Good As You: Vermont Roundup


VT Guv's seen same-sex marriage and lived to tell the tale; shares coping skills with RI

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) was in Rhode Island yesterday, cutting through the National Organization For Marriage's noise in order to share his own firsthand experience with the oft-misrepresented concept that is marriage equality: The Democratic governor, elected in November,...

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Come for the foliage, stay for the lifetime commitment

Same-sex marriages begin in Vermont [AP via Google] At midnight, a couple exchanges vows [Rutland Herald] **Oh, and don't forget to lick up your Hubby Hubby!

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Ben & Jerry's rocky road to equality

Spotted at the Harvard Square T station in Cambridge, MA: Local anti-gays are said to already be adding lactose to their lists of intolerances. Ben and Jerry’s T ad misses mark? Or right on track? [Wicked Local -- Cantabrigia]

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Lest we forget

MASSACHUSETTS MAINE VERMONT CONNECTICUT IOWA and soon, probably... NEW HAMPSHIRE (with NY, NJ, and others in the reasonable future) Prop 8 is a stumble for our side. But time's mere advancement is a crippling fatal blow for our opposition's!

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Too young to vote. Old enough to be publicly condemned by LaBarbera

Earlier this month, Peter LaBarbera gunned for a six-year-old girl and her family when he proudly declared that the young Iowa child "needs a father" and "will be scarred by 'gay marriage'" (fear quotes his). Well now he's up the...

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Sprigg's VT blame game (emphasis on game)

Many have tried. Few, however, can twist and spin like the Family Research Council's Peter "let's export homosexuals" Sprigg. In a new post to FRC's blog, Sprigg builds a multi-layered attack on Vermont, wherein he blames gays for "desensitizing" the...

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That's Mr. Purveyor of Evil to you, Matthew

The line between Westboro Baptist Church and J. Matt Barber is getting ever more fine: Matt Barber, director of cultural affairs for Liberty Counsel, poses this question: "How long can a nation founded on the laws of nature and nature's...

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Freely repugnant

It's just not a good pro-gay day until the kids at FreeRepublic weigh in/further belie the idea that the "pro-family" team is the nice, compassionate one: Wow, our weddings can lead folks to drown in their own vomit? Hmm. On...

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Breaking: Voting out a VT veto!

10:08 AM: By a vote of 23-5, the Vermont Senate has voted to override Gov. Jim Douglas' veto! House vote comes later this morning. If it passes there, the victory will be twofold. First and foremost: We'll get our fourth...

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V-T- gets its irrational E O

It's official. And annoying: The governor of Vermont vetoed Monday legislation that would have legalized same-sex marriage in the state. Gov. Jim Douglas, a Republican, vetoed the legislation, which passed the state Senate, 26-4, and the state House, 95-52. Vt....

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Breaking: By civil vote, VT votes to upgrade our unions. But the sweetness is bitter.

By a vote of 95-52, the Vermont House has joined the state Senate in passing marriage equality. However, since it was only by a simple majority, it is susceptible to Gov. Douglas' veto threat. Is a change of heart in...

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VT: House VoTes while VeTo looms

Click to watch the same-sex marriage debate play out in the Vermont House: LIVE stream from the Statehouse [Burlington Free Press] *Our complete Vermont archive **UPDATE: The vote regarding whether or not to put the matter to a statewide referendum...

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By a promising 8-2 vote, the Vermont House Judiciary Committee has advanced marriage legislation to the full House: Committee votes 8-2 for gay-marriage [Burlington Free Press] Annoyingly and unnecessarily, the committee inserted an amendment designed to give religious institutions just...

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Howard, stern: Dean voices unequivocal marriage support

Howard Dean, while a longtime friend and ally, has in the past left some questions about whether or not he fully supports marriage equality. But it now seems that he's on the one and only fair page, as he is...

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VT GOP: Dems outta touch with the economy -- give us money and we'll prove it

Want to see Vermont GOP hypocrisy in action? Well check this out. This is the opening paragraph of a blog that was recently posted on When Republican Senator Kevin Mullin called for a non-binding statewide resolution on same sex...

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It's official: Guv to insert hostile E-O into V-T-

Vermont governor Jim Douglas has made his intent official. And as feared, it's very Schwarzeneggerian in its tone. This from the AP: Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas says he will veto a gay marriage bill if it passes the Legislature. Governor...

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They comment, we opportunistically highlight the extremism

This small sampling of comments come from the American Family Association's One News Now site, with the subject being Vermont's increasingly likely passage of marriage equality legislation: Comment source: VT Senate approves homosexual 'marriage' bill [ONN] Allowing comments: The Achilles...

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How's same-sex marriage advancing in Vermont? Well, pretty smoothly if you judge by the nice veto-proof majority of state senators that just sided with equality: Late this afternoon, the Senate voted 26-4 to advance the same-sex marriage equality bill on...

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If an atheist counselor took on church law, that would also merit a mention

This is a letter that was sent to Vermont's Times Argus: As a professional marriage and family counselor for many years, I strongly oppose the 'genderless marriage' bill, S.115. It grants no additional rights to anyone (civil unions did that),...

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Video: Green Mountain debate

They packed 'em in last night at the Vermont State House, where locals gathered to speak both for and against a bill that would grant basic fairness to same-sex couples. Here's an overwhelming amount of video from the proceedings, courtesy...

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Video: Okay, so then you get a civil union

Since Vermont governor Jim Douglas (R-YesEvenBlueStatesElectRepublicanLeaders) doesn't see a need to bump up his state's civil unions law to full equality, one could rightfully assume that he views the system as completely equal to marriage. So would he be willing...

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VT: Wedding plans have wrench; will wedding planners hammer out win?

CA: Legislature twice passes a marriage bill, but governor refuses to sign. NY: State assembly and back-to-back governors support a marriage equality bill, but the state senate fails to come around. NJ: Supreme court offers ruling that could have granted...

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Green Mountain State: 'I dos' by next foliage season?

Iowa is a possibility. California, of course, might overturn Prop 8 and restore their fair marriage system. Then there is New Jersey, where it's not a matter of if but when the legislature will bump up their civil unions system...

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What's right? Marriage equality. What's far-right? Majority tyranny.

Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg, who you may remember for once expressing a desire to export homosexuals from America, is now questioning the possibility that we gay equal rights proponents will be able to achieve marriage parity in all six...

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Miller-Jenkins case: Judicial accurat-ivism rules the day

Get ready, folks: Matt Barber and other social conservatives are about to literally flip their same-sex parenting-detesting wigs: The U.S. Supreme Court has let stand a ruling that Virginia must enforce a Vermont court order awarding child-visitation rights to a...

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Pro-gay VT: The future's so bright, opponents must throw shade

Today in Vermont, the 11-person government commission that has been studying same-sex marriage will reveal whether they think the state should stick with its current civil unions law or bump the state up to full marriage equality. And while we...

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Survey: Land of Ben & Jerry supports marriage of same

A new survey coming out of Vermont shows that 54% of the state's voters support allowing gay couples to marry while 37% are still just plain wrong opposed: Doyle Survey Shows Vermont Voters Favor Same-Sex Marriage [WPTV] (H/t: Towle) Come...

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VT: Pointless group enters pointless fight

Apparently fans of fighting battles they will inevitably lose, it is being reported that Vermont's opponents of marriage equality are ramping up their equality-stifling efforts by forming something called the Vermont Marriage Advisory Council: New Vermont group to oppose gay...

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VT marriage hearings: Now with less condemnation!

Last night in Montpelier, VT, a reported "packed room" of gay supporters turned out to a public hearing to voice their support for marriage equality in the Green Mountain State. And while you might assume that this means busloads of...

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Teens cowardly enter annals of spineless slurring

Two Vermont-based teenaged sisters will appear in court today to answer charges that they slashed the tires and spray-painted anti-gay epithets on the vehicles of two civilly-unioned gay men (one of whom was a distant relative): Two teenaged girls to...

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You may kiss the bride (as long as she promises to drop a child)

Of the possibility that Vermont could someday bump their same-sex civil unions up to full marital equality, Focus on the Family's Jenny Tyree today says this: "Their viewpoint seems to be that marriage is just a legal term that can...

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VT Dems to ask locals whether they wish to buy us a wedding gift

In an effort to determine whether the state's currently legal civil unions system should be bumped up to full equality, Democrats in Vermont are setting up a commission to gauge citizen's thoughts on the subject of gay marriage: Legislative commission...

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'Just civil unioned' signs soon to be part of VT's past?

Mark Larson (pic.), a state representative from Vermont, today introduced legislation that, if passed, would both allow gay marriage in the state and upconvert all of the civil unions already performed in the state into full marriages. In a related...

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Frat members get off on 'Brokeback' case; folks whose minds are in the gutter wonder if DVD inside the case stayed dry

Saying that the police hadn't adequately proven the allegations, a judge today dismissed the case of four members of the University of Vermont's Phi Gamma Delta fraternity who were cited earlier this year for allegedly forcing pledges to dress up...

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I wish I knew how to quit y...oh wait a minute, I do. I can just stop paying and not show up for the parties and meetings, then go find friends elsewhere. Hey, how do you like that?

Four officers with the University of Vermont's Phi Gamma Delta fraternity have been charged with violating the state's new hazing law on the basis of allegations that they forced pledges to dress up like characters from Brokeback Mountain and then...

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Because simply owning the DVD wouldn't be enough

A Vermont group is attempting to have a yet to be named state mountain renamed in honor of that lil' flick, Brokeback Mountain. However, we hear they'll refuse to have any car accident that occurs on the peak to be...

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5 years later, 1st civil-unioned couple goes the way of Brad and Jen

The first couple to get civil-unioned in the United States, Carolyn Conrad and Kathleen Peterson (seen here in happier days), have announced that they are splitting up. The ladies were quasi-hitched in Vermont on July 1, 2000, just moments after...

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