What's This?

Good As You represents a new generation of GLBT activism. Now is the time for intelligent, progressive-minded individuals to step up and fight for the common rights of which they might be denied. We're here to rally the troops.

  • We have made it our mission to investigate any organization/media outlet/personality in regards to discriminatory language or actions. In turn we will always extend the opportunity for these individuals or groups to speak on their own behalf, as we do support the First Amendment Right of all.
  • We strive to provide a safe, progressive, and positive forum in which we work to eliminate discrimination and intolerance. Privacy will always be protected, and all sources/tips will remain anonymous.
  • We don't feel it is our right or responsibility to "out" anyone, and we vow to never do so. Don't bother sending us "we saw so-and-so groping a twink at SBNY" messages. We do not care.

Our tone is light, but our message is firm: We will not sit back and be led to a society that favors discrimination over diversity.

Watch Good As You on the PBS program "In the Life"

Sampling of other press:

HRC Equality Magazine
The Advocate

Site editor: fdfdffdfdd Site mascot:
Jeremy HooperPicture 2-53
Jeremy Hooperfdfdfdfd Bosley Hooper-Shulman

General support, co-editor: Andrew Shulman

Contact Us:
Good As You
PO Box 7108
New York, NY 10150
[email protected]

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Jeremy Hooper

When Jeremy founded Good As You in 2005, he had a two-fold goal in mind. The first half was to unapologetically challenge the anti-gay rhetoric that keeps LGBT people confined to the margins of society. The second was to inject a fresh, new, irreverent approach into the world of gay activism.

Focusing on the message rather than the "attacker," Jeremy prefers to use a lighter, more irreverent tone rather than an angry one. That doesn't mean anyone is given a pass. On the contrary, anyone wronging LGBT on even the smallest of scales will be challenge at G-A-Y. It does, however, mean that Jeremy will shy away from writing off his opposition as a "bigot," as he sees such to be counterproductive to the goals at hand. And it also means that he'll always look for a laugh in even the dimmest of situations, because let's face it -- we humans are a pretty ridiculous breed.

Is Jeremy a journalist? Sometimes.

A gay activist? Yes, in in his own way.

A watchdog? Ruff, ruff.

A social commentator? Yeah, that fits too.

A political consultant? Isn't everyone?

A part-time stripper? Only if you don't click enough ads.

But the label that most handily fits Jeremy is butt pirate "unlabel-able dude who wants all to be free to live their truths without fear or persecution." By taking the piss out of the cruel idea that some humans were created unequally, he hopes to take us one step closer to a more peaceful day.

*Recent national press for Jeremy/ G-A-Y:

Jeremy and his husband were first same-sex couple in Martha Stewart Weddings magazine

Profile in HRC Equality magazine

Feature on the PBS program "In the Life"

Profile from The Advocate

Appeared on the Logo network's 2008 Year In Review

Featured in NBC News story about Facebook and marriage equality

*Other writings:

If It's A Choice, My Zygote Chose Balls (avail in paperback and on Kindle)

Jeremy and Dan Savage offer a joint response on the subject of monogamy

Jeremy's posts for GLAAD

Jeremy's posts for the Human Rights Campaign's NOM Exposed project

A first person piece published in The Advocate

"No Time To Cower -- Written for the ACLU's Blog of Rights

*Recent honors:

Nominated for the 2008 Brave Nation Young Activist Award

Chosen by anti-gay activist Peter LaBarbera as the 10th of the "20...good reasons why Christians (or anyone) should never feel guilty about a single-minded focus in countering the homosexual/transsexual activist and pro-abortion lobbies."



In the Winter of 2010, Jeremy and his husband, Andrew Shulman, were honored to be first same-sex couple ever featured in Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. A glimpse of the wedding:

Hooper/Shulman -- 6/13/09

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