Good As You: WorldNetDaily Roundup


CA heterosexists plan winter migration

According to WorldNetDaily, an organization called Considering Homeschooling has sent out 5,000 DVD packages to churches across the state of California which encourage parents to pull their kids from public schools in order to protect them from the so-called "gay...

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BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: 'WorldNet' cares little about actuality

So say you are a far-right socially conservative new outlet and you want to make a recently passed piece of legislation that's meant to protect gays from discrimination look like it's an attack on heterosexuality. What better way could you...

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WND Poll: Punched in the face, taught about gay marriage; tomato, tomahto

Oh, WorldNetDaily. They can always be relied upon for "sane" poll results: (results as of 2:07 PM) Wow, teaching children that our world is peppered with loving gay couple who crave legally-recognized monogamy is on par with child abuse? Well,...

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Ain't Raging Homophobia A Shame?

This is Pat Boone: Unfortunately, so is this: In another part of town, in another spellbound school, a handsome young boy named Prince Charming was going through similar experiences. Snow White and Prince Charming would have made a perfect couple,...

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Why couldn't carpentry have been the Limbaugh family trade?

You have to almost feel sorry for those whose job it is to defend the religious right. For in the modern "culture war" battle between the team who wants to legislate their evangelical version of morality and the team who...

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Twistin' with Tristan: 'Tolerance' edition

Uber-conservative columnist Tristan Emmanuel (pic.) has penned a commentary for WorldNetDaily, wherein he takes the annoyingly flawed position that liberals both hide behind and have changed the meaning of the word "tolerance." After comparing the word to a swearword and...

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Reading, writing, and reparative therapy? No way!

In a new WorldNetDaily piece regarding the on-going "fight" over sex-ed curriculum in Montgomery County, MD, Regina Griggs of the Parents and Friends of Ex-gays group says the following deceptive nonsense about homo-centric bio-genetic research: "The MBOE has taken the...

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Careful before staking 'claims' on science, Les

In regards to Courage, a Catholic group that tries to lead gays to lead celibate lives, the Baltimore Sun recently said this: The group is different, however, from those such as Exodus International, an interdemoninational Christian organization that claims to...

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Gay man now working to make turncoats trendy

Michael Glatze, founding editor of the now defunct Canadian magazine Young Gay America, has become the latest to be frightened by religious persecution into embracing the "ex-gay" lie. And like most other "ex-gays," he can't just be happy in his...

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'WorldNet' headlines: The gifts that keep on deceiving

So if you are a conservative news outlet wishing to write a story about an anti-gay preacher who was denied permission to marching the Chicago Pride parade, how would you headline that piece? Well, if you were a writer for...

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Poll: Heather Poe shouldn't expect WND-branded Mother's Day cards

This is the latest data from those always wacky pollsters over at WorldNetDaily: Wow, the White House is now "cravenly pandering to homosexuals"? Well, guess that does totally explain why this just arrived in our Inbox: ::sigh:: Too bad we...

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'WorldNet's anti-Amazon vendetta reignited

So back in September, we told you how a WorldNetDaily reader was complaining because her search on for some popular "family-friendly" DVDs provided her with a recommendation that she may also like to purchase the Brokeback Mountain DVD. At...

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WND Poll: WND's dropping 'e'

So WorldNetDaily polls are always sadly amusing, as they are typically so extremely anti-gay heavy that one can't help but both simultaneously laugh and cry at the fact that their readers are so ready to condemn any and everything they...

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I've got one thing to say and that's 'Dammit, Janet, you're embracing a lie'

For an example of just how willing our opposition is to distort the nature of federal hate crimes legislation, consider this passage from the latest WorldNetDaily column written by Janet Folger: According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, John Guimond,...

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And when it arrived in Cali, did it make a quiche?

In reaction to the California Assembly Judiciary Committee's voting to approve a bill that could bring same-sex marriage to the Golden State, those gay-demonizing kids at World Net Daily have shat out this headline: Hmm, so let's see here. Gay...

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So much more clever conserva-toonists would need be, if she were a size 3

This political cartoon is currently running on WorldNetDaily: On the left, peace-encouraging celesbian Rosie O'Donnell. On the right, the man who has (allegedly) confessed to masterminding the whole of the 9/11 operation, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Our only surprise: That WorldNet...

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It's Buchanan's polarized world, we just get stigmatized in it

From WorldNetDaily, this is Pat Buchanan's response to Senator John Warner's statement that homosexuality is NOT immoral: Who, Sen. Warner, are the moral authorities for your assertion that homosexual conduct is moral – other than the Bishop Robinson wing of...

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WND Poll: Results coming in at a frightening Pace

The latest poll results from those reliably silly kids at WorldNetDaily (as of 9:45 AM): Ooh, we too want to be "men of character." Here, let's see... When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so...

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Poll: Gay soldiers probably wouldn't want to be a WND reader's bunkmate

The results of a WorldNetDaily poll (charmingly titled "Dress Parade") as of 8:30AM: You know, those of us in the "It's long overdue" group may be small, but we're really quite nice. The kinds of people who realize that gays...

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He may not consider himself a homophobe, but he looks like a 'Ringer' to us

So we thought we had left the Rosie/Trump mess behind us when we went away for the holiday break. We had every intention of letting this whole spat fall by the wayside, as it seemed to have run its pre-holiday...

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WND Columnist: 'Drink a Grande Soy Latte, get a Pequeño Boy-loving Penis'

In an article posted today on conserva-news source WorldNetDaily under the headline "A devil food is turning our kids into homosexuals," columnist Jim Rutz boldly asserts that "soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of...

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And what, Hulk Hogan for vice?

The latest, greatest WorldNetDaily poll: It's official -- we will no longer be offended by any gay-unfriendly opinion that WorldNetDaily or its readers hold about us. Because honestly, if the majority of them seriously think that the star of "Walker...

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Defending against another's 'superiority' complex

In a column in which he uses the fertilization of Mary Cheney's egg to speak to the large issue of gays having/raising children, WorldNetDaily columnist Kevin McCullough concludes today: ...since homosexuals insist upon desiring limitless sexual activity, not governed by...

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In the event of fire and brimstone, the ceremony will be held indoors

How the always subtle, straight-shooting, conservative news source WorldNetDaily describes the social implications of South America's same-sex marriage legalization: Well, for your sake, Worldnet, you better hope God does destroy the nation in protest of their wicked ways. You're gonna...

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