Good As You: mcdonalds Roundup


Arch rival: LaBarbera takes on Grimace

Because of that sweet French ad where a young, smitten, gay man smiles a knowing smile when his father makes the heterosexist assumption that he must be into the ladies, one certain anti-gay man has chosen to wage a Big...

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When we showed you the suddenly "controversial" French McDonald's ad late last week, we opined that the ad would never run here at home. Last night on his show, Bill O'Reilly said the same thing. But whereas we said it...

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The secret sauce thickens

Did McDonald's sell out the gays like the American Family Association has claimed, or is the AFA once again taking credit for a non-victory? That has been the question on many of our lips over the past week or so....

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Yes, I'll have some Chicken Mcfibbers with a side of Lies

Remember how we told you that the AFA is claiming a "victorious" conclusion to their anti-gay McDonald's boycott? Yea, well there is a growing body of evidence that the AFA is being just as fallacious with this "win" as they...

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AFA: Golden Arches have bent our way

When the American Family Association ended their anti-gay boycott against Ford, they claimed all sorts of wins. Only problem? The motor company repeatedly denied that they'd made any of the corporate changes that the AFA was touting. Well fast forward...

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AFA decries McDonald's 'group rate agenda'

The American Family Association's McDonald's boycott is an unmitigated failure, with Mickey D's stock once again closing at a high yesterday. So desperate boycotts call for really desperate "action alerts." Like this one, in which the AFA try to may...

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AFA still bitching about Golden Arches; Golden Arches still yawning

Here are actual comments that have been left on a One News Now story regarding the American Family Association's McDonald's boycott: Threats and negativity to which we only have to say: How's that McMuffin-shunning going for ya, "pro-family" peeps? *The...

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Checking in on a McFailing endeavor

And now for this week's edition of... Here now, the McStats: Only one day (7/11) that was down at all, and that was only by .04. And as of 3PM, today's is hovering in the 63.40 range. A triumph over...

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Wherein AFA violates own criteria

When the American Family Association first launched their boycott of McDonald's, they put out these stipulations (which can still be found on their "Boycott McDonald's" website): What the boycott of McDonald's IS NOT about * This boycott is not about...

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Attn all struggling businesses: You might wanna piss off the AFA

Oh, so as we've been saying: McDonald's July same-store sales rise 8 percent [AP via AOL Money] So yea, you all keep up the good, effective, society-shaping work, AFA!! That bottom line seems to be utterly collapsing under the weight...

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Fast end for AFA's fast food fast?

Could the American Family Association's short, completely ineffective, non-headline-grabbing, mostly-ignored McDonald's boycott be over already? Well we're not sure, but this is how its accompanying website currently looks: (as of 8/6 at 6:58 PM) Possible scenarios: (a) Ronald McDonald has...

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Anti-boy/boy-cott: Best ad campaign McD's has had in years!

And now for another edition of: Here now, the McStats: And here is where today stands, as of 12:17PM: ::sniff, sniff:: ::sniff, sniff:: I smell either the strong stench of failure, or an increased production of french fries that's wafting...

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When life gives you gay 'demons', give your son lemonade

The Traditional Values Coalition's Andrea Lafferty may be all about "protecting children." But apparently that doesn't apply to protecting their minds from embracing oversimplified outlooks of corporate America, or from being used as talking points in "culture war" battles. This...

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WND Poll: Gays, McFlurries evil

3408 WorldNetDaily readers will now put the whole McDonald's boycott into perspective for you: But of course this mob really won't be needing the fast food chain anyway, as they can just cook their food over the torches they yield....

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ba da ba ba baa... they're still eatin' it

And now, a segment we like to call: "How's that boycott going, AFA?" Below you will find the stock data from July 7, the day the American Family Association launched their McDonald's boycott, up through yesterday: As you will see,...

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Photo(shop): Revisionist McDonald's protest?

Okay, so we're not sure what, exactly, is going on with this anti-McDonald's photo currently running on WorldNetDaily. But something seems to be: Why do we think something's going on? Well because the image could not look more Photoshopped. Look...

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McQuote of the day

In a post wherein he raises a major stink because no media showed up for his sparsely populated anti-McDonald's press conference, Peter LaBarbera says the following about those who've sworn off Big Macs until the fast food giant swears off...

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Mickey D's presser: Tens and tens served

So how did yesterday's anti-gay McDonald's presser go? Well the first video has come in, and it looks really...small. And diversity-free. And boring. And Matt Barber-laden. Check it out: Hmm, this reminds me: McDonald's has yummy caramel iced coffee. Be...

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Taking stock of the AFA's efficacy

So far we've yet to hear even one report from the anti-McDonald's "press" conference that was held this morning. However, we have heard this interesting piece of McDonald's news: Their stock is up 1.60 for the day: And If you...

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Yes, it most certainly does!

Oh, if only this excerpted version that we received via RSS were the actual headline to this One News Now story: For once, the AFA's "news" outlet would've been saying something truthful!! Actual headline: McDonald's boycott blows into Chicago [ONN]...

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So many McMuffins for extremists to decry, so little time

Adding more fattening, empty caloried, likely-to-cause-a-stomach-ache grease to the McDonald's boycott fryer, the Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber and Mat Staver have contributed the following pair of quotes: BARBER: "Unfortunately, McDonalds has chosen to side with militant homosexual activists over people...

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Grimace, you might wanna find a bunker!

Peter LaBarbera and friends have officially entered into the war on McNuggets. This is the latest from Pete's Americans For Truth site: Americans For Truth has called a press conference outside of McDonald’s world headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, this...

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Marriage deal-breakers: Infidelity, irreconcilable differences, or kid-sized fries

Since the McDonald's boycott was announced, we've produced some jokey headlines and quips to refer to the absurd notion that McDonald's is out to gay up the world via their McMuffins. For instance, the other day we wrote a piece...

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One-sidedness, thy name is AFA

Want further proof that the American Family Association is banning all dissension from their Boycott McDonald's website? Well check this out. Over the past half hour, we have tried to leave a few comments on the site. Two of them...

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Be it arrests or bulging waist lines, activism demands sacrifices

The Woodhull Freedom Foundation, an organization dedicated to sexual freedom, has launched an organized push for a McDonald's "Buycott." In the wake of the American Family Association's boycott of the fast food chain because of its perceived gay-friendliness, the Woodhull...

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Gays destroying sanctity of McNugget intake

Want to see torch-wielding mobbery at its most frightening? Well go check out the comments that the American Family Association has chosen to publish in reaction to their recently-announced McDonald's boycott. Here are a few samples and a link to...

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AFA now trying to tarnish Golden Arches

Well the American Family Association has yet to make the big McDonald's announcement that they've promised for today. However, we see no need to wait for the McSillies' upcoming press release. For we can exclusively reveal that because of the...

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AFA & Mickey D's: What's their beef?

The American Family Association, the anti-gay group that's currently burning up the news for changing the "Gay"-ness of various athletes, yesterday sent this announcement to everyone on their email list: Now, considering the "pro-family" group has been lashing out against...

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Would you like bias with that?

To protest what they and their social conservative pals perceive to be a "homosexual agenda" within the company (see earlier stories here and here), the folks at the Family Research Council have created fliers for customers to deliver to their...

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Geez, can't these folks be truthful about ANYTHING?

In a new "Action Alert" decrying McDonald's and one of the company's executives, Richard Ellis, for supporting the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), the kids at the American Family Association begin with the little blip: Only problem...

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House of Grimace makes far right do same

A few weeks back we told you how a prominent executive with the McDonald's corporation, Richard Ellis, has joined the board of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. And now, as should be predicted whenever a company and...

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