Good As You: Mike Huckabee Roundup
Mike Huckabee: 'The bloggers' 'viciously celebrated' death of Chick-fil-A PR head
If you go over to Huffington Post, you will find a round up of numerous Twitter users blaming gays for killing Chick-fil-A's head of PR: [Huff Po] And if you go over to my Twitter wall from Friday, you will...
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NOM ally Mike Huckabee doesn't support NOM's Starbucks boycott
From Focus on the Family's Citizenlink: MIKE HUCKABEE: Instead of having an honest, rational, intellectually sound discussion about whether the COO of a company should be able to make statements, whether it’s Dan Cathy at Chick-fil-A or Howard Schultz at...
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Mike Huckabee won't defend what Dan Cathy *actually* said; because he can't, knows it'd drain support
Mike Huckabee may think the anti-gay parts of the Bible are lock solid. However, he better also hope that the bear false witness parts are a lie. Listen to this unbelievably misrepresentative assessment of the Chick-fil-A situation: SOURCE: Washington Watch...
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Maggie makes case for 'non-scary' Huckabee; 'not scary?' ask my ring finger, peace of mind
Despite what you (or she) might think, I actually do tend of think o Maggie Gallagher as someone who knows a thing or two about conservative politics. This, however, is just a ridiculous suggestion: But if you ask me, the...
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One prez hopeful who won't be rooting for 'The Kids Are All Right'
Remember when Mike Huckabee compared gays' kids to puppies? Yea, well -- he's now downgraded gay families to "our little guinea pigs" status: "I believe that we're in denial about potential problems as we see more and more homosexual couples...
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Business: Huckabee's made it his to be all up in yours
Iowa Family Policy Center President Chuck Hurley once called for the "healing of openly gay students." During the recent judicial retention campaign, he said that gays' civil marriages are "a degradation of God’s best design for the family." He's the...
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Video: Huckabee in Iowa, applauds dangerous decision to turn retention process into discriminatory smoke signal
This man wants to be your next president of this supposedly church/state-separated nation, a job that will most certainly come with a few U.S. Supreme Court picks: "[Retention vote] wasn't personal. It was just business. It was the business of...
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What would a President Huckabee's family policy look like? Look to Iowa
- Iowa Family Policy President Chuck Hurley has called for the "healing of openly gay students," as well as said that gays' civil marriages are "a degradation of God’s best design for the family." - Director of Public Relations &...
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Frum raises rhetorical question; Huckabee sticks with rhetorical talking points
Conservative David Frum recently posted a piece weighing the pros and cons of a Huckabee candidacy from a GOP perspective. Among his points, Frum presented this line: FRUM: Is he socially out of touch with modern America? On gay rights...
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Huck my 'ick'
The arrogance. The aggressive pushing of faith into civil life. The refusal to take responsibility for anything of the hurtful things he says. The willingness to partner up with anyone who can help his poll numbers, even those whose rhetoric...
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Morality affects economy, Mike? Oh, so you've seen gays' unequal tax bills?
Mike Huckabee has gone even further with his belief that so-called social issues like same-sex marriage must remain front and center in American politics. You know, because we gays (among others) are helping to ruin the national cash flow. Or...
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Culture war truce? Huck that!
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (R) had the nerve --THE NERVE! -- to suggest that the next president should call a "truce on social issues," so that he or she can instead focus on actual world problems (i.e. economy, war, oil...
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Audio: 'I'm not going to judge [gays].' Except, you know -- when I do. All the time. Constantly. Especially during elections.
Rosie, like most gay and lesbian parents, is not to fond of having her home compared to a kennel. Rosie, unlike most gay and lesbian parents, has a national radio show: "Ideal" is code wording. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,...
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Video: Mike and the Maddow
Mike Huckabee's anti-gay comments and then messenger-shooting turnaround have been a bonafide internet sensation this week. So naturally, @Maddow caught wind of it: Expect the GOP rising star to next suggest that Rachel find a career other than serving politicians...
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Audio: In which a shot messenger hauls out the whole Huckabee
Yesterday, after his unbelievable comments about homosexuality and puppies (among many other things) exploded on the web, Mike Huckabee issued the following statement, snarkily condemning M.C. Tracey, the College of New Jersey journalist who had printed his thoughts: Governor Mike...
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This man wants to be your President. We apologize in advance to your capacity to sleep: [Mike] Huckabee, a former Baptist preacher, remains in favor of keeping in place ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’ the policy that requires the military to...
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Photo: What the Huck?
MassResistance is one of only 11 groups in the nation to take their homo hostility far enough to earn the Southern Poverty Law Center's anti-gay "hate group" label. So you have to ask yourself: Why doesn't that little fact raise...
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Three fun, fast facts about the Illinois Family Institute: Up until July of this year, the IFI was listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups list. In that same month, the IFI's Laurie Higgins raised collective eyebrows when...
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The road to 1600 Pennsylvania winds through an SPLC hate group's backyard?
Q. What does a gay-unfriendly 2008 Republican presidential nominee (and likely 2012 candidate) do to bide his or her between-elections time? A. If the candidate is Mike Huckabee, he takes a speaking gig with one of the 12 U.S. groups...
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Basic fairness + Obama + Internet = RADICAL LEFT-WING AGENDA!
Frustrated with the Obama administration's recent handling of things like Don't Ask Don't Tell and DOMA? Well just to put things in perspective: We could have had a President Huckabee: BAPTIST PRESS: What do the Washington "tea leaves" say Obama...
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Mike's prominent mic: Queerty sorts through anti-gay noise
Queerty's sending a morning warning to queer progressives. The subject? Mike Huckabee. The problem? The way the once-and-future GOP presidential hopeful hides some of his party's most heated anti-gay rhetoric behind a good ol' boy Arkansas mask. Here's a snippet:...
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Animal instinct: The anti-gay obsession with bestiality
Back in 2000, Ellen pondered why so many 'mo foes jump immediately from gay marriage to goat-schtupping: Yet despite her apt comedic commentary on the absurdity behind the idea, the gay marriage-bestiality connection is an unfair linkage that our organized...
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Video: Why not just say 'we don't care for gays' and then end the segment?
FACT (:12): Including LGBT people within the realm of normalcy is unifying, Mike. Not to you, maybe. But to those of us who have been long-stymied under the cruel thumb of persecution, the idea that LGBT people will be respected...
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Video: I know you're pro-sodomy but what am I?
They're just so damn proud of their contempt for us: You're not pro gay/ pro-sodomy, Mr. Huckabee? Well you should really work on that, dude. Life hasn't been the same for us since we left our amateur status and became...
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Shocking: We see world differently than Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee has a book to sell. Mike Huckabee has to fire up fire and brimstone social conservatives if he is to have a political future. Mike Huckabee has a "culture war" to keep alive if he wants to be...
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Audio: Out progressives sometimes disagree. It's okay.
Yesterday we took a break from Howard Stern and tuned our Sirius/XM dial over to Michelangelo Signorile's fantastic OutQ radio show. We knew that our pal Pam Spaulding... (*proof we're pals) ...was going to be on Mike's show, and we...
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Video: 'Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality'
Mike Huckabee is simply unbelievable. So is Jon Stewart, but in a different way: The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c Mike Huckabee Pt. 2 Barack Obama Interview John McCain Interview Sarah Palin Video Funny Election...
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We like that he's protected on basis of (chosen) religion. Why does Mike care so little about us?
Want insight into the kind of bullet we dodged by not electing a President Mike Huckabee? Well... The kind of bullet that uses far-right talking points about post-Prop 8 "attacks," as if these isolated incidents are in any way comparable...
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While our brains were off for the weekend
Obama swept four states. A shaken Clinton shook up her staff. Huckabee remained resilient, vowing to stay in the race despite John McCain's sizable lead. It was another weekend in this long, strange trip that we call the primary process:...
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Dobson finds his Mr. Right
A few days after he announced that he's unlikely to vote for anyone should John McCain obtain the GOP nomination, Focus of the Family's head family focuser, James Dobson, has announced that he is endorsing his brother in anti-gayness, Mike...
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Video: Danny does Dixie
The proudly gay Dan Savage was sent out by Bill Maher's "Real Time" producers to gauge the queer views of Mike Huckabee's South Carolinian supporters. Check it out: ::sigh:: Why in a world filled with laziness, obesity, environmental corrosion, cruelty,...
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Why must our love always be a slippery slope to goat sex?
You know, if Huckabee does get the Republican nomination, by election day he may end up breaking some sort of record for anti-gay skeletons found to be living in one's closet. The latest revelatory comment comes from an interview the...
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Gay-unfriendly Huckabites get 'push'y
According to the Las Vegas-Review Journal, an organization called Common Sense Issues is calling up hundreds of thousands of Nevadans with automated "push polls," the likes of which specifically tout Mike Huckabee's anti-gay marriage views in contrast with Rudy Giuliani...
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Video: But Mitt, what makes you so different?
In response to Mike Huckabee's revelatory comment that we need to "amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other...
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What sort of 'change' would we get with Huckabee?
The following has been posted to the discussion forums at, a grassroots site in support a Mike Huckabee's White House bid: Post subject: The Huckster Cured my friend's Homosexuality... Hey guys...i'm new to the forum & just recently got...
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Our primary objection: Mike's fans don't care for gays
It's no secret that we fear the idea of a Mike Huckabee presidency in the same way an aging starlet might fear HD-TV or a slug might fear salt. And for yet another example of why we feel that his...
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Birds of a rabidly anti-gay feather flock to Mike
Wanna know the type of mindset that wants a Mike Huckabee presidency? Well, just look at who's helping the Huckster to gain ground in Michigan. This from CNN: "We laid the groundwork," says Gary Glenn, one of the leaders of...
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Anti-gay report card: Paul gets a smiley face
Just about every time we've written anything about Ron Paul, we've been bombarded by rabid gay supporters protesting that the GOP hopeful is the best bet for LGBT rights. However, at least one vehemently anti-gay leader strongly disagrees with that...
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Video: Huck tries to diffuse horrid comments, proceeds to make more
Remember those recently rediscovered book quotes in which Mike Huckabee did, no matter how you slice it, compare homosexuality to "pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia"? Well on yesterday's "Meet The Press," the GOP candidate struggled to explain how, exactly, he...
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Huckabee's verbal violence against our domestic loves
Over the weekend, GOP hopeful Mike Huckabee took the opportunity to clarify why, exactly, his opposition our families is not something we gays should take personally. And by "clarify," we mean, "once again justified his stance in a way that...
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Ann vs. Mike. vs. Lawrence vs. TX
This week, some obscure blonde columnist by the name of Anna Culker, Cooker, Corker (or something like that) wrote a column in which she condemned Mike Huckabee for being -- and get ready for this one -- TOO LIBERAL in...
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What next, will we find out Anita Bryant was actually Mike in drag?
Now gays, we know at this point finding more reasons to not vote for Mike Huckabee is about as gratuitous as a male hooker trying to find more reasons to hate impotence. However, these recently dug up comments wherein Huckster...
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Who likes Mike? Why Pete, of course
Mike Huckabee may be getting criticized from all sides (including Ryan White's mother) for his unbelievable comments regarding gays and AIDS patients. However, he does have a defender in Peter LaBarbera, who has just issued a press release applauding the...
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Huckabee: Mark/Mark miss their namesake
Yesterday in Miami, Mike Huckabee expounded on his gay-centric views. The governor and presidential candidate is quoted as having said: "Let's understand what sin means -- sin means missing the mark,"..."Missing the mark can mean missing the mark in any...
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We were scared of a poss. Pres. Huckabee. Now we're f***in' terrified!
Over the past months and even years, we've showed you some of the comments that have led us to fear that in terms of gay rights, Mike Huckabee would be a Bush 2.0 if elected to the White House. There...
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Like Darren Stevens or Willis Jefferson, Mike wants to inherit Dubya's script
Andy Towle has come across an interview that GOP hopeful Mike Huckabee has given to GQ magazine. Here's the money portion, in terms of what gays could expect under a [::shudder::] President Huckabee: Is the strategy shifting because social conservatives...
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Video: They use words like this, and WE'RE the ones who aren't supposed to 'tell'?!
From last night's Republican debate: You know, it would be so much more efficient if they would just admit that they don;t consider gay people deserving of equal footing. Because let's be honest -- that's what they're saying in their...
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Video: Semi-Live Streaming the 'Values Voters' Summit (Pt. 14)
Mike Huckabee lost a ton of weight a few years ago. Unfortunately, it wasn't the mass of his body that contains his learned bias against gay people that was shed from his frame: What do you think would get this...
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Eh, make your own 'I Huckabees' joke
In the latest issue of Time magazine, GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee answers the question of whether or not he believes homosexuality to be immoral. His answer: That's their business. I may not agree with it and, in fact, don't...
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Huckabees' joke">
Basically when these guys refer to historical civilizations, they mean 'middle America, 1950ish'
From Agape Press, this recount of comments Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee made about same-sex marriage at this past weekend's "Values Voters Summit": The governor...admitted he is "not real fond" when people try to tell him that he is just against...
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