'stock' of TVC's graphics

Hey Traditional Values Coalition: When using images you find via a Google image search to create a collage that highlights yet another of your anti-gay posts...'s much more fetching if you remove the stock photo water mark off of...

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When life gives you gay 'demons', give your son lemonade

The Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty may be all about "protecting children." But apparently that doesn't apply to protecting their minds from embracing oversimplified outlooks of corporate America, or from being used as talking points in "culture war" battles. This...

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Lafferty: DADT is fine, Lombard Street is not

Oh, those pesky "San Francisco values." They're always getting in social conservatives' way, futzing up the "pro-family" world with radical ideas about tolerance, respect, sourdough bread, and Rice-a-Roni. So since the city has so thoroughly messed with evangelical lives, the...

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But she means 'freak show' in the good, moral, Christian way

Responding to last week's historic House hearing on transgender discrimination in the workplace, the reliably uncivil Andrea Lafferty has offered the following insensitive thoughts: “Why is the House of Representatives wasting taxpayer dollars to discuss whether or not drag queens...

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Lafferty: 'Pro-life' & 'pro-family' as long as both meet her standards

Have you heard about Thomas Beatie, the Bend, OR, transman whose pregnancy is getting lots of media attention? Yea, well, unfortunately not all of that attention is favorable. In fact, some of it, like the following reaction from the Traditional...

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8 seconds: Opposition sets new judgmental record

A Montgomery County, MD, organization calling itself Citizens For Responsible Government (the ones behind the ridiculous website) has been trying to overturn a recently passed transgender anti-discrimination bill by using the petition process. And since they need a reason...

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Lafferty to counselors: Why do you ignore faith-based vilification?

Responding to the American Counseling Association's decision to inform gay patients of the dangers associated with seeking "change" rather than to unequivocally support the "ex-gay" movement, the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty has issued the following remarks: “In short, the...

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What, TVC -- would horns have been too much?

So check out this picture that is posted on the website, It's certainly not the best we've ever seen Barack look. But it's not a totally bad photo, right? Okay, well now check this out: On the website of...

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Video: Looking back at backwards thinking

Are you busy on this Monday morning? Do you only enjoy documentaries that are reasoned, decent, and working towards righteous social causes? Do you despises the early 90's? Is your blood pressure low and you'd like to keep it that...

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TVC Comics: Like 'Cathy' or 'Dilbert', except where both despise gay people

Well friends, we know you've been waiting for it, so here it is. The latest comic strip from those cartoony folks at the Traditional Values Coalition: ::sigh:: As laughably amateurish and unhinged as usual! But you know, unlike past TVC...

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Pulling ideas out of your butt -- is that also an 'orientation,' TVC?

Continuing on their never-ending quest to make it sound like certain behaviors that are actually classified as "paraphilias" are instead classified as "sexual orientations," the folks at the Traditional Values Coalition today say this in regards to some pro-gay legislation...

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TVC takes baby step towards 'slightly more truthful'

So you might remember that back in May, we found the Traditional Values Coalition deliberately misrepresenting a certain section of House debate involving federal hate crimes protections. Since that time, we have seen numerous "pro-family" types repurpose TVC's version of...

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It appears TVC has lost last trace of shame

We've seen the Traditional Values Coalition do some nutty things in the past, but this just might take the crazy cake! They have today posted the text from HR 2232, a piece of legislation that is meant "to affirm that...

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What could a civil rights pioneer possibly know about civil rights?

Lashing out against Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) for equating of gay marriage bans with those that once prevented interracial nuptials, the Traditional Values Coalition's Andrew Lafferty today says this: “Rep. Lewis is a member of the Old Guard of civil...

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Gather 'round, kiddies, for the latest TVC comic has arrived

Well, we know you've been waiting for it, so here it is. In an apparent attempt to distance themselves from the words "credible," "reasoned," or "not six years old," the reliably silly kids at the Traditional Values Coalition have issued...

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